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~♥ Catatan kecil Dontel ♥~

Discussion in 'Dear Diary' started by Dontel, Jan 10, 2011.

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  1. Dontel Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Jul 24, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +27,346 / -1
    _-* Catatan Kecil Dontel *-_

    setelah diliat2,,tertarik juga bikin diary :malu1:

    :hi: say hi dolo ah,,
    nama asli : R*sensor* :haha:
    nick ID : uda jelas Dontel :malu:
    tp kdg ada yg panggil ontel, donce, doncol, oncol (yg kasih nama panggilan :voodoo:) :keringat:
    jenis kelamin : udah barang tentu lelaki sejati :elegan:


    ...:sayangku: My Idol :sayangku:...
    So Nyeo Shi Dae / SNSD / Girls Generation / Soshi / Shojou Jidae

    i'm really really really love them...
    If they're just pretty girls, i wouldn't fall in love with them..

    So here my picture of WHY Soshi is so exceptional is starting to come into focus.
    Soshi has the best leader in Taeyeon, the best maknae in Seohyun, the cutest member in Sunny, the best dancer in Hyoyeon, the coolest presence in Jessica, the most heart in Tiffany, the best enforcer in Sooyoung, the strongest idol in Yoona, and the hottest member in Yuri, who can be such a draw and still maintain the true meaning of Soshi.
    Really, each of them contributes their best qualities to the Soshi gestalt.
    It’s no wonder they dominate their industry.

    They give me strength to keep fighting in this live..
    I'm proud to be S♥NE..
    Right now, Tomorrow, n Forever is So Nyeo Shi Dae

    :haha: malah kek promosi aja :malu1:
    uda ah.. lanjut patroli2 lagi :tkp2:
  2. Dontel Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Jul 24, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +27,346 / -1
    dateng lg :haha: mumpung lg rajin bikin diary :haha:

    dijadwal da kul jam 7 pagi,,uda paksa2in buat bangung pagi,, tp dosen ga dateng :oii::voodoo: (tp seneng jg si :haha:)

    hari ni,,penuh list donlod-an :gaswat:
    da Night Star na soshi (2 part pula) + running man eps baru :dead::dead:
    moga2 kelar ni malem :doa::doa:

    baca2 status di FB,,da yg brusan beli HDD baru,, kepengen beli jg :sedih: tp dana lg tak mampu :ngambek::sedih:

    n,, tererererereret,,,
    [​IMG] <=== AVA baru,, yeaaahhh !! :onfire:
    Fany,,you're so gorgoeus :cinta::onegai:
    hmm,, uda dikluarin smw kek na.. lanjut beraktivitas lg ah... :tkp1:
    moga hari besok,,lebih semangat lg :semangat:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
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