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Short love Story . . . .

Discussion in 'Motivasi & Inspirasi' started by masuakal, Jan 20, 2011.

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  1. masuakal M V U


    Post Hunter

    May 29, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +1,653 / -0
    well . . . . ini thread ku buat . .untuk menampung hasil karangan inggris ku yang di sekolah gag kepake . . . . .
    cuman share aja . . . .
    mohon pendapatnya ya. .. .
    biar ke depan bisa ku perbaiki . . . . .
    BTW bhs masi inggris . . . .
    jadi ntar versi indo nysul ya ^^
    kalo sendainya salah tempat mohon maap . . .. dan silahkan di apus . . . .

    let's begin . .

    Such a word you dare to said you dirty little peasants boy, it should be good
    enough for you to have a food provided and a place which you may call home. “don’t kid
    me, you call this place home ? this is another form of hell for me” said a small fragile boy
    while holding his bleeding mouth after got smashed by a dull hammer. “huh, said
    whatever you want but remember this, you will never be able to escape this place, and I
    won’t give you the damn chance as well, cause you will bring me more fortune in the
    future” said the chief leader of the circus.

    The following day while chewing a hard and nasty looking bread he yell very
    loudly “damn you old man bastard, you call this is a food ? and what is this ? a mouse
    meet ? just you look, in the future I will become a success Man and will even own a more
    bigger circus, just you wait till the time come you senile old geezer”. In the mean time a
    girl whom is currently walking her dog, with her covered up face heard those word and
    got interested in what was said and tried to approach the voice source.

    Carefully she stepped on an crumbling land of rock, surrounded with mud and
    high grass everywhere. With a sensation like wildness although it just about 200 meter
    from main street. She saw an unexpected situation where there is a boy who eat
    something that could be call garbage by citizens in an animal cage. Then the girl
    approach the boy, of course the boy got surprised and said who are you to the girl.
    The girl answered “I am Melisa and who are you ? why are you being caged ?. the boy
    answered “ you did not got scared of me ?. ” hey it’s rude you know I already introduced
    my self but you answered it with question, and why must I got scared out of you?” .
    “Sorry, my bad, I’m Dean, take a look at my skin, aren’t it a bit weird ?”. ”it’s true, but
    like hell I care hahaha, how about I freed you from the cage and may be from this
    circus?”. ”Oh no, please don’t, I want to free my self with my own abilities”.

    Melisa do not believe the word that Dean said, “Oh my, bragging your self huh” with a slicing
    heart like voices. “ No I’m not, how about this, in the future when we meet again the one
    whom are more successful got to command the looser anything he/she like ?”. “No
    problem, if you can meet me though hahaha” said Melisa greedily. “better watch your
    word, it may swollen you in the future” Dean said with a serious looks. “huh” said Melisa
    as she running back to the main street.

    Teng teng teng , clap clap clap, sound of the bell ringing loudly along with
    thousand of people clapping their hands at the wedding ceremony. “Thanks for your hard
    worker a man in black suit and everyone” said Melisa who is looked very beautiful now
    as she is a big actress. ”You are welcome, but this is not an act you know, this is a real
    wedding” said the man in black suit. “you must be kidding why would it become a real
    wedding ? we are acting you know” said Melisa angrily. “ haha if you don’t believe me
    you could ask the whole guest or the crew they will say the same thing, it was a real
    wedding. “hah, I don’t want it , you must be lying, it must be some of programs that got
    an actress tricked, and if what you said are true let’s divorce right away, I don’t want it, I
    have a man that I loved”. Said Melisa with a tears fell from her eyes down to her

    ” And who might that person be, if you explain it properly I might think over it”
    said the Man. “I don’t know who he is, but I at last remember his name and his weird
    skin, his name was Dean, I met him when I was 8 years old, only once though”. “What ?
    you are fighting over a man whom only you met once, are you crazy” said the man
    vigorously. “ So what if I’m crazy, I love him and that’s all the matter for me” she said it
    full of confidence.

    “ Truly you are really one interesting woman, I’m glad I did it right, to
    chose you as mine half soul”. “what are you saying, let me go” said Melisa. “you still
    don’t recognize me ? it’s been years since I last saw you, you know, it’s me Dean, look
    at my weird skin over here” said Dean while letting lose his black suit. When Melisa see
    that weird skin she suddenly jumped to Dean and hug him tightly but soon let it loose.

    “why did you do this, we also have promise to not sea each other until you are success
    right ? and what kind of job did you get to be more successful from me, an actress that
    known through the world?”. “ hahaha you still don’t realize it ? back than approximately
    3564 days and 23 hours 16 minutes 3 seconds before our wedding you applied for an
    actress contest right ? the one who hold that contest was me and right know I’m the
    leader of your company, and at that moment I already win right ? and I used our promise
    back than that is I want to marry you someday by an unexpected event while not letting
    you know my identity, and even now I am more successful than you are, you might be
    the one whom everyone on this planet know, a very famous actress but I am the one who
    paid you, so it is like a man and servant relations right, sorry for putting such a harsh
    word on my explanation” said Dean seriously

    “oh my even now you are still very cunning eh even more cunning then before, alright I guess it is time for my retirement because right know there is no point in continuing my jobs” said Melisa with a happy face.

    “why , was it because of me” ask Dean with a worried face. “no it was not because
    of someone who played and trampled with a maiden hearts but it is for someone whom I
    love so that I can spent much more time with him” said Melisa with an embarrassed looks.
    After that they continue the chat while sitting in the limousine, and Melisa said
    something that concerning about how was you able to escape your cage on you own?,
    what did you do after that?, how could you be the one who held that contest? But Dean
    just smile and said something sounds like you really cannot be patient aren’t you, just
    wait I will tell you the story when we arrived at our love nest, and just hope someone
    named Mr LG will kind enough to give me the permission.

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. gravitazy M V U



    Mar 19, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +967 / -0
    baru sanggup baca same sini..

    agak :pusing::pusing:
    nanti dilanjutin lagi...

    good job,, keep going :hero:

    btw, temanya tentang apa ya:???:
  4. tian_1800 M V U



    Sep 5, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +23,038 / -0
    cuma berpendapat untuk paragraf 1, yang dibold
    *this is another hell
    *whatever you said
    *you will never escape

    pendapat saya belum pasti benar juga bro, soalnya saya juga ga lancar englishnya :malu:
    mending dishare di English lounge di komunitas aja bro :unyil:
  5. masuakal M V U


    Post Hunter

    May 29, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +1,653 / -0
    awkawkakw . . .
    anak english lounge ku kasih kerjaan baca
    eh ku minta tolongin baca link yang ada di siggy ku . ..
  6. tresnobundo M V U


    Lurking Around

    Jul 23, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +1,642 / -0
    topgan ceritanya....
    walaupun harus buka2 kamus tuk mengerti isinya..... :swt:
  7. TuaNunna_26 Members


    Silent Reader

    Feb 3, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +7 / -0
    ceritanya bagus gan,,.. tapi masi buka2 google translate... ane gan ...hihihih
  8. vhykyu M V U


    Lurking Around

    Oct 8, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +7,184 / -0
    keknya diatas ane lagi ngejar setoran nih :peace:
    :pusing: :pusing: pusing bacanya
  9. jhonicash Members


    Silent Reader

    Apr 1, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +1 / -0
    tapi plotnya cukup menarik koq...
    thanks for the share...
  10. erdeFlamingo Members


    Silent Reader

    Oct 11, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +1 / -0
    masih ada terusan nya gan? soalnya endingnya kayak bersambung gitu?
    maap nanya doang hahhaha
    bagus gan ceritanya sempet kebawa alur gw
  11. villace M V U



    Jul 25, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +171 / -0
    lumayan.. meskipun ada beberapa yang ga connect hahaha... ada lanjutannya lagi in ibro?
  12. zhia_princekyu Members



    Dec 23, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +2,385 / -0
    versi indo nya donk gan ..
    english ane rada2 :hiks:
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