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OriFic Rebirth Online (Original Works)

Discussion in 'Fiction' started by ldyrdy, Nov 18, 2013.

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  1. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    I'm writing a Light novel.. although I'm just a beginner and my grammar is not that good, but I take up my courage to put it here and asking for you guys to read and give me some feedback.. the story is about online game like Sword art Online and Log Horizon... because I just finished my first book and it looks likely will be a 3 or 4 volume in the series... so, I hope you guys have the time to drop by and see my works...

    here's the link page... http://rebirthonlinelightnovel.wordp...new-beginning/

    thank you for everyone that dropping by and downloading my novel...

    here's some prologue:
    Don’t you think that life in this world is a little bit boring? People talks to someone they know every day, pretending that they are friends. In reality they are doing such things just for their own convenience. Tell to each other that they are friends. Just for a sole reason, so they can take advantage from the other party.
    I realized these things since I entered high school. It is true that I was an introvert. I was not an outgoing person, but I can survive in the community. I prefer reading book and playing games, rather than exercising or doing outdoor sports. I didn’t talk much, only when I needed to. But maybe that’s why they decided to pick on me.
    One day I was bullied by my upperclassmen. My best friend was at the scene. I called out to him, asking for help. But he just passes by like I was some stranger that he met at the road. The next day at school he said that he was sorry, because there is nothing that he can do.
    We have been spending times together since middle school. Hanging out together, doing homework, cheat our way out trough exams, and playing games together. We are close. Or so I thought. So this is how the community works.
    People in this world, they are reeks of evil. They only care about their self. Money and power is what they seek. They are a hypocrite if they said they are doing charity because of love. They are doing it so people will have better opinion about them. This world has rotten too much. I don’t have the power to change this world. I never even dream about changing this world.
    So what should I do? I don’t have any other place to go. I wander around aimlessly until I stop by a large screen TV in front of a shopping mall.
    “Behold the new era of gaming. With Syder (synapse reader) implemented on the system, Rebirth Online will be the first VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) in the world. The pre-order sales have gone through 500,000 units and will be shipped all around the world tomorrow, along with the first launch of the server. People who don’t apply for the pre-order can buy them tomorrow at FFAID Corporation building in Akihabara at 7:00am. Luckily, we have Dr. Hans Schneider here with us; please let us welcome the person that invented the Syder, as our guest for the interview tonight.” The beautiful newswoman said it enthusiastically on the TV.
    “Dr. Hans, tell me about the Syder. Isn’t it just recently invented and haven’t been properly accepted by various medical organization around the world? Even the rumor says that it possess a threat to the brain.” the newswoman asking with full of curiosity.
    “The WHO (World Health Organization) already acknowledges it as a safe and usable product. Otherwise we may not be able to sell it. The Syder itself doesn’t do anything to the brain so it couldn’t damage it. As the name implies, Syder is a synapse reader. Our five senses, touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell even our sense to temperature, pain, balance, time, and kinesthetic is controlled by the brain. This starts when a neuron receives an impulse and they transmitted it to the brain. They transmitted it in a form of electricity trough a connective tissue named synapse which connects one neuron to the other neuron. When this electricity processed in the brain, we often read it as a brain wave. So Syder makes it possible for us to read and send images to the brain of the virtual world. ” explain Dr. Hans who seemed can’t stop talking.
    This is it. This is the answer to my entire question. I just have to run away to another world. I just have to run away to that world.
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    novel online,.. mirip2 SAO sama LH... kalau ada waktu bisa mampir sebnetar buat baca...

    terima kasih...
  4. Giande M V U


    Lurking Around

    Sep 20, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +1,228 / -0
    seperti di sebelah... di atur dulu spasi paragraf dll :ngacir:
  5. Grande_Samael M V U



    Dec 18, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +283 / -0
    Hmm, the VRMMORPG introduction in chapter 1 is too obvious for gamer and anime lover, so it will be too boring. And i am sure novel reader who like this genre already know about what you descript in chapter 1. But i don't know for ordinary novel reader.

    And sometimes the point of view twisted.

    Sorry for my bad english...
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  6. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Ikutan komen tapi sampai chapter satu dulu :lalala:

    Hmm, pas baca prolog MC nya kerasa dark2 gitu, pengen lari dari reality. Tapi, pas selesai baca chapter satu, MC nya personality-nya berubah sama sekali :iii: Dengan gampangnya dia mengajak orang membentuk party seperti itu :iii: Setidaknya kalau pernah dibully seperti itu, ada rasa trauma2 dulu lah :iii: Terus temannya, setelah dibully itu saya pikir si MC nggak temenan lagi sama dia pas baca prolognya, tapi tetap aja temenan :iii: Berarti MC nya dong yang rotten, suka pretending to be friends gitu :lol:

    Harusnya sih meliat sikap MC dari prolog, MC itu saya harusnya solo player di awal :iii:

    Masih mengenai MC, kalau dia sudah gamer sebelumnya, seharusnya pas pertama login ketika mau dijelasin tentang dunia itu, dia langsung bilang bahwa dia nggak butuh penjelasan seperti itu kepada NPC nya, karena dia sudah tau. Ya, harusnya dia sudah tau tentang sistem game itu, karena dia gamer. Dan karena dia gamer makanya dia tertarik masuk dunia itu. MC di chapter satu ini sangat terlihat newbie banget main game RPG :swt:

    Eh, tapi ada juga kontradiksi sih, contoh pada narasi yang ini:

    Whoa… Hikaru is amazed at the law that was applied in RO. So this is why the game is named as the player heaven. This game is truly created so the player can hunt the monster and leveled up. For players who want to test out their skills, they can go to the arena. For players who’s confused about what to do, the NPC can answer their question. This is how a VRMMORPG should be. A true paradise for players.

    Bold: Artinya Hikaru pernah main game VRMMORPG sebelumnya dong :iii: Berarrti seharusnya dia memang nggak newbie lagi :iii:

    Dan, kalimat ini juga malah kontradiksi dengan yang ada di prolog:

    “Behold the new era of gaming. With Syder (synapse reader) implemented on the system, Rebirth Online will be the first VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) in the world...

    See bold :ngacir:

    Masih lanjutan dari scene tentang penjelasan dari NPC, well, saya tau sih maksudnya penulis ingin memperkenalkan settingan dunia RO ini. Tapi, menurut saya sih lebih baik dijelasin lewat mulut MC nya saja, bukan dari NPC :iii:

    Catatan tambahan buat MC: Cari game lain. Kalau kamu memang mau main game untuk lari dari dunia nyata, RO bukan game yang cocok untukmu karena sistemnya yang 'melarang' kamu main terus2an dengan sistem makanannya itu :lol:

    Well, komen semuanya intinya cuman satu sih, prolognya mungkin bisa diubah :bloon: kenapa? karena capek kalau chapter satunya yang dirubah :bloon:

    Setting dunia gamenya belum terlihat jelas, misalnya bentuk dunianya bertingkat-tingkat kayak SAO, ato datar kayak ALO, LH?

    Eh, class dancer itu ada dimana sih? basic class kan: swordsman, fighter, archer, thief, caster, and commoner. Dancer dimana? :???:

    RO ini nggak ada main questnya ya? Padahal seru juga sih sebenarnya kalau MC nya terus solo aja jalanin main quest, dan tiba-tiba ada main quest yang butuh party :lol:

    Soalnya kalau nggak ada main quest, kerasa hambar juga ini game. SAO - ALO ada kan main quest dari gamenya.

    Sistem harus berbicara itu repot juga :iii: Buka inventory dikit, harus ngomong. Nyari wallet harus ngomong juga. Terus itu cara ngambilnya barangnya nggak enak gitu kayak kantong doraemon. Ngeluarin skill Swordsman pun harus ngomong, padahal seharusnya kan tinggal ancang-ancang saja kan bisa :iii:

    Masalah dungeon juga, ini dungeon nggak ada bossnya ya, nggak seru juga padahal bisa party 6 orang gitu.

    Well wajar sih baru baca chapter satu :hammer: mungkin di selanjut2nya diceritain :ngacir:

    Gitu dulu deh, maaf kalau berantakan :maaf:
    • Like Like x 31
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  7. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    Main characternya, bukan si hikaru.. si kuro.. ,

    kalo tentang VRMMORPG, ini baru yang pertama,.. nanti di benerin lagi kalimatnya deh... hehehe..

    diselanjutnya diceritain kok bro, dunia sama gamenya kayak apa... kalo mau mungkin bisa baca extra chapternya lebih dulu..

    belom ada bossnya bro.. itu udah ada rencana dikeluarin di next book.. ahhaha...

    btw, tq buat semua yang udah mampir, baca dan ngasih saran..
  8. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Iya baru selesai baca tadi malam :hmm:

    Lanjut komen kalau gitu :lalala:

    Dari segi penulisan dulu deh, banyak kata yang diulang2 dalam rentang jarak yang dekat jadi agak nggak enak bacanya :iii:

    Seeing Sakuya in the middle of the stage, the crowds starts to be silent. Every player that sees her on stage cannot turn their eyes away. “Hey, isn’t that the beautiful lady from the other day?” Kongou asking Hikaru while keep staring at the girl in the middle of the stage.

    “Yes, she’s Sakuya. So beautiful…” Hikaru replied Kongou while his eyes didn’t even blink seeing her.

    “Humph… Men all are the same.” Leona said that with a little bit annoyed seeing how both of her party members react.

    Sakuya then looked at her master. Kuro then gives her a nod and starts to pull out something from his bag. He is pulling out a violin and readies his stance. Seeing that, Sakuya tries to close her eyes for a second and taking a deep breath. And then his master violin starts to make a wonderful rhyme. Hearing that, she then starts to dance. She was moving around the stage flawlessly. Everyone that seeing her dances was mesmerized; as if they are seeing a goddess dancing on stage.

    Typo juga ada, well sebenarnya nggak penting :ngacir:

    “We’re going to stop by the bard headquarter first.” After he said that, Kuro and Aakuya start to walk towards the bard headquarters.

    Masuk ke cerita scene Kuro dan Sakuya di awal:

    “Errm… Okay then… By the way master, are we here just for that? Or for our honeymoon?” Sakuya is saying the last sentence with almost no sounds coming out from her. To make sure that her master can’t hear them.

    “Of course not, you’ll know our reasons in the morning. By the way, what is your last question? I can’t hear them well. Some honey or something?”

    She saw her master with his hand up holding some kind of tube. He is collecting water that falls from the flowers of the tree. After a few minutes the tube is full of water and he closed the tube. Sakuya is curious about it.

    “What is that master?”

    “This is the morning dew. I have a hard time figuring out on how to acquire it. After all even your database only tells that the giant sacred tree is located at Illidian and the morning dew is collected from the tree. This is the last item i need to complete the forgotten melody quest. With this, I can accompany you when you’re dancing.”

    Hearing that, Sakuya smiles and said: “Are you hungry master? Do you want me to cook something for you?”

    Di sini respon Sakuya setelah tahu bahwa Master itu datang untuk mengambil morning dew kayak nggak nyambung gitu, padahal dia digambarkan penasaran :iii:
    Kasian Masternya udah show off gitu, "Saya ke sini buat ini nih." Tapi Sakuya cuman tersenyum :swt:

    Langsung skip ke event :ngacir:

    IMO, eventnya penggambarannya kurang seru, atau eventnya sendiri yang kurang seru? Why not both? Cuman nyari stall gitu. Terus perjuangan mereka bertiga memenangkan event itu juga serasa di skip2 gitu, tiba-tiba Leona udah dapat, tiba-tiba Kongo ikut2an udah dapat, dan Hikaru akhirnya dapat setelah ngantri? Ini yang aneh juga, eventnya pake acara ngantri segala.

    Langsung skip ke event :ngacir:

    “Kuro is cornered because he is alone, and Dimitry party still has full health and their number is an advantage I think.” Kongou telling Hikaru about his thought.

    Kongou kok bisa tau HP, MP, Dimitry party padahal kalau nggak salah kalau belum temenan belum bisa liat HP, MP. Lagian Kongou juga belum tau itu Dimitri atau bukan.

    Di Window Quest kan cuman tertera 10/8,830.

    Btw, eventnya yang ikut sedikit banget cuman 8,830 orang/1 Juta :dead:

    Hmm, karakter IMBA gitu ya. Mirip2 Kirito. Tapi, ada beberapa hal yang ganjal sih bagi saya :iii:
    1. Dia kan Thief Class - Advance Class - Assassin - Kenapa dia bisa pake skill Bard padahal basic Classnya Thief, bukan Commoner :dead:
    2. Dia kok bisa level 80-90 padahal kerjanya cuman makan :dead:
    3. Dia kan solo player, kok mau2nya menghibur player lain di festival :dead:
    4. Dia ikut event, lagi2 show off :dead:

    IMO, gamenya kalau saya bilang kurang menarik.
    1. Tidak ada Main Quest.
    2. Antar kota juga tidak ada batas level jadi bisa kemana saja. Meskipun fieldnya ada. DN aja ada batas levelnya.
    3. Berat beban tetap aja 3000 biarpun naik level. Jadi buat apa naik level?
    4. Buat apa saya main game ini kalau nggak ada tujuan?
    Bagi saya gamenya masih kerasa cuman tempat tidur kedua. Tapi dari nama2 skill maupun dungeonnya jadi keinget DN.
    Mungkin -Fitur- agar orang mau naik level ditambah.

    Belum jelas kemana arah ceritanya ini. Mungkin karena saya belum tau genrenya apa?
    Apakah LN ini akan menceritakan kisah cinta antara Sakuya dan Kuro atau chara development dari Hikaru? Why not both?
    Belum ada antagonis juga. Ah, mungkin si foundernya itu sang Antagonis. Meskipun belum jelas juga.
    Bagi saya tiga chapter ini masih kerasa filler.

    Lanjut kk :cheers:
    Maaf berantakan :maaf:
  9. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    well,, emang masih banyak typo, sama kata2 yang diulang, soalnya vocabularynya gak banyak.. hehehe...

    sakuya penasaran cara ngedapetinnya, soalnya kalau tujuan item sama kegunaanya udah ada di database dia..

    3rd login, soalnya kuro belom nyerang dari tadi, dan partynya dimitry dari tadi ngumpet...

    kuro---> kalo masalah skill kan udah diceritain sakuya, hehe... dibuku ke2 ntar diceritain penyebab semuanya yang agan tanyain... jadi buku pertama ini masi background... ntar di buku ke 2 mau di rombak ulang semuanya...
    kemaren ini ngebut cuma 1 minggu kurang beres.. soalny kepepet.. nanti saya mau ngerjaiinnya pelan2 jadi bisa lebih dinikmati ceritanya..

    sitem--> main quest gak ada tapi ada quest biasa. field level recomended ada walau gak dibatesin, ya resikonya kalau nyasar mati.. hehehe..., berat beban naek kalo strnya naek, gamenya ini yang pertama release VR, jadi tetep menarik..

    di buku ke 2 bakal ada cakupan penting..
    1. siapa kuro, kenapa kuat begitu, masa lalunya, apakah itu mungkin? hehehe.. saya bkinnya dengan penuh perhitungan.. biar kalo dijelasin ntar yang baca baru sadar, oh ternyata begini toh.. hehehe...
    2. update sistem, monster boss, dan logic dibalik gamenya, karena di buku ini, gamenya dimaksud dibuat realistis, banyak yang gak setuju pada bilang kenapa gak sekalian dibikin keren gtu, tapi nanti jadi ga masuk di akal.. haha.. karena walaupun saya penggemar berat sao, lh, .hack, mereka ga ada penjelasan yang scientific.. ^^
    3. antagonis, ya sekarang foundernya bisa dibilang begitu, cuman saya udah nyiapin penjahat2 dana penyamun dibelakang.. hahaha...

    btw, ini buku pertama juga masih bakal dibenerin lagi,, soalnya saya mendapat banyak masukan dari kawan2 sekalian...

    jadi, dalam 1 bulan kedepan mungkin revisi buku pertama bisa jadi. dan kalau lancar awal januari depan buku ke 2 keluar.. hehehe.... soalnya awal idenya, buku ke 2 dulu dibuat baru buku ke 1.. tapi nantinya jadinya gak masuk akal...

    btw, terimakasih buat ryrien yang baca dan menyimak dengan sungguh2.. saya terharu T_T....

    terima kasih banyak....

    btw kalo ada buku ke 2 mau baca?
  10. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Oh, iya baru baca lagi manualnya ternyata benar STR nambah weigh 50 :swt:

    Soal Sakuya jelasin skill itu yang di awal yang ini kan:

    “You’re well aware that there are 6 basic classes right? But the class of commoner is a special case. You can learn the skill of all advanced class of commoner.”

    “Really? So it’s possible to acquire all skill form advanced class of commoner then?”

    Di manual juga:

    Each advanced class has basic class requirements, so a player that’s taking the swordsman as the basic class can’t upgrade as a wizard for the second class. The advanced class and the respective basic class will be explained further below.

    Commoner advanced class is bard, dancer, chef, crafter, blacksmith, and merchant.

    Commoner is the basic class that doesn’t have any special rule. They can use wide range of weapon, and can equip a wide range of armor. Medium attack, medium speed, and medium defense, if you have to describe, it is jack of all trades.

    Nah, yang saya tangkap dari itu semua, hanya commoner yang bisa mempelajari semua skill dari semua advance class dari commoner. Tapi, Kuro kan Assassin jadi tidak mungkin dia pake skill Bard untuk di Festival ataupun lebih di awal lagi, jalanin misi quest The Forgotten Melody buat dapat skill Bard. Soalnya, kalau bisa begitu, malah sistem gamenya jadi tidak seimbang, soalnya ntar bisa make semua skill dong biarpun questnya sulit.

    Udah ada buku 2 nya? Mau dong :blink:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  11. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    betul bro.. skill commoner bisa di akusisi sama semua advanced class... tapi kudu levelnya ckup sama ngejalanin questnya... btw saya udah mulai tahap revisi...

    ini ada linknya http://rebirthonlinelightnovel.wordpress.com/rebirth-online-a-new-beginning-revised/

    saya sekarang lagi fokusin revisi buku pertama... nanti lanjut buku ke 2 pokoknya banyak kejutan yang tak terduga.,.. hehehe...

    kalau bisa tolong di share ke temen2 agan juga.... soalnya penggemar light novel di Indonesia jarang.. hehehe....

    terima kasih banyak...
  12. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Hee, semua advance class bisa ngambil skill advance class commoner? :iii:

    Jadi, in the first place, kenapa saya milih class commoner kalau yang lain juga bisa pake skill advancenya :swt:

    Baru 5%. Tunggu 100% aja deh :puyeng:

    Sekalian kasih tau bagian mana yang diperbaiki, biar nggak baca semua lagi sih :puyeng:
  13. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
  14. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58
    Hmm, baru 15% ya.

    Saran, biar enak bandinginnya, gimana kalau cerita yang sudah direvisi dan yang belum direvisi dimasukin dalam satu page/halaman/url yang sama. Maksudnya disampingin gitu. Kalau nggak salah, di baka-tsuki kayak gitu sih. Lupa juga. Dan nggak tau gimana caranya :ngacir:
  15. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    ok.. lagi tahap pengerjaan... ngerevisi susah juga.. jadi banyak alur cerita yang keganti.. hehehe...
  16. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    udah kalo menurut gw ambil yang enaknya aja, jangan terlalu kemakan apa kata orang. lanjutin sesuka hati, ini 'kan cerita situ juga :top: ntar tulis aja sampe selesai, kalo kurang sreg baru mikirin mau remake apa nggak :hihi: 'kan sekalian belajar2 juga dengan terus nulis apa adanya, gak mungkin langsung perfect sekali lewat, itu imposiburu :XD:

    sori blom sempet baca :maaf:
  17. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
  18. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    ada yang udah baca lagi? ada comment?
  19. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    buku ke 2 prologue udah up.. makasih..
  20. ryrien MODERATOR


    The Dark Lady

    Oct 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +3,170 / -58

    Mungkin besok baru bisa komen keseluruhan sekalian sama yg revisinya :hmm:
  21. ldyrdy Members


    Silent Reader

    Nov 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    tq bro ryrien.. hehehehe...
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