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Flora Bunga Lily of The Valley (Convallaria majalis)

Discussion in 'Flora dan Fauna' started by marikyu, Oct 5, 2013.

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  1. marikyu MODERATOR
    Radio Announcer


    moonlight :)

    Jan 26, 2013
    Trophy Points:
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    Taman Bunga Lily of The Valley (Convallaria majalis)
    Bunga Cantik yang Beracun

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    Lily of The Valley (Convallaria majalis)
    Kingdom: Plantae
    Clade: Angiosperms
    Clade: Monocots
    Order: Asparagales
    Family: Asparagaceae
    Subfamily: Nolinoideae
    Genus: Convallaria
    Species: C. majalis


    Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) adalah bunga musim semi warna putih berukuran sangat kecil dengan bentuk menyerupai lonceng. Bunga ini banyak tumbuh di negara Inggris terutama di bagian utara. Sedangkan makna dari bunga mungil yang cantik ini adalah kepercayaan, pancaran kebahagiaan dan kesucian.

    Lily of the Valley termasuk salah satu yang paling indah dalam keluarga Lily. Bunga-bunganya biasanya berwarna putih walaupun kadang ada juga yang berwarna putih kemerah-mudaan. Pada bulan September bunga ini mengeluarkan buah berry manis di bagian petalnya yang berdiameter 5-7 mm.

    Lily of the Valley juga digunakan untuk keperluan pengobatan, dapat mencegah atau menolak racun, digunakan juga sebagai keperluan pengobatan hati dan epilepsy. Kegunaan lain dari bunga ini adalah untuk membuat parfum. Tetapi perlu diingat bahwa bunga Lily of the Valley ini mengandung racun yang jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang banyak bisa mengakibatkan kematian. Convallatoxin, racun yang terdapat di dalam tumbuhan ini dulu digunakan sebagai keperluan medikasi hati. Walaupun hanya mengonsumsi satu atau dua takaran dari bunganya yang berbentuk lonceng ini tidak akan berakibat fatal, namun apabila dimakan dalam jumlah cukup banyak dapat menyebabkan rasa sakit di mulut, muntah-muntah, keram di seluruh tubuh, dan diare. Racun di bunga ini juga dapat menyebabkan disfungsi jantung dan detak jantung melemah.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2013
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. near127 M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 21, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +12,864 / -1
    10 Bunga Cantik yg mengandung Racun

    1. Opium

    Opium sebenarnya dipakai dalam dunia farmasi, namun lebih sering disalahgunakan sebagai bunga penghasil narkotika, karena mempunyai efek halusinogen yang dahsyat.

    Cara pengolahan menjadi narkotika, yakni dengan cara menyayat buahnya hingga mengeluarkan getah putih yang lengket. Setelah kering, getah tersebut akan berubah warna menjadi kecoklatan. Kandungan getah tersebut berisi campuran narkotika alami alkaloid, termasuk morfin dan kodein. Morfin adalah acetylated yang berguna untuk menghasilkan diacetylmorphine (atau lebih dikenal sebagai heroin).

    Opium adalah jenis narkotika yang paling berbahaya. Kandungan ini dikonsumsi dengan cara ditelan langsung atau diminum bersama teh, kopi atau dihisap bersama rokok atau sheesha (rokok ala Timur Tengah).

    2. Daphne

    Bunga Daphne juga dikenal dengan nama Lady Laurel atau tanaman surga. Seluruh bagian dari bunga ini beracun tapi bagian yang paling beracun terpusat pada getah dan buahnya. Daphne mengandung mezerine dan daphnin, yang merupakan racun kuat dan dapat menyebabkan sakit perut parah, sakit kepala, diarhea, dan kegilaan. Jika buah bunga daphne di konsumsi secara berlebihan, dapat menyebabkan koma bahkan kematian.

    3. Lilly of the valley

    Lilly of the valley terlihat sangat cantik dan tampak tidak berbahaya tapi jangan tertipu dengan penampilannya. Bunga ini mirip seperti daphne yang sangat beracun.

    Walaupun hanya mengkonsumsi satu atau dua takaran dari bunganya yang berbentuk lonceng ini tidak akan berakibat fatal, namun apabila dimakan dalam jumlah cukup banyak dapat menyebabkan rasa sakit di mulut, muntah-muntah, keram di seluruh tubuh, dan diare. Racun di bunga ini juga dapat menyebabkan disfungsi jantung dan detak jantung melemah.


    Beberapa spesies Acotinum digunakan sebagai racun pada anak panah. Suku Minaro di Ladakh menggunakan Acotinum napellus untuk memburu kambing hutan jantan. Sedangkan di Jepang, suku Ainus menggunakannya untuk memburu beruang. Orang Cina juga menggunakannya untuk berburu dan perang. Jika tersentuh ujungnya akan mengakibatkan keadaan mati rasa dan perih.

    5. Atrope Bella Donna

    Dikenal sebagai salah satu tumbuhan paling beracun di West Hemisphere, Belladona mengandung tropane alkoids yang berpotensi untuk membahayakan. Seluruh bagian tanaman ini berbahaya, tapi bagian paling berbahaya adalah pada buahnya yang sepertinya enak dimakan.

    Gejala yang akan terjadi dari racun bunga ini adalah pupil mata membesar, penglihatan menjadi kabur, sakit kepala, berhalusinasi dan kegilaan. Atropine adalah racun yang terkandung di dalam bunga ini yang dapat mengganggu sistem saraf dan menyebabkan gangguan pernapasan, sering berkeringat dan melehmahnya detak jantung.

    6. Conium

    Bunga beracun ini milik keluarga Apiaceae dan dapat ditemukan di Eropa dan bagian selatan Afrika. Salah satu spesiesnya adalah Conium maculatum yang juga disebut poison hemlock. Bunga ini berasal dari Eropa, Asia Barat dan Afrika utara.
    Bunga ini mengandung banyak alkaloid yang bisa sangat mematikan bagi manusia dan ternak. Salah satu contohnya adalah coniine dan sangat mirip dengan nikotin, dapat mengganggu cara kerja sistem saraf pusat. Apa yang biasanya akan terjadi dari keracunan conium adalah kelumpuhan otot dan sistem pernafasan sehingga jantung dan otak tidak mendapatkan cukup oksigen.

    7. Nerium Oleander

    Oleander dikenal sebagai salah satu tanaman yang paling beracun di bumi, sering digunakan untuk bunuh diri di India Selatan. Berbagai macam racun terkandung di seluruh bagian tanaman ini, seperti Oleandrin dan neriine, yang menyebabkan gangguan sistem saraf, gangguan pencernaan, dan sistem kerja peredaran darah.

    Parahnya, semua gejala itu akan terjadi secara bersamaan. Korban akan mengalami gejala kehilangan kesadaran, tubuh bergetar, rasa sakit yang amat sangat, koma, hingga kematian. Getahnya dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit dan kebutaan pada mata.

    8. Datura

    Bunga Datura bentuknya mirip kecubung, mengandung alkaloid yang cukup mematikan. Mereka telah digunakan selama ratusan tahun sebagai racun halusinogen. Di beberapa tempat di Eropa dan Inda, Datura digunakan untuk melakukan pembunuhan dan bunuh diri.

    9. Angel's Trumpet

    Jangan terkecoh dengan namanya yang indah, tanaman ini mengandung racun yang mematikan bagi manusia maupun hewan. Bunga ini dapat memberikan efek halusinogen yang amat kuat karena mengandung zat tropane alkaloids.

    10. Autumn Crocus

    Autumn Crocus merupakan salah satu tumbuhan paling beracun di dunia. Bunga ini mengandung colchicine yang merupakan obat mematikan yang biasa digunakan untuk perawatan encok. Racun yang terkandung di dalam bunga ini sejenis dengan arsenik yang tidak ada obat penyembuhnya. Bila keracunan tanaman ini, dapat menyebabkan hilangnya tekanan darah dan penyakit jantung.


    maaf kl berantakan, nubie ijin gabung
  4. near127 M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 21, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +12,864 / -1
    Bunga Simbol Kelahiran Bulan Mei - Lily of The Valley


    Lily of the valley adalah sejenis tanaman yang bersifat ‘perennial’ memiliki bentuk yang lucu, tanaman ini terdapat bunga bunga yang wangi dan harum berbentuk seperti lonceng lonceng yang bergantungan di setiap tangkainya. Bunga ini muncul di musim semi di daerah empat musim. Lily of the Valley termasuk salah satu yang paling indah dalam keluarga lily. Bunga bunganya biasanya berwarna putih walaupun kadang ada juga yang berwarna putih kemerah-mudaan. Pada bulan september bunga ini mengeluarkan buah buah berry manis di bagian petalnya yang berdiameter 5-7 mm. Lily of the Valley juga digunakan untuk keperluan pengobatan, dapat mencegah atau menolak racun, digunakan juga sebagai keperluan pengobatan hati dan epilepsy. Tetapi perlu diingat bahwa bunga lily of the Valley ini mengandung racun yang jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang banyak bisa mengakibatkan kematian. Convallatoxin, racun yang terdapat di dalam tumbuhan ini dulu digunakan sebagai keperluan medikasi hati. Kegunaan lain dari bunga ini adalah untuk membuat parfum.

    Lily of the Valley diberi arti sebagai lambang kemurnian, kesederhanaan, pesona, kerendahan hati dan juga dipercayai membawa keberuntungan dalam dunia percintaan maka dari itu tidak heran jika bunga ini sering ditemukan dalam penataan untuk bunga2 pernikahan. Karena bunga ini pada umumnya tumbuh di bulan mei maka bunga ini dinobatkan sebagai simbol bunga kelahiran bulan mei (sama halnya dengan batu zamrud atau emerald) dan bunga ini sering disebut juga dengan “may lily”. Bunga alternatif lainnya untuk bulan mei adalah semua bunga lily jenis lainnya. Bunga Lily of the Valley adalah salah satu bunga yang muncul di cerita cerita alkitab Kristen yang dipercayai bahwa air mata Bunda Maria yang jatuh di Salib Yesus berubah menjadi bunga Lily of the Valley. Cerita lain mengatakan bahwa bunga Lily of the Valley muncul dari darah St. George yang berperang melawan seekor naga.

  5. near127 M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 21, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +12,864 / -1
    Modern Herbal using Lily of The Valley

    ---Cultivation--- (Budidaya)
    Lily-of-the-Valley is fairly easy to cultivate, preferring well-drained, rich, sandy loam, in moist situations.
    Plant towards the end of September. The ground for Lily-of-the-Valley should be thoroughly stirred to a depth of 15 inches, early in September, laying it up rough for a few weeks, then breaking it down and adding some rotten manure, or if that cannot be obtained, some kind of artificial manure must be used, but this is better applied later on, hoeing it in just as growth appears. Plant the crowns about 6 inches apart and work fine, rich soil, with some leaf mould if possible, in between. Leave at least 9 inches between the rows. Keep the crowns well below the surface and above all plant firmly.

    In some soils the plants will last longer in the best form than in others, but should be transplanted about every fourth year and in light, porous soils it may be necessary to do so every third year. Periodic transplanting, deep culture and liberal feeding produce fine blooms. Autumn is the best time for remaking beds, which are best done in entirely fresh soil. Cut the roots from the old bed out into tufts 6 inches or 9 inches square, and divide into pieces 3 inches square. Replant the tufts the original 6 inches apart. It is best to prepare the entire beds before replanting. Replanted by October, the crowns will be well settled in by winter rains, and the quality of the spikes will show a marked difference in early spring.

    ---Parts Used Medicinally--- (Bagian yg digunakan sbg obat)
    The whole plant, collected when in flower and dried, and also the root, herb and flowers separately. The inflorescence is said to be the most active part of the herb, and is preferred on that account, being the part usually employed.

    The flowers are dried on the scape or flower-stalk, the whole stalk being cut before the lowermost flowers are faded. A good price is obtainable for the flowers, and in Lincolnshire, Derbyshire, Westmorland and other counties, where the plant grows freely wild, they would pay for collecting. During the process of drying, the white flowers assume a brownish-yellow tinge, and the fragrant odour almost entirely disappears, being replaced by a somewhat narcotic scent, the taste of the flowers is bitter.

    If Lily-of-the-Valley flowers are thrown into oil of sweet almonds or olive oil, they impart to it their sweet smell, but to become really fragrant the infusion has to be repeated a dozen times with the same oil, using fresh flowers for each infusion.

    The chief constituents of Lily-of-the-Valley are two glucosides, Convallamarin, the active principle, a white crystalline powder, readily soluble in water and in alcohol, but only slightly in ether, which acts upon the heart like Digitalin, and has also diuretic action, and Convallarin, which is crystalline in prisms, soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in water and has a purgative action. There are also present a trace of volatile oil, tannin, salts, etc.

    ---Medicinal Action and Uses---
    Lily-of-the-Valley is valued as a cardiac tonic anddiuretic. The action of the drug closely resembles that of Digitalis, though it is less powerful; it is used as a substitute and strongly recommended in valvular heart disease, also in cases of cardiac debility and dropsy. It slows the disturbed action of a weak, irritable heart, whilst at the same time increasing its power. It is a perfectly safe remedy. No harm has been known to occur from taking it in full and frequent doses, it being preferable in this respect to Digitalis, which is apt to accumulate in the blood with poisonous results.

    It proved most useful in cases of poisonous gassing of our men at the Front.

    It is generally administered in the form of a tincture. The infusion of 1/2 OZ. of herb to 1 pint of boiling water is also taken in tablespoonful doses. Fluid extracts are likewise prepared from the rhizome, whole plant and flowers and the flowers have been used in powdered form.

    A decoction of the flowers is said to be useful in removing obstructions in the urinary canal, and it has been also recommended as a substitute for aloes, on account of its purgative quality.

    ---Preparations and Dosages---

    Fluid extract, herb, 10 to 30 drops. Fluid extract, whole plant, 10 to 30 drops. Fluid extract, flowers, 1/2 to 1 drachm.

    Russian peasants have long employed the Lily-of-the-Valley for certain forms of dropsy proceeding from a faulty heart.

    Special virtues were once thought to be possessed by water distilled from the flowers, which was known as Aqua aurea (Golden Water), and was deemed worthy to be preserved in vessels of gold and silver. Coles (1657) gives directions for its preparation:
    'Take the flowers and steep them in New Wine for the space of a month; which being finished, take them out again and distil the wine three times over in a Limbeck. The wine is more precious than gold, for if any one that is troubled with apoplexy drink thereof with six grains of Pepper and a little Lavender water they shall not need to fear it that moneth.'

    Dodoens (1560) pointed out how this water 'doth strengthen the Memorie and comforteth the Harte,' and about the same time, Joachim Camerarius [Culpepper says it was Gerard who said this. - EDITOR.], a renowned physician of Nuremberg, gave a similar prescription, which Gerard quotes, saying that:
    'a Glasse being filled with the flowers of May Lilies and set in an Ant Hill with the mouth close stopped for a month's space and then taken out, ye shall find a liquor in the glasse which being outwardly applied helps the gout very much.'

    This spirit was also considered excellent as an embrocation for sprains, as well as for rheumatism.

    We are told by old writers that a decoction of the bruised root, boiled in wine, is good for pestilential fevers, and that bread made of barley meal mixed with the juice is an excellent cure for dropsy, also that an ointment of the root and lard is good for ulcers and heals burns and scalds without leaving a scar.

    Culpepper said of the Lily-of-the-Valley:
    'It without doubt strengthens the brain and renovates a weak memory. The distilled water dropped into the eyes helps inflammations thereof. The spirit of the flowers, distilled in wine, restoreth lost speech, helps the palsy, and is exceedingly good in the apoplexy, comforteth the heart and vital spirits.'

    The powdered flowers have been said to excite sneezing, proving serviceable in the relief of headache and earache; but to some sick people the scent of the flowers has proved harmful.

    In some parts of Germany, a wine is still prepared from the flowers, mixed with raisins.

  6. near127 M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 21, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +12,864 / -1
    Tanaman Bunga Budidaya Termahal saat ini

    Ternyata selain indah, bunga juga bisa dijadikan lahan bisnis, untuk beberapa kalangan
    karena bisa meraup keuntungan yg lumayan besar,
    berikut beberapa bunga yg harganya lumayan mahal, siapa tau temen2 disini ada yg berniat buka usaha budidaya tanaman hias

    1. Puring
    Puring biasa juga di sebut Kuda hitam, biasanya banyak tumbuh dikuburan tiba2 banyak di buru karena harganya yang membumbung tinggi bahkan kini sudah berdiri sejajar dengan tanaman hias mahal lainnya. Jangan heran tanaman yang memiliki nama lain Croton ini menghias rumah-rumah mewah. Puring yang kini jadi incaran hobiis jenis Logam, Oscar, Kura, Red Aple, dll. Kekuatan Puring terletak pada warna dan bentuk daun yang warna-warni. Semakin unik, semakin mahal.

    2. Philodendron

    Tanaman yang berdaun lebar ini banyak yang mengklaim termasuk dalam keluarga Aracea.Mengapa banyak orang yang mencari banga ini karena Keindahan pada daun bunga dan batangnya yang unik dan membuat banyak orang kagum. Jenis Philodendron termasuk banyak, tapi cardinal black yang paling banyak digemari. Dengan harga relatif murah dibanding Aglaonema dan Anthurium, Philodendron jadi alternatif bagi pecinta tanaman yang tak sanggup membeli Anthurium dan Aglaonema yang mahal.

    3. Sansevieria


    Sansevieria mulai banyak di cari sejak awal tahun 2012. Lekukan Sansevieria yang begitu indah tengah hangat dibicarakan, baik pecinta tanaman hias maupun pedagang. Jenis yang tengah diburu yang bentuknya unik, langka alias variegata. Semakin unik dan langka, berarti semakin eksklusif dan juga semakin mahal. Paling mahal jenis Kirkii Silver Blue yang menembus angka 10 juta per daunnya.

    4. Anthurium


    Anthurium masa trendnya paling lama, 2 tahun. Bahkan pedagang dan kolektor masih menunggu respon masyarakat pada pameran terbesar di Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta. Anthurium termasuk keluarga Araceae. Tanaman yang memiliki kelebihan pada daunnya yang unik, indah dan bervariasi ini, masih satu keluarga dengan beberapa tanaman hias lain yang juga populer, Aglonema, dan Alokasia. Dengan tulang daun yang besar dan menonjol membuat tanaman ini tampak kekar. Anthurium ada 1000 jenis, tapi yang populer hanya beberapa. Di antaranya Anthurium Jenmanii, Wave of Love, Hookeri, Jenmanii Sawi, Anthurium Variegata, dll. Paling mahal dari jenis Jenmanii, bisa menembus puluhan juta, bahkan ratusan juta rupiah. Di Oasis Nursery Anthurium termahal yang pernah dijual seharga 70 juta rupiah.

    5. Lily of the valley
    Anthurium Bunga yang satu ini juga harganya lumayan mahal ,karena hanya mekar setiap setahun sekali, Bunga ini berkisar Rp. 500.000/tangkai,

    6. Gloriosa

    Anthurium bunga yang satu ini berasal dari afrika dan bunga ini juga banyak di gemari di belahan dunia terutama di eropa harganya bervariasi berkisar Rp. 100.000,-/kuncup bunga.

  7. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +40,338 / -7
    How Poisonous Is Lily of the Valley?


    We don't want to spoil anything from this season of Breaking Bad for those who haven't seen it. But for the floss readers curious about lily of the valley, a plant that played a part in Sunday's season finale, we're happy to talk botany. Read on at your own risk.

    So, what is lily of the valley?
    Known by the scientific name Convallaria majalis, the lily of the valley is an herbaceous (the leaves and stems die at the end of the growing season and there's no persistent woody stem) perennial found in temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The plant forms large colonies by spreading underground stems and appears above ground with upright stems called pips. The lily blooms in the late spring and has white, bell-shaped, sweet-smelling flowers and small orange-red berries.

    The plant pops up in Christian legend several times. As the story goes, lily of the valley was formed from the tears of Mary as she wept at the crucifixion of Jesus, and grew from the blood shed by Saint Leonard of Noblac during his fight with a dragon. The lily of the valley was also used as the floral emblem of Yugoslavia and is the national flower of Finland.

    Is it really poisonous?
    You bet.

    Toxicity is the plant's defense against animals eating its seeds. All parts of the plant—the stems, the leaves, the flowers and the berries—are extremely poisonous and close to 40 different cardiac glycosides have been found in the plant so far.

    Glycosides are chemical compounds where a sugar is bound to a non-carbohydrate molecule. By increasing calcium stores in and around cells, cardiac glycosides increase the force with which the heart contracts and the volume of blood it can pump. This is not necessarily a bad thing, and these compounds have been used in medicine since the ancient Roman Empire to treat arrhythmia and congestive heart failure (today, the drugs Lanoxin, Digitek, and Lanoxicaps are made from a purified cardiac glycoside extracted from the foxglove plant). In quantities over the recommended safe dosage, though, cardiac glycosides can wreak havoc on your gastrointestinal, circulatory and nervous systems (more on that later).

    That doesn't sound good. Could it be growing in my yard?
    Possibly. The plant is widespread in the wild across Asia, continental Europe, England and the Appalachia region of the eastern United States. It's also a popular garden plant because of its sweet-smelling flowers and ground-covering ability, so it wouldn't be shocking to find it in a garden outside of its native range. Like, say, Albuquerque.

    So I definitely shouldn't be eating it, then?
    Not unless blurry vision, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, disorientation, drowsiness, headaches, red skin rashes, excessive salivation, sudden alterations in your cardiac rhythm and possible death sound like your idea of fun.

    Oh. Let's say that, er, a friend of a friend ate some. What's next?
    Get to a hospital, where treatment will include ingestion of activated charcoal, breathing support, IV fluids, an electrocardiogram and a temporary pacemaker, depending on the nature and severity of the symptoms. They might also recommend not hanging out with people who make and/or sell meth.

  8. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +40,338 / -7
    Queen – Lily Of The Valley

    I am forever searching high and low
    But why does everyone tell me 'no'?
    Neptune of the seas, an answer for me please
    The lily of the valley doesn't know

    I lie in wait with open eyes
    I carry on through stormy skies
    I follow every course; my kingdom for a horse
    But each time I grow old
    Serpent of the Nile, relieve me for a while
    And cast me from your spell, and let me go

    Messenger from seven seas has flown
    To tell the king of Rhye he's lost his throne
    Wars will never cease
    Is there time enough for peace?
    The lily of the valley doesn't know

  9. near127 M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 21, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +12,864 / -1
    Lily of The Valley - Festival

    After Lily of the Valley finishes blooming, the red berries appear on the stem. Old legends say that those are not berries but the tears from separation with Young Spring. She is very independent, travels from south to north and gives love to everyone. She might have loved him, but not forever. Spring left him with the Summer. Lily of the Valley got so upset that his leaves turned yellow, and on the stems little scarlet berry-tears appeared.

    The Latin name Convallaria means "valley" and Majalis means "blooming in May" (from Greek). This woodland plant is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe. In different countries it’s associated with love, tenderness, innocence, faith… This flower inspires people for poetry, legends, festivals and traditions…

    In France there is a Lily of the Valley Festival. In Balkans it’s a pagan and Orthodox holiday. In Old Germany there used to be a huge fair with dancing, bonfires, singing and praising the Goddess of Spring. (By the way, in Germany the flower is called the "Little Bell of May" or Maiglöckchen.) In Russia there is a legend about princess of the Sea Volkhova who fell in love with Sadko. But he gave his heart to Ljubava, the Princess of Forests and Valleys. Volkhova came from the sea to the land and started crying. Her dropped tears appeared with Lilies of the Valley—a symbol of sorrow, love, purity and innocence.
    This flower was the favorite of great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky:



    terharu baca ini
  10. wewe201002 M V U


    U see ≠ U know

    Jul 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +7,054 / -82
    ikutan nyumbang :gotdrink:

    Lily of the Valley – May Day in France
    May Day in France – Lily of the Valley, Romance and Workers Rights

    The First of May is a Public Holiday in France, officially known as La Fête du Travail (National Labour Day) but also called La Fête du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day).​

    • The Romance – Lily of the Valley on May Day
    It is a tradition on this day to offer a sprig of lily-of-the-valley (“muguet” in French) to loved ones, and in the week leading up to May Day you can buy bunches of this fragrant spring flower in every florist and most supermarkets, either as cut flowers or as plants in pots.

    Ever since its introduction from Japan to Europe in the Middle Ages, lily-of-the-valley had been regarded as a lucky charm by the Celtic folks.

    The French tradition of giving lily-of-the-valley flowers on May Day is supposed to have begun on May 1st, 1561, when King Charles IX of France was presented with a bunch of lily-of-the-valley flowers as a token of luck and prosperity for the coming year. History does not record who it was that presented the king with this perfumed gift, but he took a shine to this idea and began the custom of presenting lily-of-the-valley flowers to the ladies of his court each year on May 1st.

    There was also an old European tradition of “bals de muguet” or Lily-of-the-Valley dances; once a year, this was a rare occasion for young singles to meet without having to get parents’ permission. The girls would dress in white and the boys would wear a sprig of muguet as a buttonhole.

    From around 1900, it became traditional in France for men to present a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley flowers to their sweethearts to express their love and affection. Nowadays “muguet” flowers are also given as a general token of appreciation between close friends and family members.

    • Workers’ Rights – Labour Day in France
    On 1 May 1886 at Chicago, the American Unions began a campaign for an 8-hour working day. A strike paralyzed the factories and there was rioting and violent demonstrations – 12 people including 5 policemen were killed in a bomb explosion on the 4th March and 5 anarchists were later sentenced to death.

    In 1889, the 2nd International Socialists meeting in Paris chose 1 May as the day to commemorate and continue the fight for an 8-hour day, in memory of the Chicago events.

    From 1890 the Socialist movement adopted a red triangle to symbolise their objective: 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours of leisure. This symbol was later replaced by the wild rose, then in 1907 by a sprig of muguet.

    Under German occupation 1 May was made a Workers’ Holiday to rally the workers under the Vichy government, a holiday re-adopted after the Liberation. Ever since 1 May has been a paid holiday in France.

    • Practical Tips for May Day in France
    May 1st is a public holiday in France – a day of paid leave for workers. Public offices, Post Offices and banks, plus most private shops and businesses, are closed.

    Outside tourist areas, even restaurants, bars and cafés are frequently closed despite the fact that many people take a short break around this time. However, it is increasingly common for shops in large towns/cities, at transport interchanges and in some tourist areas to remain open.

    Public transport service schedules vary in coverage – expect reduced services.

    May Day parades and demonstrations may cause disruption to traffic in the centers of large cities, particularly Paris, so be prepared for delays and accept it as part of the way of life in France!

  11. near127 M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 21, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +12,864 / -1
    Lily Of The Valley Fragrance


    FLORIS of LONDON Lily of the Valley EDT 100 ml/3.4 oz

    IDR 1,110,454.55 @ebay

    Lily of the Valley is one of the earliest fragrances by the house of Floris. It was created by Juan Floris, the founder, in the 18th ct. It has stayed one of the most popular fragrances by Floris.

    This delicate and longlasting fragrance opens with green leaves united with lemon. A heart incorporates lily of the valley, joined by jasmine, rose and tuberose. A base adds musky notes. Lily of the Valley was launched in 1847.
  12. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +40,338 / -7

    [​IMG] [h=1]'Les Muguets' (Lilies of the Valley)[/h]
    • Object:Dress

    • Place of origin:Paris, France (made)

    • Date:1955 (made)

    • Artist/Maker:Givenchy, Hubert de (designer)

    • Materials and Techniques:Silk organdie with silk and sequin embroidery; with satin gloves

    • Credit Line:Given by the Viscountess de Bonchamps

    • Museum number:T.223 to B-1974

    • Gallery location:In Storage
    Formal evening gowns were an essential part of a society lady’s wardrobe in the 1950s. Sumptuously embroidered and accessorised with jewels, these gowns provided a glittering show at receptions and balls, the opera or the theatre. Some were specially commissioned for a specific occasion, and worn only once, others bear evidence of alterations.

    This dress is embroidered with silk thread and sequins from top to bottom, which would have been very expensive as it was done entirely by hand. It would have been sent out to one of the many specialist workshops in Paris, and each tiny sequin and stitch placed individually by a team of highly-skilled embroiderers.

    The dress was worn with a pair of full-length black evening gloves.
    Physical description

    Evening dress of white silk organdie with an all over embroidered pattern of lily of the valley in white and cream silk and plastic sequins. It is full-length and has a high waist, is strapless, and has a train. The strapless bodice has a curved neckline with a low back. The bodice is boned and has two circular bust pads. The dress and bodice have a left side zipper and press stud fastening. The dress is fully lined.

    T.223-A&B Long evening gloves, in black satin; elasticated at inside wrist and top of glove.

    Place of Origin

    Paris, France (made)


    1955 (made)


    Givenchy, Hubert de (designer)

    Materials and Techniques

    Silk organdie with silk and sequin embroidery; with satin gloves

    Object history note

    Worn and given by the Viscountess de Bonchamps

    Descriptive line

    Strapless full-length evening dress of white silk organdie with an all over embroidered pattern in white silk and white plastic sequins, worn with long black satin evening gloves

    Bibliographic References (Citation, Note/Abstract, NAL no)

    Palmer, A., 'Inside Paris Haute Couture' in Wilcox, C., ed., The Golden Age of Couture: Paris and London 1947-57 (V&A Publications, 2007), pl.3.2
    Image and caption
    Registered Description files
    There is a small photo copied image in the Registered Description files. It shows that the skirt was an exaggerated bell-shape (requiring many layers of underpinnings), creating an almost flamenco shape as the front of the skirt was lifted slightly off the ground. Worn with accompanying black full-length evening gloves.

    Exhibition History

    The Golden Age of Couture. Paris and London 1947 - 1957 (V&A 22/09/2007-06/01/2008)
    Fashion: an anthology by Cecil Beaton (V&A 01/01/1972-31/12/1972)

    Labels and date

    'Les Muguets' (Lily of the Valley) evening dress (robe du soir longue)
    Hubert de Givenchy (born 1927)

    The strapless bodice includes inset boning, so the wearer could step into the garment and not have to wear cumbersome corsets. This was standard in a couture gown.

    Silk organdie embroidered with sequins

    Given by the Viscountess de Bonchamps
    V&A: T.223-1974 [22/09/2007-06/01/2008]

    Associated names

    Cecil Beaton


    Silk; Silk thread; Satin; Sequins; Elastic; Organdie


    Weaving; Embroidering; Sewing

    Subjects depicted

    Lily of the Valley


    Embroidery; Fashion; Evening wear

    Production Type

    Haute couture

    Collection code


  13. nugrozipho MODERATOR
    Trivia Mania



    Feb 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +40,338 / -7
    Lily of The Valley in Art

    [h=3]LILY OF THE VALLEY[/h]
    [TH="background-color: transparent"]ARTIST:[/TH]

    [TH="background-color: transparent"]DATE OF WORK:[/TH]

    [TH="background-color: transparent"]MEDIUM:[/TH]

    Lee Kingman Natti
    Ink on cotton


    Our enchanting lily-of-the-valley pin is embellished with cultured freshwater pearls and hand-applied enamel.Produced in cooperation with the Cleveland Museum of Art. Made expressly for The Metropolitan Museum in the United States.
    Sterling silver, with 24K gold overlay and cultured freshwater pearls. Hand enameled. 2 1/4''L x 1 1/4''W.
    • Sterling silver with 24K gold overlay
    • Hand enameled
    • Cultured freshwater pearls
    • 2 1/4''L x 1 1/4''W
    Master jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) crafted beautiful objets d'art from precious metals and gems. His original and extravagant creations captivated the elite of Russian society, including the last two Romanov czars. The Museum's pin is based on an original Russian design by the workshop of Peter Carl Fabergé created in the late nineteenth–early twentieth century.


    The ultimate achievement of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) is the jeweled Easter eggs made for Czars Alexander III and Nicholas II of Russia. Our luminous keepsake box is adapted from the sumptuous Lilies-of-the-Valley Egg, which was presented to Czarina Alexandra in April 1898.
    18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals and simulated glass pearls. Gift boxed. 1 1/2''H x 2 3/8''L x 1 1/2''W.
    • 18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals and simulated glass pearls
    • Gift boxed
    • 1 1/2''H x 2 3/8''L x 1 1/2''W
    Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) was twenty-four years old when he took over his father’s jewelry business in St. Petersburg, Russia. He revolutionized the way jewelry was evaluated in Russia by emphasizing the design creativity and workmanship involved instead of just the value of the precious stones and metals. Fabergé’s studios produced a wide variety of objets d’art, including jeweled Easter eggs, clocks, jewelry, boxes, and frames.


    The ultimate achievement of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) is the jeweled Easter eggs made for Czars Alexander III and Nicholas II of Russia. Our luminous placecard holders are adapted from the sumptuousLilies-of-the-Valley Egg, which was presented to Czarina Alexandra in April 1898.
    Includes 4 placecard holders and 16 cards. 18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals. Gift boxed. 1 1/4''H.
    • Includes 4 placecard holders and 16 cards
    • 18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals
    • Gift boxed
    • 1 1/4''H
    Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) was twenty-four years old when he took over his father’s jewelry business in St. Petersburg, Russia. He revolutionized the way jewelry was evaluated in Russia by emphasizing the design creativity and workmanship involved instead of just the value of the precious stones and metals. Fabergé’s studios produced a wide variety of objets d’art, including jeweled Easter eggs, clocks, jewelry, boxes, and frames.


    The ultimate achievement of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) is the jeweled Easter eggs made for Czars Alexander III and Nicholas II of Russia. Our luminous candleholders are adapted from the sumptuousLilies-of-the-Valley Egg, which was presented to Czarina Alexandra in April 1898.
    Includes 4 candleholders and 4 candles. 18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals. Gift boxed. 1 1/4''H.
    • Includes 4 candleholders and 4 candles
    • 18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals
    • Gift boxed
    • 1 1/4''H


    The ultimate achievement of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) is the jeweled Easter eggs made for Czars Alexander III and Nicholas II of Russia. Our luminous bottle stopper is adapted from the sumptuous Lilies-of-the-Valley Egg, which was presented to Czarina Alexandra in April 1898.
    18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals. Gift boxed. 3 1/2''L.
    • 18K gold overlay, hand enameled, with crystals
    • Gift boxed
    • 3 1/2''L
    Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846–1920) was twenty-four years old when he took over his father’s jewelry business in St. Petersburg, Russia. He revolutionized the way jewelry was evaluated in Russia by emphasizing the design creativity and workmanship involved instead of just the value of the precious stones and metals. Fabergé’s studios produced a wide variety of objets d’art, including jeweled Easter eggs, clocks, jewelry, boxes, and frames.

    read more here and here
  14. Luckberries Members


    Silent Reader

    Aug 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    +5 / -0
    wihh, cantik cantik bgt ya bunganya, klw dikasi ke cwe kita kayaknya dia langsung kesemsem deh.. hihihi
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