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Lowongan Kerja IOS Full Stack Developer

Discussion in 'Job Vacancy' started by startupjobsindonesia, Sep 14, 2015.

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  1. startupjobsindonesia Banned User



    Sep 7, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    +3 / -0
    IOS Full Stack Developer (Deputy CTO)

    1. Reporting to both Head of Products and CTO, primary scope involves refinement of PHP/Java/ASP.net based backend was well as enhancement of features in IOS app (and guide Android development, working with the Android developer)
    2. Own the technology roadmap including feasibility assessments
    3. Secondary scope involves guiding UI/UX designer for mobile and web
    4. Evaluate competing products with a view to innovate for game-changing features
    5. Identify and adopt new technologies suitable for the business
    6. Expertly troubleshoot and code towards refining product
    7. Building and connecting APIs

    • BSc (Hons) Computer Science / Computer Engineering with professional experience in backend app development
    • At least 2 years experience in IOS development and expert with PHP
    • Experience with payment integration
    • Plugged in to the startup scene and strong interests in new technology
    • Independence in assessment of technology alternatives
    • Role is based in Bandung / Jarkarta with occassional travels to Singapore
    A game-changing internet and mobile commerce early-stage startup focusing on interaction marketing. Core business lies in converging digital engagement with offline marketing to drive in-store traffic. Longer-term priorities include loyalty programs and digital marketing media placement. It is currently seeking talented team members passionate about the space. If you desire to work in a collegiate culture while navigating a fluid business environment, we like to talk to you. Contract and full time positions available.

    - See more at: http://id.startupjobs.asia/id/job/1...brian-concepts-indonesia#sthash.VoKq396i.dpuf
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