Asian Ji Chang Wook (지창욱) [Korea]

Discussion in 'Profile' started by CarlJSmith, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    banget kak Ara, ga ada sopan2nya ni orang pamer kegantengannya buat ngegodain para fansgirling huakakakak :oghoho:
    liat gif dia disini kak, sapa yg ga klepek2 coba sama tatapan dan senyuman mautnya :dead:

    credit thanks to Virginie
    iya yg pake baju surfing itu JCW kak Ara :blink:
    pagi buta pas mata tinggal segaris, carl ngeliat tu foto kukira dia topless kak Ara, padahal fotonya segede gaban gitu :ohno:. astaga pikiran udah diracun nih sama tu orang :ohno:
    baru sadar pas agak siangan, akhirnya komenku ke kak De tak edit :lol:
    carl ga sabaran nungguin hd pic JCW di pantai Bali kak, pasti kece badai apalagi pake baju surfing kek gitu :sebel::sebel:

    kak De denatraadenatraa;
    tuh gif yg di atas super mega kurang ajar :dead: maksud dia mainin lipsnya itu apa coba, menantang banget buat dikiss :dead::kisss:
    kita kayak dibuat gila ama ni orang kak De :facepalm: baru kali ini loh carl fans berat ama artis cowo, padahal biasanya cuek2 aja meskipun cakepnya selangit :tega:
    kak De, deskripsi rambut basah jadi bikin carl pnya wild imagination :swt:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2015
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. haraka Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Dec 12, 2009
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    OH MY GOOSH!!! Itu gift nya itu.. itu.. ituu - ini DIE beneran. :dead::dead::dead::dead::dead:
    Emaknya dulu makan apa sih bisa punya anak kayak gitu???
    Ini kalo dia pasang pelet pasti di bibir yakin 1000%!!!!
    Gatel pasang itu gift buat profpic. :hoho:
    Itu gift dari mana sih? shuting apa lagi iseng doang dia?

    Lah? Bukannya emang topless ya yang lagi surfing?
    Aku ga ngeh kalo dia pake swim suit gitu?

    Eh, photoshut marie clare nya blm ada video interview2 gitu ya?
    biasa nya ada yang begituan2 bukan?
  4. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    buruan jadiin profpic kak Ara :haha:
    dulu carl pengen ngejadiin siggy tapi riweuh kayaknya ngeditnya, lagi males ngedit tepatnya :haha:
    itu kayaknya bts shoot Five Fingers (kalo diliat dri style rambutnya) *maybe* :peace:
    coba kak Ara tanya ke yg bikin gif, tapi musti rolbek di tumblr dia :hihi:
    brarti bukan carl doang nih yg ngira dia topless :hihi: dia pake baju surfing kayak penyelam gitu kak, coba di zoom :hihi:
    photoshoot marie claire belom keluar interviewnya kak Ara, biasanya baru out selang beberapa minggu/1-2bulan setelah proses shoot (kalo carl liat dari proses shoot video JCW di InStyle Magazine) :bloon:
    doain aja ada video previewnya kayak InStyle Magazine yg kemaren :mimisan: rasanya kalo interviewnya hny berupa teks tulis kurang mantep hahahaha :haha:
  5. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    Ji Chang-wook Shares A Photo From His Recent Travel in Bali

    Actor Ji Chang-wook greeted his fans by sharing one of his photos from his recent travel in Bali.

    On March 27th, Ji Chang-wook has posted a photo of himself on his Instagram with a short caption.

    After the completion of KBS' drama "Healer", Ji Chang-wook has been meeting his fans through his onstage performance in musical 'The Days', various pictorials and overseas events.

    Ji Chang-wook said about the photo on his Instagram, "I had such a blast in Bali... Hi :) #havingablast #BugMightGetIntoMouth".

    In the revealed photo, Ji Chang-wook is brightly smiling, speeding up on a motorcycle on the road. His mischievous look channelling a little boy within gets your heart throb.

    It is said Ji Chang-wook will start filming a movie in May.

    credit to Hancinema
    source Top Star News

    hashtag captionnya koplak, "bug might get into mouth" :lol: nyetir motor tanpa helm dengan mulut yg mangap beresiko lalat masuk ke dalem mulut :lol:
    ni orang punya sense of humor juga :lol:
    sampek di media sosial ada memenya, antara JCW yg naik motor ala si keren Healer vs JCW yg realnya kayak gimana :lol:

    by JCW Indonesia
    dari artikel di atas, jadi udah fix oppa ambil project layar lebar "Modified City" ya :???:
    anyway, The Celebrity udah ngeluarin BTS photoshoot JCW :sayangku:
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  6. haraka Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Dec 12, 2009
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    Bener berarti yak confirm dia ambil movie "Modified City". semoga sukses besar. :hoho: Saya siyap menanti.

    Seneng deh liat foto dia di scooter itu, at least dia bisa menikmati secercah liburan di Bali.
    Jadi sering-sering lah dirimu ke Indonesia abang, siapa tau nanti saya bisa papasan :hoho:
  7. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    i hope so kak Ara, kalo bisa sih filmnya itu tembus box office korea biar oppa makin tenar dan meninggalkan kesan mendalam bagi para fans+penonton sebelum ditinggal wamil *belom syuting aja udah pasang high expectation* :doa:
    iyaaa keliatan happy gitu wajahnya kak :haha: yg dia liburan ke Thailand aja senyumnya ga sesumringah itu, karena faktor privasi juga kali yak jadinya liburan dia yg di Thailand ga seenjoy yg sekarang (carl jd sok teu) :hoho:
  8. denatraa M V U



    Jan 10, 2013
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    haduuuuuhhhhh kk CarlJSmithCarlJSmith :dead:
    itu gif nya knapa harus melet2 seksi gitu sihhhh.
    yaampun sadar ga sih dia klo itu menggoda! :dead:
    minta banget dibegal bibirnya! :hoho:
    sama kk Carl, baru ini ngefans ampe segininya, kepoin IG nya trus kepoin poto2 dari org yg ngetag ke IG JCW,
    trus kalo kesel liat potonya jadi bete sendiri :lol:
    koleksi semua potonya sama video2nya juga :hoho:
    aaaa udah liat juga poto yg dia naik scoopy :lol:
    sumpah bikin ngakak dan bikin makin gemes sama ni orang :sebel:
    gmana ga gemes coba kk Carl, dia ngaplod poto kyk gitu di sns tanpa ada rasa jaim ato sok cool gt..
    fans mana yg ga makin tergila2 sama kegilaan dia sendiri :lol:
    meme itu jg bikin ngakak loh kk Carl, blm lagi poto yg jalannya penuh sama dia semua tuh :lol:
    tapi satu yg bikin De buas dan tak bisa terlewatkan loh kk Carl, belahan dada JCW pas naik scoopy itu loh :hihi:
    tak kuasa menahan diri untuk tidak berpikiran buas :hahai:
    itulah the power of keter-seksi-an rambut basah kk Carl..
    ga ada yg menandingi seksinya JCW kl rambutnya basah2 gmana gt sama mukanya,
    pake swimsuit, ato kl perlu topless :hihi:
    dtambah lg kl JCW senyum manis dan mainin bibirnya kyk gif itu.
    siapa yg ga tergoda n buas coba :dead:


    eh iya kk Carl, gapapa nih nyepam disini? :???:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2015
  9. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    Singles Magazine Interview, April 2015 Issue


    Ji Chang Wook says the word “just” very often. The word “just” spoken by him has a kind of friendliness and coolness that only a person who does not spend his life on unresolvable conflicts can have. Without embellishing with grandiose expressions, this is probably just Ji Chang Wook.

    Ji Chang Wook is rather shy. If one has to categorise him, he is the kind who behaves politely towards others because he is shy. The photo shoot began at the morning rush hour and only concluded at sunset when most people have left work their workplace. Although we had spent the whole day together while shooting at various locations across Seoul, it was only after 3pm that Ji Chang Wook started to appear more comfortable with the unfamiliar women around him who spoke to him. Cheerfully emanating out from his neat and polite image of an actor was his unpretentious mischievousness of a 29-year-old youth.

    Actors are usually known by the name of their character in a show. Many new actors who have starred in memorable shows are remembered by viewers and audiences in this manner. When an actor’s presence has risen to another level, that will be the moment when he is no longer called by his character’s name in the show, but he is called by his own name no matter what role he plays in whichever project he takes on. For a period of time, Ji Chang Wook was known as “Donghae” to all ahjummas in Korea, but with the drama as a starting point, the name “Ji Chang Wook” started to prevail over the name of his characters in his shows. The name “Ji Chang Wook” has now become a famous name in the Asia Pacific. His recent visit to Hong Kong upon invitation by fashion brand Dunhill drew large crowds of Hong Kong fans to the airport and the hotel he was staying at. It is also the same in Seoul.

    No matter where Ji Chang Wook goes, women with flushed faces will crowd around and the cars moving around him will even slow down. But he remains very nonchalant about all this. Whenever we moved to another location for filming, he walked happily around the residential area of Seoul just like someone who came out to have a drink with his friends in the neighbourhood. “I’ve always roamed around well,” he said with a laugh. While eating a burrito that he ordered as a takeaway from a Mexican eatery for lunch, he said “This is the first time I’m eating this, it’s very delicious.” His hairstylist revealed, “Not too long ago, one of the young staff cried while eating the food prepared by Changwook-sshi’s mother.” It was the day when he invited his staff to his home. Ji Chang Wook laughed again, “Ah…my mum deboned the fish with her hands and placed the meat on that friend’s rice, so he/she must have thought of his/her own mother and cried.” (*Because of the ambiguity of the Korean language, the gender of that staff is not clear)

    The interview began at a pub in Itaewon, went past Namsan, and ended in a car on the way to Sungsudong. In terms of meaning, this interview brought more results in observation than conversation. A 29 year old man who debuted as an actor 8 years ago. A diligent worker. A little shy but friendly, yet does everything naturally. It’s just, Ji Chang Wook.

    - Did you get a bit of rest after Healer?

    Yes. While resting, I do interviews and photo shoots…

    - Do you like interviews?

    I’m not that fond of interviews, neither do I dislike it.

    - I’ve seen you being interviewed by a reporter in an entertainment news programme. She said you have gangster shoulders that excite women and she measured your shoulders using a measuring tape.

    Ah, I remember (laughs).

    - Although you were very courteous throughout that interview, you always had an expression like “Ah, it’s a little embarrassing.”

    Hahaha, I’m shy. I take a while to overcome that. But I have to talk a lot within a short period of time in interviews. That is not very comfortable. But I’ve improved a lot since debut.

    - I once read an interview where you coolly said that “becoming an overnight star through a trendy drama was your dream” and I was quite awed by that.

    I was giving interviews for quite a while, and I used to receive this question, “You’ve steadily made your way here from daily dramas to weekend dramas; was this intentional?” Actually I had no such intention. After debuting, all the shows I did initially were successful, and I thought I would become a star immediately once I did a lead role in a drama. But it was harder than I thought. Eventually, things turned out this way as I continued working. That’s why I answered in that manner. Well, it was true (laughs).

    - Interestingly, you don’t seem to say words like “Instead of a star, I want to become an actor” seriously.

    Such words are embarrassing so I can’t bring myself to say that (laughs).

    - But you are already a star. I heard that the local fans gathered around you like clouds even when you were in Hong Kong not too long ago.

    I wondered “How did these people know about me?” Turns out they’ve already seen everything. Seems like these days, even the dramas that are still airing are seen overseas in almost real-time.

    - Do you feel burdened by all the interest and attention you get wherever you go?

    I’m not greatly bothered by it. It’s fine as long as it does not hinder my work. When I’m drinking coffee in a cafe, someone wouldn’t appear suddenly and stop me from drinking my coffee right? (Laughs) They will just look at me or quietly take pictures of me using their handphones, so it’s fine since they are not a hindrance.

    - Are you also nonchalant towards others’ comments?

    I work very hard to be nonchalant. It becomes very tiring if I am too bothered by that. Maybe I am slowly becoming indifferent as I try to be comfortable (laughs).

    - People say that one will change when one gets famous. What about you?

    Not really. The people whom I am close to and meet up with are still about the same.

    - I’m curious about what you do when you are not busy.

    I will meet up with friends and drink coffee or alcohol. We also play games together and we play Winning Eleven (an online soccer game) most of the time. Ah, I also play actual soccer because I like it. I am part of a celebrity soccer team and a team where I play with my friends. I’m not very different from guys of the same age as me.

    - I’m asking this as I expect you to be somewhat different. Most people think celebrities are very different from themselves.

    Unfortunately, I’m not very different (laughs).

    - Seo Jung Hu in “Healer” is a man whom heterosexual women can’t help but fall in love with.

    Ah, really? What’s the reason?

    - Firstly, he is good-looking. And he will definitely appear whenever the woman needs him. Most importantly, he will definitely pick up the call no matter what happens! Do you know how rare it is to find a man who will answer a call from his lover even when he’s fighting with his enemies?

    Hahahahaha, now that you mention it, it was really difficult to act that scene where I had to answer the phone while fighting. I needed to memorise the action sequence, and I had to say my lines in between all the action, and everything had to be done quickly during filming because time was tight. I was very busy and it was a tiring scene.

    - What kind of man is the real Ji Chang Wook when dating?

    I’m not so tender like Junghu. But I’m not a very cold or bad guy either. I’m just the kind who will adjust to the girl.

    - Just like how good your chemistry was with Chae Young Shin in the show, the chemistry between the two characters you played, Seo Jung Hu and Park Bong Su, was also good. In particular, fans chose the ending scene of episode 5 as the best. It was the scene where Park Bong Su said “Senior, save me” while coughing and holding onto Young Shin’s hand as he ran out and gave a smirk.

    Ah…(laughs). That scene was also extremely tiring. Originally, the instructions written beside “Senior, save me” were “Hold Young Shin’s hand and run” and “Jung Hu knew that Young Shin would behave this way”. A smile is a smile, but the reason for the smile was written there. He didn’t hold Young Shin’s hand because of the situation, neither was it because he was moved or excited, but he smiled because he knew Young Shin would react this way. Exactly how should I act this out…(laughs) This was a very interesting script that is just like a novel when you read it, and I was troubled because I had to express that through acting. So that scene was filmed many many times.

    - Writer Song Ji Nah has always been famous for her literary style of writing her script. This could be a headache from the perspective of an actor.

    It was a headache. But it was interesting, it was very difficult, that’s why I was troubled, but it was also interesting because of that. A difficult script can also be a kind of enjoyment for an actor. If the script is too easy, it could become boring from an acting perspective. I’m thankful to the writer for giving me room to worry like that.

    - Among the 20 episodes, which scene was the most difficult to express through acting?

    The character Seo Jung Hu does not cry. He didn’t cry even when his master, who was like a father to him, died. It’s not because he held back his tears, but because he didn’t know how to cry. If you ask what kind of feeling that is, it’s the feeling of “not being able to cry”. Such a man meets a woman called Chae Young Shin and the feelings that had been suppressed all along came bursting out. In other words, he ended up learning how to cry. That was really difficult. I asked the writer “How can I portray a man who doesn’t know how to cry?”, she said “Um, it’s very difficult right? But I wrote that because I think you will be able to do it…” (clapping with laughter).

    - Those are kind words but burdensome.

    The writer also believes in me. I’m very thankful that she didn’t say “Why can’t you do that?”, but instead, she said “I know it is difficult but I think you are able to do it” and those words were encouraging.

    - Probably because of all the thought you gave, Jung Hu’s emotions were very detailed and convincing.

    Be it a long or short scene, I worked hard to grasp the flow. Because I also dislike being bored, I ponder a lot about what I should do to make a character more 3-dimensional. This is not a movie but a 20-episode drama. It is not 2 hours long, but 20 hours. I always ponder about how I should sustain those 20 hours. In a movie, it doesn’t get that monotonous even if a character is angry from start till finish, but it is different for a drama. If I am only angry all the time for 20 hours, how bored will the audience be! The script was well-rounded and that helped me a lot.

    - You are an actor who looks good with movement. Your figure is closer to that of a dancer rather than a fighter. Do you dance well?

    I really, really can’t dance (laughs). There are parts in the musical where my dancing is closer to a rhythm instead of a choreography. All my friends who saw my performance gave the same opinion, “The songs are very good and I enjoyed watching but…please don’t dance.” I really tried my best but everyone told me not to dance. But what can I do, it’s in the script. I do not care about them and just dance (bursts out laughing).

    - Indeed, you are not swayed by what others say. Then, do you visit internet forums or sites like Drama DC Gallery?

    Humans are very strange like that…I’m curious. So I do look occasionally. Instead, I try not to be too concerned about whether there are praises or negative comments.

    - In that case, you must not have heard of the term “puppy (멍뭉미/mong moong yi)“.

    Puppy? What’s that?

    - It’s a word that women use a lot online these days. It refers to healthy men who are tall with broad shoulders but they have a strange pitiful charm that makes people want to pat them. A similar expression would be “large breed beauty (대형견미/dae hyung geon mi).

    Uh hahaha! I didn’t know. I’m hearing this for the first time today. It’s a very good word?

    - While you were filming “Healer”, you were being described as a “puppy” without you even knowing it.

    After listening, that seems to be one of the charms that Jung Hu has. Of course, that could also be the charm of the actor, but actors can differ very much depending on the character they are acting as.

    - While riding in the car earlier, you sat in the passenger seat (in front) very naturally. Do you always sit there?

    Yes. I always seat here only because I like the passenger seat. After my younger brother (*just a friend, not his real brother) in the second year of elementary school, this is the first time I’m seeing a man who insists on only having the passenger seat. I am friends with my manager. We met for the first time when we were 17 years old, and he has been my closest friend till now. It’s just…the two of us always travel together, so it’s better and more comfortable to chat if I sit at the passenger seat since my friend is driving.

    - This morning I heard you say “As long as I’m determined, I can even put on 6kg in a week.”
    I really like to eat. I used to eat 6 meals a day. My schedule also ended around midnight yesterday, so I was very hungry. On usual days, I will definitely eat anything without hesitation no matter whether I order a delivery or go out to eat, but I controlled myself because of the photo shoot today. Actually, I did put on a bit of weight just a few days ago (laughs).

    - Are you the kind who puts on weight and loses weight easily?

    Yes I am. Really, there was once where I even put on 5kg in a week.

    - You’ve been doing performances of “The Days” until recently. Have you always had interest in musicals?

    The first acting job I did outside of school was an independent movie, and the next one was a musical that was staged in a small theatre at Daehangno. I managed to do it after going for an audition. Because it wasn’t a formal performance, the performance was only staged for a short period of time that lasted about 10 days. Musical is a genre that I’ve always wanted to do since young.

    - What’s the reason for that?

    I like acting on stage, and because it also has the music that I like.

    - But dancing…

    Well, dance is…(laughs) I’m not good at it, but I just feel that it will be fine as long as I practise hard. How is anything not possible if you practise? That’s probably how I feel.

    - I heard you will enlist in the army some time next year.

    Yes. I do not know the exact time yet.

    - With your impending enlistment, you must be feeling a huge burden.

    It will be a lie if I say that it’s not a burden. It’s a burden, but I’m not greatly worried about it. I just think, “Well, I have to go anyway, I just have to go and come back.” Of course, it’s also a pity. But thinking about it, it’s a pity to go to the army next year, and it will also be a pity if I go 10 years later. But once I go and come back, everything will get better right? That’s why I’m not worried.

    - We’ve been talking the whole day today, and there’s one thing consistent in what you say.

    Oh, what’s that?

    - “I’m not concerned about trivial things”

    That’s right. It will be too much of a headache to concern myself about such things. When I begin filming a drama, I do not think about anything that has to do with my daily life. I even pay my taxes and maintenance fees only after several months. I cannot take care of such things at all. It was also the same this time. When I get home after filming has ended, the overdue bills…(laughs) I will quickly settle those first. That’s how I live. I’m not good at doing two things at the same time.

    - Such people often make very important decisions clearly instead. It’s a better personality to have in the long run right?

    I don’t know about that, but when living without much presence of mind, it becomes very confusing when one returns to reality (laughs). It’s ok to just think about the project when working on it, but I end up thinking more instead once the project ends. When I’m filming a drama, I only live in that fantasy without any worries, so it makes me feel at ease instead.

    - You probably won’t be able to show concern for your lover either when you start on a project.

    That’s right. I can’t. That’s why I can’t meet a woman. And I’m also not the kind who will hold on to my handphone at the film set. I don’t really look at my phone often. So I can’t be contacted. It’s not that I only behave this way to my girlfriend, but it’s the same even for friends or family if there is nothing important. So I am always sorry, and thankful to the people who leave me alone and wait for me till my project ends. I don’t even get to see my mum properly when I do filming for a long time (laughs).

    - Your long-time friends must have gotten used to this pattern already.

    Yes. They will say, “Quickly finish it and come back, quickly finish it and play with us.”

    - Even if you were in a relationship now, you wouldn’t announce it publicly right?

    That’s right.

    - This may be a silly question, but I can’t avoid asking it. What kind of woman do you like?

    I don’t have a specific ideal type for external appearances. Just as long as she matches well with me. It would be good if we can have interesting conversations and not get bored. Meeting someone by just looking at appearance, and the process of the two incompatible persons trying to match each other by force is an insult in itself.

    - How about a woman who is good at playing Winning Eleven?
    That’s good (laughs). But I’ve not seen such a woman.

    - There’s a high possibility that your next project will be your final one before you enlist in the army. Do you have a criteria of your own for selecting projects?

    My criteria is totally subjective. Firstly, the script must be interesting. And the role that I’m going to play must be charming. Also, I must feel confident of being able to play that role. I consider these 3 aspects the most. Even if everyone else say it is good, it will be difficult for me to do a project that I do not find interesting at all. For performances done in school, it is all right to do and learn at the same time just like studying, but this is different. If I am being paid to work, then I need to do it well with a sense of responsibility.

    - What are you concerned about recently?

    What I think of the most when I am awake. Actually, I don’t really think much about stuff (laughs). But as time passes, I ought to think about my project.

    - Other than your project, is there nothing else that you are concerned about?

    That’s troubling. I’m…well…what kind of hobby must I have in order to rest well? I wish to have a special hobby that I can focus and be engrossed in without thinking about other things. I’m still searching for it.

    - Having lived your life, “I don’ t know about other things, but this is one thing that I can never give up”. If you were to choose one thing, what would that be?

    Eating! I can never give up the happiness of being able to eat delicious food. I even think of this sometimes. If I’m able to live for about another 60 years, will I be able to eat all the delicious food in the world before I die? I probably won’t be able to eat everything. I sometimes have such a conversation with my manager friend too. Ya, why is there so much delicious food in this world?! There’s still so much delicious food in Korea that I haven’t eaten, and why are there so many nice restaurants too…(laughs) Even my mum is good at cooking. This 29-year-old person has only been eating food made by her every day and night, but I still find that very delicious.

    - Then, what food do you like the most these days?

    Blood sausage soup (sundaetguk)! I’m addicted to blood sausage soup. Before blood sausage soup, it was pig’s trotters (jokpal) for a long time (laughs).

    -This is the first time I’ve seen an actor like you who speaks so passionately about eating.

    Meeting people I like, eating and sharing delicious food together…that’s good. I don’t want my life to be so grand. Eventually, isn’t everyone working hard to live in order to eat more delicious food (laughs)? I just, wish to live life happily.

    Translated by JCW Kitchen thanks a lot for interview translation :)
    Source by Singles
    Please visit SF Celebrity Snapshot-Picture Gallery of JCW for other Singles Magazine Pics :)

    ga heran sih ni orang hobi makan, nonton BTS Empress Ki dan BTS Healer aja nafsu makannya banyak, kayak orang 3 hari ga makan :lol:
    selanjutnya ambil CF Food Product aja oppa :lol:

    tapi perasaan sebutan "Puppy" udah ada sejak jamannya drama Empress Ki :obiii:

    kak De denatraadenatraa; yg aku tau jarang banget ya aktor yg update foto sns dgn gaya gitu :oglol: ni orang di interview selalu ngaku2 pemalu tapi kebanyakan foto/video upload'annya koplak :lol:
    udah liat foto uploadnya manager Cho belom kak?yg foto JCW di Bali kemaren, lagi duduk di kafe pake kacamata item, pake baju lengan pendek trus otot bisepnya keliatan :mimisan:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2015
  10. denatraa M V U



    Jan 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +179 / -0
    kk Carl,
    ane udah liat itu potonya,
    tu JCW kadang agak kurang ajar ya pamer keseksiannya.. :dead:
    akhir2 ini jarang update di IG ya dia..:sigh:
    sibuk apa ya dia..
    jadi kangen sama apdetan2 dia yg lucu2..
  11. shaneluna M V U


    A Dreamer~

    Jan 11, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +164 / -2
    Kenapa aku gak bisa mup on..

    Kak De kak Carl.. lama kali perjalananku dari trit sebelah kesini pwahahhaaa~
    Omoo Oppa ke Bali bulan kemarin?? tau gitu minta maketin diri sendiri pake Tiki ke Bali :haha:
    Oppa bibir nyosorku.. :kisss:
    ada project lagi ya??
    jangan dulu wamil atuhlah tahun ini..
    Masih bersinar menyilaukan mata gitu jugaaa.
    Aku tak sanggup ditinggal beberapa tahun..
  12. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +4,742 / -1
    kak De @denatraa :hi.
    iya dia udah jarang update instagram/weibonya :patahhati:
    activity di dunia hiburan terakhir sih manggung di teater musikal the days kak De, yg kabarnya dia jatuh dri panggung trus dia update di instagram, sbg kabar kalo keadaan dia baik2 aja buat para fans yg lagi khawatir :terharu:
    oppa udah jarang update instagram+weibo aja udah kangen,gimana kalo ditinggal wamil :tolong:
    kak Luna @shaneluna :hi:
    project selanjutnya kayaknya movie kak, tapi sampai sekarang belom ada berita gembor2nya :bloon:
    tenang kak Lun, dia wamil taun depan kok, dia pernah bilang ke media kalo taun ini adlh waktu santai dia sebelum masuk wamil dan dia belum bisa menentukan kapan akan wamil :obhehe:
  13. denatraa M V U



    Jan 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +179 / -0
    kk @shaneluna udah ketinggalan banyak nih apdetan JCW :haha:
    sering2 main ksini dong yaaa..

    kk Carl @CarlJSmith
    emg iya JCW ada cidera?? :shock1:
    apdetannya yg mana tu kk Carl?????
    aiiiiihhhhh baru aja diomongin kalo dia udah lama ga apdet, tadi dia ngapdet di IG :mimisan::onegai:
    yaampun sebel banget liat senyumnya itu :tolong::dead:
  14. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    Ji Chang Wook’s Reps Respond to Dating Rumors with Kim Joo Ri


    Actor Ji Chang Wook’s representatives recently responded to the dating rumors surrounding the actor and former Miss Korea and actress Kim Joo Ri.

    On April 11, a representative of Ji Chang Wook’s agency told Star News, “Some netizens have raised dating rumors between [Ji Chang Wook and Kim Joo Ri] after pointing out the two of them wearing similar accessories, but it is not true. They are friends so they hang out freely. However, they are not in a dating relationship.”

    The agency rep also stated that while it is true that the two are close and watch musicals together with their mutual friends, they “are just friends.”

    Speculations of the two stars’ relationship arose recently when a few netizens gathered photos of them wearing a similar necklace and sunglasses, calling them ‘couple items.’

    In response to these suspicions, the actor’s reps stated, “The necklace was a gift from a Chinese fan that he wore. It appears that they overlapped because they are trendy items. [The netizens] seem to have pieced things together in this way, but it is irrelevant to the truth.”

    Kim Joo Ri’s reps also explained, “We already know that the two are friends, but the dating rumors are absurd. It is not the truth, but mere speculation.”

    Some of the photos that caused netizens’ speculations:



    Source by Soompi

    meski saling menyangkal tapi kenapa update'an mrk bisa sama?:iii:
    its okay oppa pny hubungan asmara dgn wanita siapa aja, asal jgn kim joo ri dong, andweeee~ :patahhati:
    kak denatraadenatraa kak harakaharaka kak shanelunashaneluna hatiku hancur, meski itu udah disangkal agensi dri kedua belah pihak :patahhati:
    btw aku kepoin instagramnya kim joo ri kok tak liat2 wajahnya mirip yoo in na :obiii:

    ga tau kak De denatraadenatraa dia cedera apa nggak, aku baca di somplet kalo dia jatuh dari panggung waktu dance "lalala song". dia langsung berdiri lagi dan ubah line dialog dengan banyolan kalo dia jatuh gegara saking excitednya nulis :terharu:
    tapi kayaknya dia sehat wal afiat, habis jatoh dia langsung update instagramnya yg di backstage ituseakan2 mengatakan pd para fans kalo keadaannya baik :terharu:
  15. haraka Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Dec 12, 2009
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    Ada-ada aja ini netizen, barang sama kok di curigain.
    Trus samaannya kaca mata lagi. Masih ada peluang ketidak sengajaannya. :hohoho:

    CarlJSmithCarlJSmith Btw ngomong-ngomong Joo Ri ini siapa ya? Pernah maen di drama atau movie gitu? Kenapa kalo sama dia?
  16. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    +4,742 / -1
    paling akurat adalah bukti foto dispatch ya kak :XD:
    nah kalo barang sama pny bnyk kemungkinan, bisa aja memang kacamata/kalung kunci dengan model kek gitu lagi booming di korsel :XD:
    kim joo ri ini dulunya Miss Korea Selatan taun 2009 kak :hehe:
    bukan artis setauku kak, cuman mnurut berita dia sering digosipin pacaran sama aktor tapi ya gitu deh nasibnya saling menampik satu sama lain antara kedua agensi :obrokok:
  17. haraka Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Dec 12, 2009
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    Nahh.. kalo ada foto bedua atau foto keluar restoran yang dua-dua pake topi ama masker mungkin bisa di curigain. Kalo barang samaan mah aku tak percaya. *dan ini bukan pembenaran :hoho:

    Ouh gitu, miss korea toh. Pantesan ga kenal akuh.. hahahahha
  18. denatraa M V U



    Jan 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +179 / -0
    kk CarlJSmithCarlJSmith
    pagi2 buka forum liat kk Carl tag post itu rasanya hampir pengen banting ni PC :voodoo:
    masih belum rela liat JCW punya relationship, kalo pun punya pengennya dia sama gadis desa aja, kyk ane gitu :hoho:
    tapi tetep belum rela..
    udah gt siapa Kim Joo Ri ini????????????????????? :pistol:
    stujuuu.. klo foto dari dispatch udah bermunculan, baru ane mau percaya,
    dan yang pasti tetep ga rela :lol:
  19. shaneluna M V U


    A Dreamer~

    Jan 11, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +164 / -2
    Pagi semua...
    aku gak bisa masuk karena tgl 11 maintenance abis ya :tolong:
    padahal pengen cuap2 mencurahkan segala isi hati gara2 liat berita di allkpop..
    udah teriakan andwaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    :sedih:kak CarlJSmithCarlJSmith kak denatraadenatraa hatiku hancurrr.. kemarin2 ingin sama2 menangis bareng disini tapi apa daya gak bisa ol:onion-07:
    Udah ada konfirmasi dari agency dan mereka berada di 2 tempat berbeda. Bali dan Jepang. Tapi kok kaya kode aja gtu ya biar samaan tapi beda tempat..
    Entah kenapa g sreg sam Joo Ri...
    tolong katakan kalau ini memang cuma kebetulan doang..
    jangan sampai ada berita lanjutan yang isinya bener..
    katakan ini hanya mimpii..

    Syukurlah Oppa gak wamil dulu. Belum sanggung ditinggal nih kak... kalau tahun depan... gpp deh..
  20. CarlJSmith M V U



    Sep 28, 2012
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    Ji Chang Wook Makes Unannounced Appearance at Fan Event


    Ji Chang Wook dropped by unannounced at a Dayrock fan gathering yesterday (12 April 2015, Sunday), surprising many who were there, and leaving those who missed the event filled with regrets.

    His official fan cafe, Dayrock, had previously announced that they were having a video screening event for members to get together and enjoy watching videos of him together, but his attendance at the event was not confirmed. Hence, his appearance caught many by surprise, and he not only gamely answered questions from fans, but also posed for pictures and gave autographs, turning the event into a mini fan meeting of sorts.

    Upon making his entrance, he said he was happy to meet fans gathered here today, and also noticed some new faces in the crowd. Standing on stage decked in the same Dolce and Gabbana suit he wore in Shanghai, he had a brief chit-chat with fans while Cho Manager acted as the de facto emcee.
    He spoke about his accident in the recent performance of “The Days” in Daegu where he fell off the stage. A fan teasingly asked if he did it intentionally; he said it wasn’t intentional. He was merely playing around, but the stage was narrower than the stage in Seoul, hence the mishap. He also assured fans that he wasn’t hurt.

    Regarding his next project, he said he knows that many people are curious about it. News about his next project will be announced soon, but as to whether it is a drama or a movie, and what kind of role it will be, he said these will remain a “secret” for now. Meanwhile, he has been busy with magazine photo shoots.
    He also inevitably found himself having to talk about his dating “scandal” with former Miss Korea contestant Kim Joori. Rumours of the two of them dating spread like wildfire on the internet over the weekend, citing evidences of them sporting identical accessories and going to Bali together. But his agency Glorious Entertainment had put up a notice on Saturday evening to refute the rumours that they were a couple. At the event, Ji Chang Wook said he received calls from friends asking him about this issue, so he spent his Saturday busy explaining himself to everyone that the rumours were not true. He clarified that the so-called “couple necklace” was given to him by a fan, so he found the incident ridiculous and was saddened by it. He reassured fans that the rumours are not true and he feels embarrassed talking about it himself.
    A fan asked him if he liked sweets. He said he isn’t particularly fond of sweets, but when the fan handed him a sweet, he immediately changed tact and said he actually likes sweets a lot.

    A fan also requested for him to sing, and he sang barely two lines of the song “The Days” from the musical before giving up. He said he will give a proper singing performance when he holds a fan meeting in Seoul some day.
    Ji Chang Wook added that he was going to Daehangno to watch the musical “Ro Gi Su (로기수) RH071500″ after this event. He asked fans if any of them have seen it and whether the musical is interesting as he heard that it’s very sad, but a fan told him that it’s not. He said he’s watching it because his hyung Sung Soo is starring in the musical.
    *”Ro Gi Su” is a musical set during the Korean War, about prisoners of war at the Geoje POW Camp pursuing their passion for tap dancing amid turbulent times.

    Throughout the event, Ji Chang Wook willingly answered questions posed to him by fans, posed for pictures according to fans’ instructions and even gave flying kisses and moved nearer to the edge of the stage to get closer to the audience, showing his down-to-earth nature. It’s also good to see that he’s coping well, and we are definitely excited to hear news about his next project!

    credit to JCW Kitchen

    kayaknya project dia selanjutnya beneran yg movie "modified city", di fansmeet kemaren dia bilang next projectnya akan segera diumumkan.
    mengulas kembali dari isi artikel top star news yg ada di post sebelum, menyatakan bahwa bulan Mei mendatang JCW akan mulai shoot movie :cheers:
    dikutip dari source daum cafe wawancaranya seperti ini

    cr to dc inside @wook_i_wook_i

    mengenai rumor dating dia dengan kim joo ri juga disangkal oleh JCW sendiri :top:
    summon kak denatraadenatraa shanelunashaneluna :hihi:

    cr to dc inside @wook_i_wook_i

    oh iya kak Ara harakaharaka ada satu foto bocoran photoshoot di Bali nih :XD:
    bulu ketiak dan otot biseps oppa :mimisan:
    cr to @daisy418_
  21. shaneluna M V U


    A Dreamer~

    Jan 11, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +164 / -2
    Kyaaaa kyaa~~ thanks kak CarlJSmithCarlJSmith sorak sorak bergembiraaaaaaaaaa~~~

    Omooooomooo itu bulu keteknya seksi bangetttt :malu2:
    Oppa kalau mau cabut bulu idung atau bulu ketek panggil aku aja yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm readyyy oppaaaa:hihi:
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