1. Disarankan registrasi memakai email gmail. Problem reset email maupun registrasi silakan email kami di inquiry@idws.id menggunakan email terkait.
  2. Untuk kamu yang mendapatkan peringatan "Koneksi tidak aman" atau "Your connection is not private" ketika mengakses forum IDWS, bisa cek ke sini yak.

anda senang dapat dollar

Discussion in 'Adsense' started by rikyu, Jan 27, 2011.

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  1. rikyu M V U


    Lurking Around

    Sep 12, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +9,887 / -0
    mohon maaf atas judul diatas :peace:

    pertama saya buat judl tersebut untuk para blogger, yang punya website untuk mendapatkan dollar dari google adsense

    apakah anda tau apa itu google adsense
    jika ya pasti anda sudah banyak mendapatkan dollar dari google adsense tersebut
    bagi yang belum mendapatkan seperser pun janganlah berkecil hati
    saya perkenalkan metode baru dari saya

    anda senang-dapat dollar

    metode ini sangat sederhana yaitu

    tunjukkan website/blog anda yang mempunyai google adsense
    saya akan berkunjung ke website/blog anda
    dan setelah 2 x 24 jam silakan lihat statistik google adsense anda

    simple bukan

    untuk 5 pelanggan pertama saya promosi gratis deh dengan mereply thread ini dengan format

    nama website/blog
    nama/email paypal anda [untuk dalam negeri kayaknya belum bisa, nanti diusahakan deh]

    saya akan membuktikannya terlebih dahulu
    jika berhasil atau tidaknya silakan reply thread ini
    berikan komentar anda

    jika metode ini berhasil untuk pelanggan selanjutnya silakan anda melakukan pembayaran melalui paypal
    rekening paypal akan diberikan melalui PRIVATE MESENGGER

    ayo buruan .... ngelamar mumpung masih promosi untuk 5 pelanggan pertama​
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. rikyu M V U


    Lurking Around

    Sep 12, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +9,887 / -0
    ayo 5 pelanggan pertama

    format =

    - nama website/blogger kamu tentu yang mempunyai account adsense
    - nama/email paypal anda [untuk dalam negeri kayaknya belum bisa, nanti diusahakan deh]

    Untuk 5 pelanggan pertama buktikan bahwa metode saya ampuh dengan mereply thread ini setelah 2x 24jam

  4. rikyu M V U


    Lurking Around

    Sep 12, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +9,887 / -0
    just share your blog and you get paid from adsense
  5. rikyu M V U


    Lurking Around

    Sep 12, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +9,887 / -0
    list ppc [payperclick]

    bagi blogger / websiter yang punya acconut PPC dibawah ini juga bisa mendaftarkan dengan mereply thread ini

    - nama website/blogger kamu tentu yang mempunyai account adsense
    - nama/email paypal anda [untuk dalam negeri kayaknya belum bisa, nanti diusahakan deh]

    list PPC

    http://www.ppcindo.com/ --------- new added

    for Publisher

    * Pemunculan iklan yang relevan
    * Komisi yang lebih tinggi berdasarkan Alexa Rank (50% untuk publisher)
    * Merupakan passive income yang sangat dahsyat
    * Banyak pilihan format iklan (Banner, Teks & Link)
    * Warna iklan dapat diatur sendiri
    * 1 Account dapat digunakan untuk UNLIMITED situs
    * Minimum payout cuma Rp 92.000,- ($10)
    * Menerima semua bank yang tercantum di KlikBCA atau bisa juga menggunakan paypal
    * Publisher dapat memblokir iklan tertentu
    * Statistik Lengkap

    http://www.ppcindonesia.net/ --------- new added

    Dapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Dari Website Anda !

    uangd ari blogm penghasilan dari blog, blog uangJadikan Website anda sebagai penghasil uang tambahan, bergabung menjadi penerbit iklan PPC Indonesia dan mulailah menghasilkan uang dari website anda hari ini.

    Menampilkan iklan yang relevan di halaman web anda, penerbit iklan PPC Indonesia adalah web owner (pemilik website) yang dapat mendaftarkan diri guna menampilkan iklan yang relevan dengan isi content website. Anda mendapatkan penghasilan dari setiap klik valid yang berasal dari iklan anda.

    Menerbitkan iklan pada halaman content website anda, Script iklan PPC Indonesia secara otomatis dapat mendeteksi content sebuah website, namun anda juga dapat membuat keyword sendiri sehingga iklan yang tampil dapat lebih terkontrol sesuai dengan kebutuhan website anda.

    Penyaring Iklan anda dapat menyaring iklan dan situs-situs web pemasang iklan. Sehingga membantu untuk mencegah iklan tersebut muncul di website anda.

    Sebagai penerbit iklan anda dapat memilih jenis dan format iklan yang ingin anda tampilkan diwebsite anda baik itu iklan berjenis banner atau iklan berjenis text, 1 Script dapat dipergunakan diwebsite manapun .

    http://www.biindit.com/index.php?lang=IN&mib=publisher_overview --------- new added

    Dapatkan uang dari iklan di website anda

    Sahabat anda telah menghasilkan Rp10.000.000,- per bulannya melalui internet, dan anda ingin tahu rahasianya ? apabila anda sedang mencari penghasilan uang melalui website, blog, forum ataupun media online lainnya, kini dengan teknologi Biindit anda dapat menggunakan model bisnis iklan yang dikembangkan kami dan telah terbukti efektifitasnya ke dalam website, forum, blog ataupun media online lainnya milik anda.

    Baik anda yang memiliki website portal terkenal, maupun anda baru membuat blog anda kemarin sore, anda dapat bergabung dan memulai bisnis yang menguntungkan ini sekarang juga tanpa biaya.

    http://kliksaya.com/web/index.php --------- new added


    Apabila Anda adalah pemilik atau pengelola suatu situs dan ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dari situs Anda, Anda dapat bekerja sama dengan kami sebagai penerbit iklan. Anda cukup menyediakan tempat pada situs Anda, untuk dipasang iklan dengan menggunakan engine kami. Dalam satu situs boleh terdapat lebih dari satu zona iklan. Sistem kami memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur bentuk dan warna dari zona iklan, sehingga iklan kami dapat disesuaikan dengan design situs Anda.

    Sebagai pasar, kami akan membantu Anda untuk mencari orang yang ingin memasang iklan pada situs Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan segera setelah seseorang memasang iklan pada situs Anda. Berapa harga per klik yang akan Anda dapat? Harga akan ditentukan oleh permintaan pasar. Semakin bagus nilai situs Anda di mata pasar, maka akan semakin tinggi harga per kliknya.

    Anda akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar 50% dari harga per klik yang ditawarkan oleh pemasang iklan. Komisi ini akan kami transfer ke rekening Bank yang Anda daftarkan pada situs kami pada hari minggu pertama bulan berikutnya. Misalkan Anda menjadi penerbit kami pada bulan Desember 2007, maka komisi Anda akan kami transfer pada tanggal 6 Januari 2008 (kebetulan hari minggu pertama jatuh pada tanggal 6).

    Komisi hanya akan ditransfer bila nilainya lebih besar dari Rp. 50.000,-. Jika ternyata nilainya lebih kecil, maka akan diakumulasikan untuk pembayaran komisi bulan berikutnya hingga jumlahnya melebihi Rp. 50.000,-. Misalkan Anda bergabung dengan KlikSaya.Com pada bulan Desember, dan ternyata pendapatan Anda pada bulan Desember adalah Rp. 30.000,-, maka pada tanggal 6 Januari pengelola tidak mentransfer komisi Anda. Komisi akan diakumulasikan dengan pendapatan bulan Januari. Pada tanggal 3 Februari 2008, pengelola menghitung kembali pendapatan untuk masing-masing penerbit iklan. Misalkan ternyata pendapatan Anda pada bulan Januari adalah Rp. 40.000,-, maka pengelola akan mentransfer komisi Anda sebesar Rp. 70.000,- (komisi akumulasi dari bulan Desember hingga Januari).



    Lurking Around

    Jan 8, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +691 / -0
    kenapa harus yg punya blog adsen bro??
    ini beneran gak?? soalnya adsen ane baru di aprove kemaren....

    fery irawan
  7. akran Members


    Dec 12, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
  8. sud4rm4 Members


    Silent Reader

    Oct 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +18 / -0
  9. joe_matsuda Members


    Feb 3, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +3 / -0
  10. n4g4r3 M V U



    Oct 24, 2008
    Trophy Points:
    +609 / -0
  11. amhusein Members


    Jan 7, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    ini untuk traffic atau apa bro?
    hati2 lho ntar malah di banned GA nya
  12. iwojima Members


    Silent Reader

    Jan 23, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +1 / -0
    ini gimana maksudnya ya masbro???pm me yaaakk..thx bos..
  13. reza_xxx Members


    Silent Reader

    Oct 5, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +17 / -0
    sama nih kayaknya diatas..kamsud nya bijimane nih????
  14. widiz1312 Members


    Silent Reader

    Jun 15, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +125 / -0
    sekarang masih berlaku ga ?
  15. sodown Members


    Silent Reader

    Aug 13, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +6,614 / -0
    ini kita kasi web/blog kita lalu trafik blog kita tiba2 naik gt??
  16. eze21r Members


    Silent Reader

    Mar 11, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +2,376 / -0
    bingung maksudnya iki..
  17. AcoNKfast Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 17, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +1 / -0
    wahh serem gan maen adsense pake jasa gini2an...nanti kena fraud click
  18. dwitorvalds Members


    Silent Reader

    Sep 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    coba ini gan :

    FXOpen Forex Broker is still looking for talented traders and invites you to take part in the qualifying round, which starts on November 5. However, the application form must be submitted no later than November 4! Register for the competition online on www.ForexCup.com! The best trader will be awarded with trading account with a balance of $ 1050!

    The tournament «FX Market Masters» is a unique opportunity not only to test your strength and your trading strategy on demo account without risking your own money, but in case of successful trade get PAMM ECN account with a balance of $ 1050 in your lucky hands. Forex demo competition from FXOpen broker allows any participant to win money! If you are not the winner of the main prize, you may still get some real money: working with virtual balance, you get a bonus for profitable trading on your real trading account! The only requirement is to comply with terms and conditions of the competition!

    Seven traders have already received accounts with real money this year, and now they are actively trading and boost their income. Do not miss your chance - apply now and prove your skills of trading on Forex!


    Participants’ task
    On the 1st day of the contest each participant will get $5000. While trading at Forex, you have to increase your start-up deposit. The winner will be the trader with the biggest capital at the end of the contest.

    Key dates:
    November, 4 – deadline for applying for participation;
    November, 5 – the contest will start;
    November, 30 – the contest will end;
    December, 3 – summarizing and calculating prizes and bonuses

    There are 3 prizes:
    1st place - $1050 + bonus;
    2nd place - $300 + bonus;
    3rd place - $150 + bonus;
    All participants with profit of more than 80% will get cash bonuses.

    Terms of the contest:
    • Participation is free;
    • Start-up deposit of $5000 and a leverage 1:100 are provided;
    • Currency pairs: gold and silver;
    • Lots: from 0.1 to 1 (one order can be opened with 1 lot maximum);
    • Maximum number of orders (including pending ones):5;
    • Advisors are prohibited;
    • Lock is prohibited.

    In order to get prizes, a participant should make no less than 20 trades with total volume of at least 20 lots. Also, all participants should leave at least one message in the forum. Otherwise, prizes and bonuses can be annulled.

    Important Notice:
    Prize ≠ Bonus (prize and bonus are two different concepts)

    Withdrawal of bonuses
    Bonuses can be withdrawn once you complete the requirements: no earlier than in 30 days. Also you can made at least 20 trades of 10 minutes each one;

    Withdrawal of prizes
    1. The main prize is available for opening a PAMM ECN account only. If you want to withdraw it, you will be able to do it in 3 months and after 60 trades. All profit you can withdraw when you want to
    2. Prizes for second, third and following places can be withdrawn at any time, in other words, after receiving prize money to your trading account, you can withdraw it through any payment system available at FXOpen

    is available only for authorized users of ForexCup.com

    How to Join a Competition

    1. Log on to your personal area on www.forexcup.com with your registered e-mail and MyFXOpen password

    2. It's necessary to specify your trading account, on which your bonuses and prizes will be transferred. This feature allows you to start trading on Forex with real money instantly after competition finish.

    3. Click link Registration

    4. Scroll a little bit up and click Save and Accept to confirm your choice.

    5. After successful confirmation, you will receive an e-mail with your MT4 login details: login number, password and trading server address.

    Bonus Terms:

    The bonus payable to a trader’s real trading account is equal to one percent (1%) of the profit gained.

    For example, if a trader earns $ 5000, a $ 50 bonus will be deposited to his account.

    However, there are some limitations:

    - The amount of bonus for one trader cannot exceed $ 250;

    - Bonus can be withdrawn via any payment system available at FXOpen after making 20 trades (minimum of 10 minutes per trade). You can withdraw the bonus after 30 calendar days since the date it was paid to you. Before withdrawing the bonus you must make at leat 1 forum post in the ForexCup Competition thread in our Forum.

    The total amount of all bonuses in the competition cannot exceed $ 4 000. If the budget is exceeded we will reduce the bonuses based on the difference between the actual sum of all bonuses and our budget.

    For example, if at the end of the competition the sum of all bonuses payable to all traders is $ 4 500, the total sum of bonuses will be reduced by $ 500 ($ 4500 - $ 4000 = $ 500).

    The formula for bonus calculation:

    Bonus = (1% of profit) * Planned Budget / Actual Budget, where

    Profit - the actual profit earned by particular trader

    Planned Budget = it is $ 4 000 for this particular competition

    Actual Budget = the sum of all bonuses payable to all traders at the end of the competition

    Good Luck!

    Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us by e-mail (support@fxopen.com) or use FXOpen Live Chat to get immediate assistance.
  19. dwitorvalds Members


    Silent Reader

    Sep 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    In the middle of November ForexCup invites traders to participate in a free weekly contest “Profitable WeeK 11/12/2012-11/16/2012” with a prize fund of $1500.

    You do not risk at all because participation in the contest is totally free. In case of successful trading you will get real money to your account! Actually, it’s easy to receive a bonus – you have to increase your start-up capital by at least 50% during 5 days.

    “Profitable WeeK” is a great way to test your strategy, hone trader’s skills and get real money. Join the contest right now!

    REGISTRATION : http://www.forexcup.com/Authenticat...iptionId=9c45e239-9411-4d88-a4f4-3bfa09545a48



    Participants’ task
    On the 1st day of the contest each participant will get $5000. While trading Forex, you must increase your start-up deposit. The winner will be the trader with the biggest capital at the end of the contest.

    Key dates:
    November, 11 – deadline for applying for participation;
    November, 12 – the contest starts;
    November, 16 – the contest ends;
    November, 19 – summarizing and calculating prizes and bonuses

    Prizes and bonuses:
    1st place - $350 + bonus;
    All participants with profit of more than 50% will get real money bonuses.

    The terms of the competition:
    • Participation is free;
    • Start-up deposit $5000 and a leverage 1:100 are provided;
    • Currency pairs: 28;
    • Lot: from 0.1 to 1 (one order can be opened with only 1 lot);
    • Maximum number of orders (including pending ones): 3;
    • Advisors are prohibited;
    • Lock is forbidden;

    In order to get prizes, a participant should make at least 5 trades of total volume no less than 5 lots. Also, all participants should leave at least one message in the forum, or their prizes and bonuses could be cancelled.

    Withdrawal of bonuses
    Bonuses can be withdrawn once you complete the requirements: no earlier than in 30 days. Also you should make at least 20 trades of 10 minutes each one.

    Withdrawal of prize
    You can withdraw your prize through any payment system available at FXOpen.

    All details about the contest you can find at forexcup.com, go there

    How to Join a Competition

    1. Log on to your personal area on www.forexcup.com with your registered e-mail and MyFXOpen password

    2. It's necessary to specify your trading account, on which your bonuses and prizes will be transferred. This feature allows you to start trading on Forex with real money instantly after competition finish.

    3. Click link Registration

    4. Scroll a little bit up and click Save and Accept to confirm your choice.

    5. After successful confirmation, you will receive an e-mail with your MT4 login details: login number, password and trading server address.

    Set up of the trading platform MT4

    You have to start MetaTrader. If you haven't got it yet, you can download it here.
    Click "File" in the horizontal tab and "Login" in the appeared window.

    When the next window appears, you have to insert login, password and server mentioned in the letter.
    Your account will be available only during contest's days.

    Bonus Terms:

    The bonus payable to a trader’s real trading account is equal to one percent (1%) of the profit gained.

    For example, if a trader earns $ 5000, a $ 50 bonus will be deposited to his account.

    However, there are some limitations:

    - The amount of bonus for one trader cannot exceed $ 250;

    - Bonus can be withdrawn via any payment system available at FXOpen after making 20 trades (minimum of 10 minutes per trade). You can withdraw the bonus after 30 calendar days since the date it was paid to you. Before withdrawing the bonus you must make at leat 1 forum post in the ForexCup Competition thread in our Forum.

    The total amount of all bonuses in the competition cannot exceed $ 1200. If the budget is exceeded we will reduce the bonuses based on the difference between the actual sum of all bonuses and our budget.

    For example, if at the end of the competition the sum of all bonuses payable to all traders is $ 1 500, the total sum of bonuses will be reduced by $ 300 ($ 1500 - $ 1200 = $ 300).

    The formula for bonus calculation:

    Bonus = (1% of profit) * Planned Budget / Actual Budget, where

    Profit - the actual profit earned by particular trader

    Planned Budget = it is $ 1200 for this particular competition

    Actual Budget = the sum of all bonuses payable to all traders at the end of the competition

    Good Luck!

    Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us by e-mail (support@fxopen.com) or use FXOpen Live Chat to get immediate assistance.
  20. dwitorvalds Members


    Silent Reader

    Sep 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    We invite everybody to take part in our new competition for traders “Test your luck! Hit the mark!”
    FXOpen regularly holds a competition where the winner can get $30.

    Currency pair: USD/cad
    Date for determination of the course: closed at 22:59 16.11.2012 (terminal time)
    Acceptance of rates will be ended: November, 12
    Date of announcement the winner’s name: November, 19
    Prize: $30.


    How to participate?

    You have to leave a message at FXOpen.com forum with your prediction for exchange quotation concerning the currency pair, mentioned in the competition

    Determination of the winner

    A participant, who mentioned the exact closing price for the currency pair or the closest variant, will become a winner. If a few persons mention close variants, the winner will be the one, who was the first one to do it. The close price for the currency pair will be taken from FXOpen trading terminal after the closing of trades on Friday by Bid price.

    Rules of the competition “Guess the exchange rate”

    1. You have to add your forum’s nickname to your bet (for example, nickname – your bet);
    2. Spreads between participants’ beds should be no less than 5 points. For example, if there has been already made a bet for 1.4400, all other participants should choose variants not closer than 1.4395 or 1.4405;
    3. You can’t repeat someone else’s rate;
    4. Each participant are able to make only one bet;
    5. You are not able to change or delete your prediction;
    6. All the bets, which do not comply with previous paragraphs, will be deleted.

    The terms of withdrawal of the prize

    1. If you want to withdraw your prize, you have to make at least 5 deals of any lot;
    2. Each trade should be with profit or loss (+-) 4 points;
    3. Each deal should be opened for at least 10 minutes.


    If you want to increase your chances to become a winner, you should:
    1. Download an FXOpen trading terminal;
    2. Open an account for free
  21. dwitorvalds Members


    Silent Reader

    Sep 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +0 / -0
    Profit Hunters November, 26 - December, 21

    Every trader dreams about imposing profit. ForexCup, which is sponsored by FXOpen, is ready to provide the opportunity to earn great amounts of money. In order to do it you have to register (until November, 25) for a forex contest “Profit Hunters”, which will be held since November, 26 to December, 21. After that you will fight for the main prize – a position of the manager of a PAMM ECN account.

    The winner of “Profit Hunters November, 26 - December, 21” will receive a really great prize - $1320 + 88% from all entry fees and a bonus, depending on his profit. Also, each participant with profit of 10% and more will get a real cash prize! The cost of participation in the contest - $6.

    Benefits of the contest “Profit Hunters”:
    1. Advisors are allowed;
    2. Each participant with profit of at least 10% will receive a cash bonus;
    3. Each trader can find an appropriate instrument, because all currency pairs, gold and silver are available:
    4. Competition is rather low in comparison with free contests;
    5. FXOpen provides $3500 for prizes and bonuses.

    Join the contest “Profit Hunters November, 26 - December, 21” and win!


    Key dates:
    November, 25 – deadline for applying for participation;
    November, 26 – the contest starts;
    December, 21– the contest ends;

    There are 3 prizes:
    1st place - $1320+88% from all entry fees + bonus;
    2nd place - $120 +8% from all entry fees + bonus;
    3rd place - $60 +4% from all entry fees + bonus;
    All participants with profit of more than 10% will get cash bonuses.

    All details about the contest you can find at forexcup.com, go there

    How to register with ForexCup

    1. If you have not registered FXOpen eWallet yet, please follow the registration procedure. To start the procedure select the language and click the Registration link.

    2. Be attentive while filling in the registration forms, as ForexCup money prizes are transferred to the account you are opening - FXOpen eWallet. To be able to participate in competitions, open the Personal account (register eWallet) first and add Micro account to it (contests bonuses are transferred to trading accounts).

    3. You can add Micro account while registering eWallet (at the end of the procedure) or open it later from My FXOpen.

    4. Log into ForexCup : enter e-mail and password for My FXOpen received after eWallet registration.

    5. It's necessary to specify your trading account, on which bonuses for contests will be transferred. Click the User Profile tab.

    6. Select your trading account (Micro) and click Save.

    How to Join a Competition

    1. To take part in ForexCup contests, follow the next steps:
    1.1 Go to the Competitions tab in the menu.
    1.2 Click Wish to play to join the competition.
    You can join the contest using ForexCup News tab.
    View the contest you are interested in and click the Registration link (follow the instruction)

    2. Enter the credentials (e-mail password for My FXOpen).
    Confirm them.
    2.1. Private contest can be protected with a password which can be found in the contest review.
    2.2. If participation in a contest is not free, the specified entry fee will be withdrawn from your eWallet.
    If there are insufficient funds on your eWallet, you will fail to join the contest.
    In this case, you will have to log in My FXOpen and add funds to your eWallet via one of the available payment options. Follow the steps how to join a contest one more time.
    2.3. If the contest is public, you will get the confirmation message. If there is no message, you will have to repeat the procedure.

    3. You will be sent an e-mail with the details about the contest and access to your account.
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About Forum IDWS

IDWS, dari kami yang terbaik-untuk kamu-kamu (the best from us to you) yang lebih dikenal dengan IDWS adalah sebuah forum komunitas lokal yang berdiri sejak 15 April 2007. Dibangun sebagai sarana mediasi dengan rekan-rekan pengguna IDWS dan memberikan terbaik untuk para penduduk internet Indonesia menyajikan berbagai macam topik diskusi.