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New Normal Diary

Discussion in 'Dear Diary' started by ryrien, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Happy New Year!

    Semoga tahun ini bisa lebih banyak game/anim/manga/vn yang beres.

    Closers kekny rip, xigncode rusak ato knp :dead:

    Oh well, mulai balik offline lagi dah.


    Cicil yg di dekstop :keringat:
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

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  4. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Beresin Yuukoku no Moriarty seharian, jadi pengen baca novel sherlock holmes lagi. Cuman baca beberapa buku jadi nggak terlalu ngikutin masalah Moriarty nya. Malah lebih banyak tau dari Conan :keringat: Cari ah :lalala:
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    The Dark Lady

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  6. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Seharian nnton Alice in Borderland netflix s1 mayan jg :keringat: Buat yg nyari survival/death game bisa dibilang mayan, sayang isinya banyak adegan yg nggak penting. Gameny jg yg menarik cmn yg milih pintu sama 7 hearts. Sisanya :ngantuk:

  7. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    5 hari kejar Horimiya beres juga.

    Ceritanya 50 chapter awal lumayan cuman kekny terlalu cepat jadian setelahny kerasa cuman milking. Yg awalny bittersweet jadi cuman sol aja. Trus nggak terlalu suka sama Hori, terlalu jablay. Fav girl mungkin Yuki, klo cowok Iura.

    7 lah.
  8. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Free sepuluh hari :cheers: Pengen rasanya ad satu game yg tamat minimal :keringat: Rencanany mo main ini Blacksmith of the Sand moga bagus :iii: Cari yg ringan buat bangkitin mood ngegame offline :nikmat:
  9. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
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    Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom (1)

    Setelah main beberapa jam lumayan jg ternyata :keringat: Kyk Alchemist Meister + Recettear + Octopath Traveler :iii: Gamenya grindy tapi ada auto jadi nggak terlalu masalah. Awal default cowok sisa party bisa customize :lalala:


    Mulai seru pas buka sistem subclass macam octopath. Bisa kombinasi macam2 terutama pasifnya. Spritenya jg lumayan :hmm: Skillnya jg bisa dileveling :blink:


    Kyknya tujuan akhir beresin aciv di gamenya aja :keringat: Tar update 10 jam gameplay lg maybe :nikmat:
  10. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
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    Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom (2)

    20 jam udh lvl 50 kekny 30+ jam beres ini :hmm:


    Class udah buka semua dan ternyata nggak mesti beda kelas, bisa 4 kelas sama persis juga gpp :keringat: Tapi aku bedain aja biar seru, aku bikin 2 dps 1 tank 2 support :iii:


    Selanjutnya sisa ngurus level skill sama ngatur equip paling sama nyelesain aciv :nikmat: Oh iya sampe skrg blum tau guna jewel apaan juga :pusing: Next update udh tamat kayakny :lalala:Update: Jewel buat revive ternyata klo wipe-out.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  11. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Blacksmith of The Sand Kingdom Review


    It took me 10 days to even finish this, slow af :keringat:

    Ada story tapi ya standar dan kurang digali sih. Like what even osananajimi and the cat for :swt:

    Remind me of Kamidori a little because you can craft + jual (bisa set harga) + ada arena. Octopath because sub-class system and passive. Like there a lot of class and with useful passive. Passive paling utama keknya atlas dari explorer buat liat map dungeon dan isinya. Ya lumayan lah class systemnya :lalala:

    Well the battle itself is turn-based and there is auto feature. Auto featurenya mayan nggak bego2 amat AI nya karena bisa di set skill mana aj yg bisa aktif. I pretty much beat all the bosses with auto activated :lol: Well except maybe the last two post-ending bosses because I need to buff first :keringat: There are also many different mechanic to buff your party like faith and rune. Nah ini yg bikin makan waktu transfer rune satu-satu ke equip baru :muntah:

    The game kinda overwhelming at first but it became repetitive faster than you think.

    The pixel art for all the class are very cute but thats about it.

    Decent, but nothing worth enough for me to search for it.

    Of course :fufufu:


    38 jam. Lama juga :keringat: Baru sadar lupa balikin sub-class. Ini malah thief semua karena habis beresin buku monsternya 100% :facepalm: Because you need to actually steal the items for all the monsters (bosses included) to make it 100%. Its kinda dumb rule but okay. Also don't worry if you missed to steal bosses items the first time you encountered it, ada boss-rush after post-ending. Hampir bathert gara2 itu :piso:



    Ngl I had fun racik komposisi party and mikir buildnya.

    Verdict: 5.875​
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  12. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
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    Atelier Ryza 2 (1)


    15 jam main belum ketemu openingnya ini game, apa emang nggak ada :bingung: Mungkin karena blum ngurus main story sih :ngacir: Baru masuk ruin pertama sampe beres :tidur: Sementara ngurus kota dan pelajari loop material dulu buat bagusin equip (Jadi nyatat2 lagi :belajar:) Kompas masih 7% dan kykny bakal masih segitu 10 jam kemudian :keringat: Masih ngurus Skill Tree juga sampe mentok dan jelajahi map lama :voodoo: Ya sebenarnya bisa skip gituan dan fokus main story tapi dah kebiasaan dari Lulua, sekarang liat equip quality ampas trait amburadul jadi mesti bagusin dulu :fufufu:

    Anyway, sebenarnya biasa aja sama Atelier Ryza, ampas malah storyny dibanding Lulua tapi penasaran sama sequelny bakal seampas apa jadi main aja dah :lalala: Ngarep nggak ketemu Bos sama sekali, eh dari awal langsung ketemu :muntah1:

    Overall sejauh ini ostny mayan :nikmat: Mekanisme alchemy nya sama kyk yg pertama cuman ad tambahan beberapa fitur baru kyk skill tree dan overflow Bakal lebih banyak lagi yg baru kesananya pasti :iii: Battle ada beberapa perubahan juga, meski nggak terlalu ingat sama yg pertama tapi fitur bisa spam 4 item bersamaan asal cukup CC kykny baru :blink:

    Udh dlu dah tar updet lg klo dah jd gearny :dribble:
  13. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Atelier Ryza (2)

    Akhirnya ada waktu dan kuota buat update :keringat: Tapi bingung sistem updateny jadi aku banyak SS aj dah :lalala:



    Krn blum lanjut main story jadi masih 2 org :keringat: dan sudah 35 jam :swt:


    Skill tree udah mentok semua, sisanya kelocked mesti progress main story :hmm:





    Untuk sementara equipmentny gini dulu traitnya, quality mentok 100 mesti unlock skill tree :keringat:



    Trait buat bomb sama heal item masih seadanya :keringat:




    Yeah disuruh ke Valley of Winds tp malah sibuk crafting sampe banjir SP buat Skill Tree :lol:

    Oh lupa ini tp ini kekny nggak ngaruh apa2 di quality sama trait, tp y mentokin aj dah :keringat:



    Di Ryza 1 nggak ada main reputasi, tapi jadi balik ada lagi dari atelier sebelumnya :keringat: Udh mentok semua sih krn board quest lumayan buat nambah2 SP skill tree :lalala:




    Fitur baru di Ryza 2, jadi ngejual tipe bahan apa aja buat unlock jualan baru + upgrade item di semua toko. Masih seadanya juga :keringat:


    Ini fitur bisa ngeliat material apa yang bisa didapat lumayan lah, klo di ryza 1 ini end game baru bisa :swt: Tetap lebih prefer tipe atelier sebelumny sih yg di tiap map langsung ada keliatan bisa dpt apa aja di situ, semacam llistnya. Klo ini nggak ada, harus ingat2 tempatnya :dead: Ada di guide tp ribet mesti cek per item bukan per lokasi.

    Panjang amat, next kyknya nggak sebanyak ini.. welp tergantung aja sih :ngacir:
  14. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Atelier Ryza (3) Fake

    .. pengennya tulis gitu tp aku nggak nyentuh selama 10 hari mau nulis apaan :dead:

    Malah sibuk baca LN :keringat: Berapa hari lalu beres baca kumoko spider LN vol 1-10 :nikmat: Sekarang lg baca Mushoku vol 3 :belajar:

    .. makin banyak numpuk anime yg blum ditonton sama game tapi ya mau gimana lagi :lalala:
  15. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Its been a sudden but I decided to became a Sage starting today

    Well not that anyone actually know what it means.

    Anyway I guess I'll try to update this daily again
  16. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
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    Mushoku Tensei Review
    (Web Novel + Light Novel + Manga + Anime + Redudancy Chapters)
    Udah sbulan lebih tamat baca ini tapi baru ada niat nulis reviewny. Well waktu itu animenya jg masih tayang jadi pengen liat adaptasinya jg sampe mana :keringat: Emang dasarnya malas aj Tapi beberapa hari lalu -akhir maret- terbit LN nya vol 10 dan aku baru beres baca, niat review jadi timbul lagi :onfire:

    To put it simply, Mushoku is not a masterpiece -at least for me- but the ending actually make me thinking a lot of things. Well lets start this review :ehem:

    First lets talk about the adaptation. Adaptasinya sebenarnya mayan pacenya (3 vol LN) cuman krn aku dah baca LN+WN duluan, banyak detail tentang world buildingny hilang kek perbedaan nilai mata uang di Asura vs Demon Continent, atau sejauh apa sebenarnya Rudi terteleport atau seberapa besar wilayah yg kena dampak teleport itu. Dua hal terakhir yg aku sebutkan itu penting sih dikasih tau duluan. Bahkan di LN dikasih map nya ntar jadi kebayang sejauh apa. Also I hate how they make Eris looks like she has no brain. She's actually thinking a lot of things you know. We're got her PoV at some point :sigh:

    Well, plusnya di anime pas di demon continent bicara pake demon language itu sih. Klo pas baca nggak keliatan bedanya. Its nice effort from the staff to construct demon language. Jadi nggak sabar mo dengar bahasa lain, beast, dragon dll. Well selain dua itu, ekstra chapter jg nggak ke adaptasi. Tapi, overall okelah. Its still nice quality production. OP and ED good. Battle animation good. VA good. BGM good.

    Next, Light Novel. Sejauh ini ada 10 volume yg udah di TL ke inggris dari 24 volume. Vol 9-10 especially 10 will always be my favourite volume because the wholesome stuff. When I first reading it, I literally just grinning the entire time. Enaknya LN Mushoku kontenny sama persis dengan WN nggak kyk kumoko. Meski ada tambahan 1 volume (Vol 7) yang nggak ada di WN sama sekali. Manganya aku blum sentuh tapi chapter terakhir aku liat pertengahan vol 9 LN. Also I prefer LN art.

    Nah karena LN baru ad 10 volume yg ke TL (Waktu aku beres baca cmn 9) jadi pindah ke WN. Untungny udah beres di TL sama orang meski TL nya ampas (Its worse than Zero-Ao leaked fan-translation). Tapi karena udah ad basic dikit dari LN yg udah di translate jadi misal TL nya beda tapi masih ngerti maksudnya kek istilah2nya gitu.

    I already told this many times to other people but if I could choose, I won't read vol 24 (Last vol) at all. But sadly, I can't unread it and its already imprinted in my mind. Vol 23 foursome ending is already good enough. Its happily ever after kind of ending.

    Okay lets talk about the ending in more detail. I hate vol 24 ending because it make me think of my real life. Its sudden realization that got me 'People actually dead at some point'. Jadi vol 24 endingny Rudi umur 70an di tempat tidur udh sekarat di kelilingi cucu sanak keluarga and he said he was happy about his life. When I first reading it I just.. idk. I know this novel is biography of Rudy technically but its just not fair to skip through and jump straight to the end from vol 23. Jadi mikir Adol juga. Idk if I want to see how he died in front of me too. Its a really mixed feeling. Its sad and hurts. Even thought I dont really like Rudy but still I was following his life for 23 vol and suddenly he died. Its kind of jealous too how he died. It make me thought how I will die too. Will I die with so many people tear up for me or will I die alone. It scares me but also kind of motivate me to make effort in my real life. I realize I fucked up my RL and even in internet. I lose many friends and there's nothing I could do about it. Do I still have time to make things right? Thats one reason I decide to become a Sage but when I was just finished this, I hate the idea to change because of this mere novel. My pride got in the way. But I realize this novel telling the truth. I cant be this way forever. This ending really make me think a lot of things, for a while I dont even care about my online game. Fu*k resin Fu*k stamina Fu*k my life. I retired from Bandori because this too even thought its not direct result. It makes me anxious. This is why I dont really recommend people to read vol 24. Vol 23 ending is enough. Its fu*king enough.

    Because many things after I read this novel my heart just feel empty, and I hope the redudancy chapter could fill my heart somehow with Mushoku content. What I expect form redudancy chapter is stories about 3 wives mostly but what I get is who end up with who starting from Rudy sister and continue to all his children smh. This too -different feeling than vol 24 ending- was something I wish I can unread it. There's still some good chapter tho but yeah still :sigh: Nggak apa sih klo ad penjabaran detailny tapi tau detail tentang keluarga rudy dari pov Nanahoshi yg sebulan sekali bangun, nggak ad feelny. Cuman bisa bilang Oh.. whatever.

    I really wish we got this https://www.wuxia.blog/novel/Mushoku-Tensei/25347/Volume-17-Side-Story-Womens-Meeting.html more. This is my best chapter the entire series.

    There's so many characters in Mushoku but I limited it to Rudy and his harem.

    Rudy: 7
    Like I said before I don't like Rudy much. There's so many decision he made that make me thinking why it turned out this way or why he's so dumb. But I realize thats what I made him more human even though he's actually OP in a sense like a protagonist in isekai commonly. But yeah I still hate it. Well at least he made the effort and you could actually see his life is happy troughout his entire life.

    Sylphie: 12/10
    My favourite character of this series. She doesnt get much screentime in earlier series but when it finally happened instant favourite. Thats why my favourite vol is 9 and 10 . Its just too cute. Well after that she's continue growing on me. I respected her deeply as rudy's first wife. She's the ideal wife you want.

    Roxy: 9,5
    The GOD. My favorite VA voiced her. Sadly she won't get much screentime in the anime for a long time until vol 12. But I dunno if its because Koko-chan voiced her, I always pictured Mona when I said Roxy smh.

    Eris: 9
    The husband, rudy said lol. The way you could see Eris become mature and badass each day troughout the journey is really good and I wish anme could potrayed it better. She will become the waifu for a long time for anime onlies I guess.

    Nanahoshi: 10
    Actuall Japanese JK. I actually like her a lot and she's cute. I really wish she is part of the harem. The chemistry between her and Rudy its just so good.

    Ariel: 11/10
    This is the girl that I really really really really really want to be in a part of harem. Even Rudy actually dreaming it and at some point she proposed to sleep together with him once and make Sylphie jealous lol. The princess its just so so so so so good. She is supreme being and has perfect personality, and considering how she ended up I really wished she slept with Rudy once. In redudancy, she become part of family later because her children ended up married with Rudy's children but I wish she's Rudy wife instead. But I respect Sylphie so its fine I guess, same case with Nanahoshi.

    Verdict: 8.75​
  17. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Beres juga baca The Miracles of the Namiya General Store :nikmat: Akhirnya habis juga novel di hp. Pengen review tapi sekalian aja sama semua karya Keigo Higashino yang udah baca minggu ini. Nggak review jg sih paling komen aja.

    -Detective Kaga Series-

    -Detective Galileo Series-
    Devotion of Suspect X
    Salvation of a Saint
    A Midsummer's Equation

    The Name of the Game is a Kidnapping
    Journey under the Midnight Sun
    The Miracles of the Namiya General Store

    Dari ke 8 title, kyknya yg aku rekomen banget itu Malice sama Namiya. Malice itu krn novel Keigo yg pertama kali baca jadi berkesan banget. Pas dapat twistny merinding. Klo yg Namiya itu krn wholesome dibanding 7 title lain tentang crime and shit, Namiya beda genre sendiri. Really perfect end for my journey of all these author's books. Tapi semua sebenarnya bagus2 cuman rata2 itu authornya susah bikin ending. Kek tiba2 end gitu aja. Bukan gantung, tapi kek terputus gitu. Pembaca disuruh imajinasi sendiri smh. Satu lagi khas penulis ini lebih fokus ke how dan terutama why nya. Who dalam artian pelakunya chapter 1 jg udah ketahuan.

    Klo disuruh milih bagusan mana Kaga ato Galileo, I think I'd choose Kaga karena lebih down-to-earth type. Kalau Galileo tipe2 elite detektif meskipun dia bukan detektif sih tapi scientist. Klo dari segi cerita, malice sama newcomer jg lebih enak dibaca dibanding Galileo. Tapi yg Galileo jg sebenarnya bagus2 kasusnya kecuali yg midsummer kurang gitu suka entah knp. Mungkin kyk terlalu berbelit2. Di antara 3 itu yg favorit kekny Salvation krn trik pelakuny gegeh, sabarnya itu loh. I kinda respect it. Devotion jg oke. Klo yg Kidnapping lebih simpel tp still good read.

    and then Journey under the Midnight Sun. To be honest this novel is f*cked up in my opinion. Adultery, crime, and other shit you named it you could find it here. But its good. It reminds me of Umineko in a way. Not about the mystery and shit but the true core about Umineko. Its about simbiosis mutualisme. You can make lie a truth with just one another person, an accomplice. I actually can relate this to some degree because I am a pro liar too or was? Sayangny tidak ad chapter khusus PoV buat Ryo dan Yukiho. Pdhl sebelum Ryo pulling his last act, bisa tambah satu chapter lagi tentang kisah mereka berdua nggak tiba-tiba ending gitu aja dan sisanya diserahin ke pembaca buat di imajinasi.

    To wrap this up, klo butuh bacaan detektif, karya Keigo Higashino bisa jadi bacaan :lalala:
  18. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

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  20. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
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    144p gang :elegan:

    Finally have mood after a long time to post here.. maybe this time actually really hontoni majide tsuzuku? :dandy:
  21. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
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    #1 - Sabbat of The Witch


    Game eroge yang pertama tamat di 2022 ini :keringat: Niatnya cuman mau ngetest game yuzu soft, soalny fav Sakura Miko (Not my oshi) buat liat tasteny. Well overall, 8/10 in term on art/bgm/voice act. Background is really nice, char so ekspresif, voice act top, bgm lumayan banyak yg bagus jg. I really like Meguru voice, also Nene speech pattern. Story hmmm... there's no like true end or something, although Nene route is kinda different because main girl also extremely long compared to the rest so I would give each route a score.

    Nene: 8 heart-warming
    Meguru: 8.5 super duper sweet route.
    Touko: 7.5 dark(?) I wish.
    Tsugumi: 7.7 it's good exploration for witch alp bond but not really into Mama play
    Wakana: 7 hate this troupe "fallin and kissing incidentally."

    Verdict: 7.87​

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