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[Zodi4k] HOT.. PTC baru, 5000 member pertama dapet PIONEER gratiss

Discussion in 'Make Money Online' started by zodi4k, Jan 6, 2011.

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  1. zodi4k Members


    Apr 14, 2010
    Trophy Points:
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    Hallo gan salam kenal.. ada PTC baru nih yang masih HOT.. Bagi 5000 member pertama akan meraih title PIONEER.. tunggu apalagi? klik banner tuk join mumpung masih sepi.


    Hi everyone! I would like to welcome all of our members who have joined us and hopefully, everyone here would be able to make some cash.

    Let me introduce myself. My name's Lucas and I am the main admin in vcBux. There is another admin, whom you will be able to see around here often, Gwiee. First thing to note about us, is that we're a Registered Company. We're here, determined to ensure that we provide the best we can for our users(honest ones only) and to be able to do that, we would definitely need to be honest and that is why, Honesty is our Policy.

    Getting into further details, I've been around the PTC Industry for more than 2 years now and I have gained more than enough experience and I felt it's time for me to start one my own. Me and my partner have been planning ways to create a stable and honest site for the past few months before we finally took the biggest step, which is to launch our site. Again, I would like to welcome all our members to vcBux where Honesty is our Policy!

    NOTE: We are still in Pre-Launch. First 5,000 members will get a free Pioneer Membership!

    Earnings will not be affected during Pre-Launch, and you are most welcome to cashout your earnings during pre-launch.




    Ayo gan buruan join klik banner yah [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. zodi4k Members


    Apr 14, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    ayo gan langsung saja :TKP: siapa cepat dia dapat
  4. zodi4k Members


    Apr 14, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    Nah ini lagi yang baru lounching... Admin dari indonesia..




    Tunggu aja tanggal mainnya:hahai:

    Tunggu apalagi Indo poenya...
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
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