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investasi forex ^^

Discussion in 'Make Money Online' started by zhao_fung, Mar 5, 2011.

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  1. zhao_fung Members


    Mar 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    hi my name zhao
    n i d member of a profesional team
    profesional team manage acount with pam insta ^^
    so this d link u can see d prove a profit ^^

    u can see the grafic chart with percent profit not with balance n equity so u can see how profit we are ^^
    d share profit is 60:40
    is mean 60% profit for investor n 40% profit for d managing trader ^^ us
    u can contatc me on 081808888632 for sms only ^^
    or u can chat with me on ym zhao_fung86@yahoo.com
    n u can invest 2 us , as litle started 200 usd
    so feel free 2 contact us ^^
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