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Fauna Sugar Glider ( Petaurus Breviceps)

Discussion in 'Flora dan Fauna' started by ffda, Jun 12, 2014.

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  1. ffda M V U


    Post Hunter

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Selamat Datang di Taman Sugar Glider

    Sugar Glider ( Petaurus Breviceps, )

    [TH="background-color: #A9A9A9"]Sugar Glider

    Nama Latin:Petaurus Breviceps
    Asal lokasi: Indonesia, Australia, Papua.
    Badan:12,7cm Ekor: 15cm
    Berat: Jantan 140g, Betina 120g
    Umur Dewasa: Jantan 2 tahun; Betina 7-15 bulan
    Jumlah anak: 1-2 ekor
    Masa Hamil: 14-16 hari
    Makanan: Elm Sap, Pollen, Madu, Serangga

    [TH="background-color: #A9A9A9"]SUMBER[/TH]

    [TH="background-color: #A9A9A9"]


    Sugar Glider

    Apakah Sugar Glider itu?
    Nama ilmiah Sugar Glider adalah Petaurus Breviceps, yang merupakan jenis tupai pohon kecil dan berkantung (marsupilia). Mereka terutama berasal dari negara-negara Asia Pasifik termasuk Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Nugini, dan Tasmania. Sugar glider dikenal dengan nama ini karena mereka menyukai makanan manis dan juga suka meluncur dari pohon ke pohon sehingga terlihat terbang melayang.

    Ada tujuh subspesies dari P. breviceps ini:
    * P. b. breviceps (Waterhouse, 1839)
    * P. b. longicaudatus (Longman, 1924)
    * P. b. ariel (Gould, 1842)
    * P. b. flavidus (Tate & Archbold, 1935)
    * P. b. papuanus (Thomas, 1888)
    * P. b. tafa (Tate & Archbold, 1935)
    * P. b. biacensis (Ulmer, 1940)

    Sugar glider ini juga dikenal sebagai pocket pet atau ‘hewan peliharaan dalam saku’, karena berukuran kecil dan dapat dibawa dalam saku/ kantung. Itu sebabnya banyak pemilik Sugar Glider menjaga hewan menawan ini. Sisi menarik lainnya dari Sugar Glider adalah bahwa mereka memiliki jari-jari kaki besar pada kaki belakang mereka, yang membantu mereka dalam membuat pegangan yang lebih kuat pada cabang pohon.

    Makhluk lucu ini termasuk kelompok mamalia berkantung (marsupial). Bayi berkembang dalam kantong/pelukan ibu mereka sampai mampu mandiri sekitar 1,5-2 bulan. Pocket pet ini memiliki ukuran panjang sekitar 5-6 inci dan berat sekitar 4-6 ons.

    Di alam liar dari habitat aslinya, Sugar Glider adalah hewan yang tinggal di pepohonan dan sering hidup dalam kelompok-kelompok terdiri dari 10 sampai 15 ekor. Hewan ini aktif pada malam hari ketika saatnya perburuan serangga dan vertebrata kecil dan makanan tertentu dari getah manis sejenis eucalyptus, akasia dan pohon karet. Dinamai Sugar Glider ini karena ia lebih menyukai makanan manis dan kemampuannya untuk melayang di udara, seperti tupai terbang.

    Usia kematangan seksual sugar glider sedikit berbeda-beda antara jantan dan betina. Jantan mencapai kematangan antara 3-12 bulan, sedangkan betina mencapai kematangan antara 5-18 bulan.
    Satu karakteristik khas yang membentuk mereka mencapai kematangan seksual adalah “kepala nya botak” di bagian atas kepala mereka yang sebenarnya adalah kelenjar keringat.

    Di alam liar, sugar glider hanya berkembang biak sekali setahun karena iklim dan kondisi habitat sementara mereka dapat berkembang biak hingga 4 kali per tahun di penangkaran. Seekor sugar glider betina masa kehamilan berlangsung hanya 16 hari, setelah sugar glider bayi akan merangkak ke kantong ibunya untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut.

    Mata mereka akan tetap tertutup selama 12-14 hari. Selama waktu ini mereka akan mulai berkembang dengan mulai tumbuh bulu dan peningkatan secara bertahap dalam bentuk ukuran tubuhnya. Tidak seperti banyak hewan asli Australia, terutama yang lebih kecil, Sugar Glider ini tidak begitu terancam akan populasinya. Meskipun secara besar-besaran hilangnya habitat alami di Australia selama 200 tahun terakhir, Sugar Glider tetap dilindungi oleh hukum di Australia, di mana memelihara hewan ini ilegal bagi yang tanpa izin atau yang menangkap atau menjual mereka tanpa lisensi (yang biasanya hanya dikeluarkan untuk penelitian). Sugar Glider juga dikenal akan kecerdasannya. Tetapi cukup mudah berkembang biak di penangkaran dgn kondisi yang tepat.

    Makanan untuk Sugar Glider
    Perawatan Sugar Glider (SG) tidaklah terlalu sulit. Pemberian makanan pun tidaklah susah, cukup diberikan pilihan makanan seperti makanan bayi (bubur susu), madu, yoghurt, sayuran / buah-buahan seperti apel, pepaya, pisang, anggur, melon, pear, dll. Boleh juga diberikan telur rebus, keju, pelet dog/cat food khusus untuk pelet, pilih yg high protein minimal 30% keatas dengan bahan dasar ayam yang memiliki kadar magnesiumnya rendah jangan lebih dari 0,01% sebab dapat merusak ginjal. Untuk pelet kitten food sebaiknya diimbangi dengan air minum yang banyak. Sugar Glider (SG) membutuhkan asupan makanan yg tinggi protein, tinggi kalsium, rendah fosfor dan rendah lemak.

    Selain itu bisa juga diberikan umbi2an seperti bengkoang, wortel rebus dan ubi rebus. Sugar glider setiap hari membutuhkan protein dalam jumlah yang cukup besar (mencapai 40%), oleh karena itu jika memberikan buah2an bisa diberi suplemen tambahan berupa serangga (jangkrik, belalang) dan ulat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan proteinnya. Jenis makanan yang diberikan sebaiknya bervariasi. Misalnya di lakukan rotasi setiap 3 hari, yaitu buah-buahan dengan serangga, sayur (wortel rebus) dengan ulat, dan jangkrik. Jika mendapatkan asupan makanan yang benar dan nutrisi yang baik, Sugar Glider akan dapat hidup dengan sehat.

    Sugar glider juga membutuhkan minuman. Air bersih harus disediakan sepanjang hari (disarankan air mineral yang telah melalui proses penyulingan) atau jus buah, dan bisa diletakkan di dalam tempat minum untuk hamster (disarankan juga yang ada bola nya agar air tidak mengotori kandang) atau dapat juga diletakkan dalam wadah kecil yang berat sehingga tidak mudah tumpah pada saat SG bermain.

    Jenis Sugar Glider

    SG memiliki bermacam-macam warna tubuh. Di Indonesia sendiri umumnya dikenal 2 jenis warna yaitu mocca dan abu-abu. Berikut ini beberapa gambar jenis warna lain:



    Classic Grey



    White Tip

    White Face
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. daeitriz M V U


    Lurking Around

    Aug 26, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +562 / -0
    Jenis-jenis Sugar Glider

    1. Classic grey

    Jenis sugar glider classic grey adalah jenis yang paling umum ditemui di indonesia.
    Ciri-ciri sugar glider jenis classic grey adalah bulunya yang berwarna abu-abu.

    2. Albino

    Jenis sugar glider yang kedua adalah jenis albino. Sugar glider jenis ini tidak memiliki pigmen warna di tubuhnya, menjadikan setiap inci tubuhnya berwarna putih dan matanya berwarna merah.
    Sugar glider jenis albino termasuk jenis sugar glider yang paling mahal harganya. Di indonesia sendiri, harga seekor sugar glider albino berkisar antara 15 sampai 10 juta.

    3. Leucistic

    Jenis sugar glider yang ketiga adalah jenis sugar glider leucistic. Sekilas, jenis sugar glider ini mirip sugar glider albino. Perbedaan sugar glider leucistic dengan sugar glider albino terletak pada warna matanya. Warna mata sugar glider albino berwarna merah, sementara warna sugar glider leucistic berwarna hitam.

    Harga sugar glider leucistic hampir sama dengan harga sugar glider albino, meski ditemukan pula sugar glider leucistic yang harganya jauh lebih mahal dari jenis albino.

    4. White face.

    Jenis sugar glider yang keempat adalah jenis sugar glider white face. Jenis sugar glider ini mirip dengan jenis classic grey. Perbedaannya adalah bulu sugar glider white face berwarna sedikit lebih putih dibandingkan jenis classic grey. Seperti namanya, sugar glider white face juga memiliki area berwarna putih lebih luas di wajahnya dibandingkan sugar glider classic grey.
    Harga seekor sugar glider jenis white face berkisar antara 6 hingga 4 juta rupiah perekornya, meski ada pula yang menjual dibawah dari harga tersebut.

    5. White tip

    Jenis sugar glider selanjutnya adalah jenis white tip. Seperti namanya, jenis sugar glider ini memiliki ekor yang memiliki bagian berwarna putih. Secara fisik, jenis sugar glider white tip memiliki kesamaan fisik dengan sugar glider white face.
    Harga sugar glider white tip sedikit lebih mahal dibandingkan sugar glider jenis white face. Harga sugar glider white tip berkisar antara 6 hingga 8 juta perekornya.

    6. Mosaic

    Jenis sugar glider yang keenam adalah jenis mosaic. Jenis sugar glider ini memiliki sifat fisik mirip dengan sugar glider leucistic dengan guratan-guratan corak berwarna abu-abu muda mirip sugar glider white face.
    Harga sugar glider mosaic berkisar antara 6 hingga 8 juta perekornya.

    Sumber : http://jual-beli-hewan-peliharaan.blogspot.com/2013/11/jenis-jenis-sugar-glider.html
  4. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
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    How to Care for a Sugar Glider

    Are you the proud new owner of a Sugar Glider? Looking for ways to properly care for and pamper your new pal? The tips in this article will help you provide an enjoyable and safe living environment for your new pet.

    1. Purchase a cage.
    Though many breeders will give you a cage with your purchase, it may not be big enough. Minimum cage size for a pair of gliders is 3 feet high by 2 feet wide with no more than 1/2 inch bar spacing. There are several sources for cages online or check your local pet store. Avoid galvanized steel cages because they can rust and cause urinary tract infections in male gliders.

    2. Create the habitat.
    Sugar gliders are intelligent and need an engaging environment. You need to stimulate your gliders mind with interesting things to look at touch, smell and play with. If your glider is neglected in this area you may have health issues along with behavior problems. Most toddler toys are glider safe including, fun rings, barrel of monkeys, small plastic beads, empty spools of thread, safe glider wheels. Consider rotating toys and rearranging the elements in the cage on a regular basis.

    3. Give them a place to sleep.
    Sugar gliders sleep in pouches. Fleece is a great material because it won't catch their feet. Additionally, hollowed out coconuts are also popular.

    4. Select a healthy diet.
    Preparing food for sugar gliders is more like feeding animals in a zoo than opening a bag of kibble. There are several diets available such as Burbon's Modified Ledbetter Diet or the Suncoast diet. Both help the gliders get the calcium they need to avoid malnutrition and HLP (hind leg paralysis). Do some research online to find one that works for you.

    5. Keep snacks on hand.
    Gliders love snacks and snacks can be a great resource for bonding. One of the most nutritious is live meal worms. Seeing how much your little guy loves mealies will help you get over the "ick" factor (most pet stores sell plastic tweezers). Other snacks include fresh fruit, dried unsulfured papaya, dried unsulfured coconut, yogurt drops, pine nuts (in limited quantities), peas, and "lickey treats" which could be yogurt, applesauce or baby food. (Hawaiian Delight and chicken with apples are favorites.) When choosing snacks avoid all artificial sweeteners, colors or other non-natural ingredients.

    6. Select a vet.
    Just like dogs and cats, sugar gliders occasionally get sick. Make sure you have a vet in your area who specializes in glider care. Also, consider neutering your male glider if paired with a female glider to prevent inbreeding.

    7. Take the time to bond with your glider.
    One of the most special things about sugar gliders is the need for socialization. Though some breeders will sell single gliders, gliders do much better in pairs or colonies. Gliders are capable of a lot of love and if you spend time with them and give them respect, they will grow to trust you. An important thing to consider is that gliders form strong bonds and can become despondent when the bond is broken. A glider's life span is 15 years. Before bringing home a glider, you will need to consider if you are offering them a forever home. Snuggling your sugar glider and petting them when they are sleepy in their pouch is a great way to connect. Another useful technique is "tent time." Playing with your gliders in a tent allows them freedom to roam without a mad dash somewhere you can't coax them out of.

    8. Connect with other glider owners in your area.
    It is great fun to connect with other glider owners to share the joy. Plus they can be a great resource when you have to ask questions. There are many forums and message-boards that are glider-related. Log on.
    images at source
  5. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
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    Prospek Bisnis Beternak Sugar Glider Ternyata Sangat Cerah​

    Sugar Glider (Petaurus Breviceps) saat ini memang menjadi hewan peliharaan yang sedang digandrungi kalangan masyarakat. Disamping bentuknya yang lucu, binatang jenis Marsupialia ini ternyata juga bisa menjadi binatang jinak dan penurut. Lalu bagaimana peluang bisnis ternak Sugar Glider? Berikut ini adalah ulasannya.

    Secara fisik Sugar Glider atau biasa disebut SG ini memiliki bentuk fisik menyerupai tupai, namun lebih kecil dan memiliki kantong di perutnya (seperti seekor kangguru). SG ini merupakan binatang endemic asli Papua dan Australia, dan bukanlah binatang pengerat seperti tupai.

    Menurut Juli, salah seorang peternak SG asal Jakarta, SG banyak disukai orang karena bentuknya yang lucu dan menggemaskan, hal inilah yang kemudian membuat banyak orang tertarik memeliharanya sebagai hewan peliharaan. SG sangat menyukai berdiam dalam tempat yang berbentuk kantong, sehingga kemudian berkembang pula aksesoris berupa kantong-kantong yang menarik dan bervariasi sebagai tempat berlindung SG. Di luar negeri SG biasa juga disebut sebagai pocket pets, karena bentuknya yang mungil dan biasanya orang-orang membawa SG ini dengan menggunakan pocket atau kantong khusus.

    Keunggulan SG menurut Juli adalah kemampuannya beradaptasi yang luar biasa, sehingga membuat SG tidak mudah terkena penyakit atau virus. Selain itu untuk mengembangbiakkannya juga cukup simple dan tidak ribet. Daya tarik lain yang dimiliki SG, adalah warna bulunya yang menarik. Warna bulu SG yang ada dipasaran biasanya adalah Black Beauty/grey. Sedangkan jenis SG yang beredar di pasaran terdapat pula SG hasil impor, yaitu White Face, White Tip, Platinum, dan Albino yang memiliki harga jual tinggi.

    Juli menuturkan, jika ingin memelihara SG untuk tujuan ternakpun cukup mudah, anda bisa memulainya dengan memilih indukan yang sudah berusia 1-5 tahun. Kenapa dipilih usia ini, karena SG pada usia ini lebih produktif, dan jika diberikan nutrisi dan pakan yang benar akan berkembang biak dengan cepat. SG melahirkan anak dua kali dalam satu tahun. Rata-rata SG melahirkan 1-2 ekor anak.

    peluang bisnis sugar gliderKeberhasilan anak SG tumbuh dewasa sangat tinggi. Hal inilah yang membuat bisnis pembudidayaan SG memiliki prospek yang bagus. Bagaimana tidak, saat ini anakan SG atau biasa disebut Joy bisa dihargai Rp 400 – Rp 700 ribu, tergantung jenis, kondisi dan keunikan SG itu sendiri.

    Selain perawatan yang simple, budidaya SG juga tidak memerlukan kandang besar yang memakan ruang. Pun makanan untuk SG juga tergolong murah. Untuk membudidayakan SG, Anda bisa menggunakan kandang Hamster dan ditaburi serbuk potongan kayu. Banyaknya stasiun TV dan media yang mengulas lifestyle anak-anak perkotaan yang memelihara SG ini juga membuat permintaan SG semakin hari semakin meningkat.

    Kemampuan hidup SG yang bisa sampai 15 tahun, pemeliharaan yang simpel dan tingginya permintaan sebagai hewan peliharaan yang sedang trend membuat SG sangat cocok untuk diternakkan dan bisa menjadi peluang bisnis yang menguntungkan. Nah, sudah terbersit keinginan untuk membisniskan SG ini?

  6. wiwis6002 M V U



    Mar 29, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +2,554 / -2

    • Sugar gliders get their name from their love of sugar and their innate ability to glide from tree to tree using the webbed area between their body and back legs along with their tails.
    • The sugar glider is a marsupial, like a kangaroo or wombat.
    • Sugar gliders only weigh about 4 ounces as full-grown adults.
    • Sugar gliders are able to glide over 150 feet.
    • In the wild, when a sugar glider launches himself from a tree, he spreads his limbs.
    • The gliding membranes of a sugar glider are located from his wrists to his ankles and open up to slow his descent, much like a parachute.
    • A sugar glider can change the curvature of the membrane by moving his legs to regulate his glide, and also uses his tail (which is as long as his body) like a rudder.
    • Sugar gliders, like kangaroos, have a pouch where baby gliders, called joeys, live for 60-70 days. At around 4 months of age, joeys are able to survive on their own outside the pouch.
    • In the wild, sugar gliders live in trees, and rarely, if ever, touch the ground.
    • Sugar gliders nest in holes in old growth trees and mark their nests with urine.
    • In the wild, sugar gliders can live in groups of up to 15-30 gliders.
    • Sugar gliders have opposable fingers and toes.
    • Sugar gliders are found in Australia, Tasmania, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Their scientific name is Petaurus breviceps and are in the same order as kangaroos, opossums, wombats, and Tasmanian devils.

  7. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +40,339 / -7
    12 Common Medical Problems In Sugar Gliders

    1. Trauma/Accidents: The most common medical problem, far too often ending in death. Toilet drowning, broken bones, injuries from other pets, unsupervised playtime, strangulation from strings, getting claws hung up, etc. This list could go on and on. Sadly, most of the traumas and accidents are avoidable.

    2. Dehydration: A common symptom of just about any illness, disease or lack of water supply. It could be caused by the water bottle balls sticking and preventing water flow. A sugar glider can totally dehydrate and die in as little as 12 hours.
    Dehydration can be easily tested for by pulling up the skin at a glider’s shoulders. If the skin stays up or goes down very slowly, there is a good chance the pet is dehydrated. Veterinarians can treat this with shots of fluids under the skin. This is only a symptom, try to find the cause.

    3. Parasites: Parasites are anything that attaches to and lives off a host. Mites are not common, but do occur. Giardia, however, is common (see below). Sugar gliders are not known for getting fleas or ticks, thus preventive treatment is not recommended.

    4. Giardia: A common protozoan parasite that can be easily found in a fecal exam. Symptoms vary from glider to glider and can include diarrhea, weight loss, lethargy, dehydration and loss of appetite. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all. It is usually contracted via water supply or unwashed fruits and vegetables.
    Your glider should get fecal exams a minimum of every six months, more often if Giardia has ever been diagnosed. Most owners use bottled spring water or water purifiers to prevent Giardia.

    5. Bacterial Infections: Bacteria are everywhere. Common culprits for spreading it include your hands, improper handling of foods or unsanitary conditions. Having a vet do a culture is expensive but necessary in diagnosis.

    6. Pesticide Poisoning: This can come from either direct contact with the pesticides or indirect contact (eating an insect, fruit or vegetable that was exposed to pesticides). Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly and get your insects from a reputable breeder.

    7. Hind Leg Paralysis/Calcium Deficiency: A dietary problem, caused usually from an improper balance of the vitamins and minerals in the total food intake. It could also be caused by a genetic defect of not being able to metabolize calcium properly.
    Symptoms usually begin with gradual weakness in the hindquarters. It affects the bones, muscles and major organs. Note: A glider can show the symptoms of HLP and actually have an injury to its back, muscles or ligaments, a bacterial, viral or other infection.
    If HLP is suspected please have X-rays taken to check for broken bones, a urinanalysis done and a bacterial culture of the mouth and cloacal area taken. Left untreated, this condition will cause the system to go into total shut down.

    8. Urinary Tract Infections: Unsanitary surroundings, illness and administered medications are common causes. It can be diagnosed with a urinalysis.

    9. Respiratory Infections: Pneumonia and upper respiratory infections are commonly caused by drafts, improper temperatures, viruses and bacterial infections. Wheezing, whistling or general illness-type symptoms are common. However, some gliders show no respiratory distress symptoms.

    10. Stress: Gliders do not handle stress well. Hair loss, biting of the tail end, self-mutilation, intestinal problems, cage circling, changes in behavior or attitude, excessive crabbing, lunging or biting are all symptoms. New environments, people, housing, cagemates, other animals, children, change of diet, smells, sounds, etc. can all cause stress.

    11. Nutritional Dystrophy: It attacks the organs and immune system and symptoms may not show up for several years. Gliders whose parents were on inadequate diets or joeys that have been pulled from their parents prior to natural weaning may have weakened immune systems, intestinal and organ problems. The lack of calcium or too much calcium, too much or too little of proper vitamins and minerals are commonly seen and can be fatal. Changing diets is hard on a glider’s intestinal system. Putting a glider on a good diet doesn’t mean it can reverse damage that has already been done.

    12. Lack of Information: Many veterinarians are not knowledgeable about sugar gliders. Much of the information they have was acquired from old journals, books, articles, owners and outdated websites started by well-intentioned people. Vets may try to extrapolate what they can from other species. Some don’t run all the needed tests to come up with a proper diagnosis, and treat the symptoms rather than the problems. The common tests run by most sugar glider-savvy vets include: fecal exams, urinalysis, X-rays, bacterial cultures/sensitivity tests (cloacal/or*l).

  8. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
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    Sugar Glider Communication Revealed
    Learn how to tell what a sugar glider is communicating to you.​

    By Audrey Pavia

    Sugar gliders communicate with sound, scent and body language.

    They make several distinct sounds.
    Barking: One is a "bark" that is similar to a puppy yipping. The precise reason sugar gliders make this sound is unknown, but it may be in response to being frightened or to call out to other sugar gliders.
    Purring: Gliders also produce a "purring" sound when they are content, but it is very faint and hard to hear.
    Crabbing: Sugar gliders also make a "crabbing" sound, which is a defense mechanism and indicates fear. It is been described as sounding like locust at night with an escalating, then decreasing pitch.
    Hissing: "Hissing" is similar to the "crabbing" sound but comes in more short and deliberate bursts. It is thought sugar gliders hiss to indicate annoyance.
    Chattering: "Chattering" is similar to squirrel chatter with very short, quick taps. It seems to indicate excitement.
    Crying: Sugar gliders also have a "crying" sound that is often associated with separation from cage mates or family.
    Singing: Sugar glider females with young are said to "sing" while the babies are still in the pouch. It is described as a soft, rhythmic sound that changes in pitch.​

    Scent-marking is a natural behavior for sugar gliders. In the wild, dominant adult male sugar gliders scent-mark their territory and other colony members. In captivity, male sugar gliders mark other cage members by rubbing their head and chest glands on them.
    They also scent mark objects in their cage. In general, sugar gliders do not emit an offensive odor. Mature males of breeding age have a slightly stronger odor than females.

    Body Language
    Sugar gliders use body language to communicate mood. Sugar gliders can take on a defensive position by standing on the hind legs with head extended forward and mouth open. Or, a sugar glider may lie on its back, vocalizing with all four feet extended toward the perceived threat. If a sugar glider takes these positions when you attempt to pick it up, try offering the flat heel of your hand for the sugar glider to smell until it calms down. If the sugar glider bites you on this part of your hand, the bite shouldn’t be deep.
    Signs of chronic stress are irritability, not wanting to be handled, more time in nest than playing, poor appetite, self mutilation and hair loss.

  9. ernimulyandari M V U


    ~ 에르니~

    Jul 6, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +12,192 / -0
    Hewan ini kini dijadikan hewan peliharaan dan sering masuk di acara televisi... :ogtop:

  10. trek99 Members


    Silent Reader

    Mar 1, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    Ada yang tau ngga kalo mau beli yang captive breed (CB) dimana untuk Jakarta?
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