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Application [App][Android4.0+]Battery Saver:Power Master

Discussion in 'Software Zone' started by ethanliang, Jan 13, 2017.

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  1. ethanliang Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Gone are the days when you feared of the battery charge and looked at it in each minute with fear. All of your devices where eat your charge like crazy and cleaned out the whole battery within a few hours usage. Smartphones are no longer a simple hand set by which we can call someone or can send text messages to someone; rather it is an accumulation of hand set, digital diary, bridge to internet, entertainment source etc. Today’s smartphones are mini-computer and consume the battery charge for the high-ending multitasking and gaming purposes. Even if some devices with 5000mAh or 6000mAh battery, but they still can’t meet the dramatically increasing requirement. Thus, here comes the need of a good battery saver app that can really save battery power and extend battery life.

    Battery Saver: Power Master is a battery expert that makes your battery as lower as possible. As per the developers, the power battery master can boost your battery up to 50% than the normal lifetime. This looks promising as most of the other battery saver apps not delivering this much of battery boost. The power master optimizes the performance of your smartphone to use only small amount of battery power. The background tasks and processes will be killed by the app automatically to ensure the battery outputs maximum performance.


    Just to look at the app, it has some useful features like Battery Booster, Charging Booster, Memory Manager, Battery Monitor, Health Charge etc. All these feature are very essential to optimize the battery to save the power as much as possible, control the background tasks and unnecessary processes, the app shows its elegance with beautiful interface as well. So, let’s take a look at it.


    Battery Saver: Power Master Features:

    Smart Pre-Set Power Modes


    Smart preset modes will allow the user to customize the battery usage of your smartphone and devices. Users could preset settings that will be further used as the configuration of the battery consumption. Preset modes will allow you to switch between Power Save Mode, Normal Mode and Sleep Mode to save battery life and extend standby time.

    Power Saver & Monitor


    The power battery app monitor the apps real time and find those which eat a lot of battery charge. It will instruct users to stop the app manually or to let the battery power master to do it automatically. After these optimizations, the app will display the exact time remaining on battery master. As it uses some unique algorithm to calculate the remaining charge, you will get the most accurate results on the screen. In one-app optimization, it will show you how much battery can be extended by stopping unnecessary processes, background tasks or specific apps.

    Accurate Estimates

    Apart from showing just some percentages and some numbers tagged as the battery details, the app shows the most accurate results by using a special algorithm to calculate it. Based on our so many time tests, the accuracy of the measurements was very impressive when compared to other battery booster apps. It was showing the exact time remaining to drain the battery.

    Memory Manager

    The memory manager cleans your smartphones to make it run faster than before. It also does the same by boosting the battery by reducing the resource consumption. The memory manager will stop the unnecessary tasks that lead to better performance.

    Battery Cooler


    Modern day devices are much more heating and even at a level where users can’t the device due the excessive heat. Battery Save: Power Master is not limiting its service to battery, but also acting as a phone cooler that kill unnecessary tasks and background processes, thus reducing the device heat.

    Health Charging Manager


    The charging booster can considerably increase the charging power of smartphones that leading to lower charge time. The app has a special mode of charging the smartphone safely. It recommends to start charging smartphone under 20% charge and continue till it reaches the third phase of charging namely trickle charging. This is a common way of charging used by many other good battery booster apps. While charging, the app automatically reduces the battery consumption of other tasks to carry out a quick charge.

    Battery Saver: Power Master is a good app consider if you really want to boost your device battery. It does almost better than most of other battery saver apps and provides some accurate measurements as well. The user friendly interface makes it easy to use alongside the information provided by the app to boost the battery charge considerably.

    Play Store:

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