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Fauna Ikan Lamprey (Petromyzon)

Discussion in 'Flora dan Fauna' started by Nisa_K1, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. Nisa_K1 M V U



    May 13, 2012
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    Kingdom : Animalia
    Phylum : Chordata
    Class : Agnatha
    Order : Cyclostomata
    Family : Petromyzontidae
    Genus : Petromyzon
    Species : Petromyzon marinus

    Sumber : Materi Zoologi 2

    Lamprey (kadang-kadang disebut belut lamprey) adalah ikan tak berahang. Lamprey merupakan spesies minoritas. Dalam zoologi, lampreys sering tidak dianggap sebagai ikan sejati karena morfologi dan fisiologinya yang berbeda. tubuh dapat dibedakan atas caput (kepala, truncus (batang tubuh) dan cauda (ekor). bentuk tubuh silinder dengan ekor pipih. tidak memiliki sisik. Diujung kepala arah ventral terdapat bentuk mangkok yang disebut buccal funnel yang tepinya dilengkapi dengan papil-papil lunak dan didalamnya terdapat gigi-gigi zat tanduk. Papil – Papil lunak tadi sebagai alat perasa. Dengan adanya gigi memungkinkan Lamprey melekat dan memarut badan ikan lain. Air ludahnya mengandung bahan kimia yang mampu mencegah pembekuan darah. Insang terdapat di dalam kantong-kantong otot, yang terbuka keluar melalui serangkaian celah yang terdiri dari 7 buah celah kecil di dalam berhubungan dengan sebuah saluran yang bermuara di dalam mulut. memiliki sepasang mata besar yang terdapat sebelah lateral. Sepanjang latero-median terdapat saluran yang berisi indra peraba, dimana saluran ini memanjang sampai ekor.

    Lamprey laut ditemukan di pantai Atlantik dari Eropa dan Amerika Utara, di Laut Mediterania barat, dan di Great Lakes dengan warna coklat atau abu-abu di punggungnya dan putih atau abu-abu di bawah dan dapat tumbuh menjadi sampai dengan 90 cm (35,5) panjang. lamprey Laut memangsa berbagai ikan. lamprey menggunakan cangkir sedot yang seperti mulut untuk melampirkan dirinya pada kulit ikan dan parut jauh jaringan dengan lidah yang tajam menyelidik dan gigi. Sekresi di mulut lamprey itu mencegah darah korban dari pembekuan. Korban biasanya meninggal karena kehilangan darah atau infeksi.

    Read more: http://zonaikankita.blogspot.com/2011/11/lamprey.html#ixzz271Cc8EZV

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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2012
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. Nisa_K1 M V U



    May 13, 2012
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    Ikan lamprey
    ternyata di MAKAN !! :iii:

    The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), which evolved some 250 million years ago, belongs to a near-extinct family of jawless fishes. A lamprey is a long scale-less river fish which looks very much like an eel. Its downward slanting mouth consists of a large, tooth-lined sucking disc. Once it has latched onto the side of another fish, the lamprey opens a hole in its host by wiping its raspy tongue across the skin. The parasite then secretes an anticoagulant that keeps this wound open so that the lamprey can feed on the prey's blood and tissue.

    Source: http://whatscookingamerica.net/History/PieHistory/LampreyPie.htm

    The long, eel-like fish drinking the blood of this lake trout is one of nearly fifty species of lampreys, a group of jawless fishes found in temperate rivers and coastal seas. Some species live in fresh water for their entire lives. Others, like the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) shown here, are anadromous. That is, they are hatched and grow in fresh water, migrate to the ocean to mature, and then return to fresh water to spawn.
    Lamprey eggs hatch into small larvae, known as ammocoetes, which are not predators at all; they lack the sucker mouths of the adults, and feed by producing strands of mucus and trapping food particles. The ammocoetes stage may last up to seven years before its metamorphosis into an adult. Adult lampreys live for a year or two before spawning, and then die soon afterwards. The adults bear seven separate gill openings and have an internal skeleton of cartilage. Unlike hagfishes, with which they were once classified, lampreys have a complete braincase and rudimentary true vertebrae. Uniquely among living vertebrates, lampreys also have a single "nostril" on the dorsal side of the head -- a feature they share with various fossil jawless fish, which had a similar opening.

    Lampreys have a round, suckerlike jawless mouth filled with rows of horny teeth, and a rasplike "tongue." (See picture at right) An internal ring of cartilage supports the rim of the mouth. Although lampreys sometimes prey on small invertebrates, they are better known as predators on fish. Fastening on to living fish, lampreys rasp into the flesh and feed on the body fluids. A fish attacked by lampreys may be severely weakened or even killed.

    There have always been native freshwater lampreys in North American waters. But since 1835, the sea lamprey has been spreading through manmade canals into the Great Lakes of northeastern North America; it is now found in all five lakes and in several of the rivers that flow into them. In the 1940s and 1950s, the sea lamprey caused serious damage to the fisheries of the Great Lakes. It is now the subject of control efforts by U.S. and Canadian governmental agencies, and the Great Lakes fisheries have recovered.

    Because they lack mineralized tissues such as bone, lampreys are rare as fossils, and their early evolutionary history is still poorly known. Only three definite lamprey species are known from the fossil record, all from the Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous) of northeastern Illinois. These are very similar to living lampreys, and suggest that the group has not changed very much in the past 300 million years. A few other unarmored, jawless fossil fishes (traditionally classified in the Anaspida) from elsewhere in the world are now thought by some to be members of the Petromyzontiformes, or at least close relatives. The earliest likely candidate is the early Silurian fossil Jamoytius, which may have had a cartilage ring supporting a round mouth, like living lampreys.

    Source : http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/basalfish/petro.html
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  4. Nisa_K1 M V U



    May 13, 2012
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    Tambahan info ttg ikan lamprey
    yg betah baca silahkan dibaca ^^

    Seas Lamprey, Belut Penghisap Darah [Wow] - Sejumlah peneliti asal Kanada yang mempelajari kehidupan ikan paus mencoba membuktikan teori bahwa belut laut yang menempel di tubuh ikan paus hanya sekadar untuk menumpang adalah salah.

    Seas Lamprey

    Sea lamprey atau Petromyzon marinus (nama belut laut itu), sering terlihat menempel di tubuh ikan paus. Belut ini memiliki mulut serupa corong yang penuh dengan gigi dan lidah seperti silet.

    Dari beberapa penampakan, belut itu terlihat menempel di ikan paus bungkuk di kawasan samudera Pasifik. Adapun di kawasan utara Atlantik, ia sering terlihat menempel di paus sikat.

    Berdasarkan penampakan yang jarang terjadi itu, beberapa ilmuwan berteori bahwa sea lamprey mencari makan di kulit ikan paus. Sebagian ilmuwan lain berpendapat bahwa sea lamprey menggigit ikan paus agar mereka bisa diantarkan ke tempat-tempat yang jauh yang terpisahkan oleh samudera.

    Akan tetapi, setelah diteliti di muara St Lawrence, di mana danau Great Lake bertemu dengan samudera Atlantik di kawasan timur Kanada, peneliti akhirnya mendapatkan jawabannya.

    “Lamprey yang menempel ke ikan paus menggigit jauh ke dalam kulit untuk menghisap darah, tidak hanya sekadarn menumpang perjalanan,” kata Ursula Tscherter, Project Director Foundation for Marine Environment Research, seperti dikutip dari BBC, 19 Januari 2010.

    Tscherter menyebutkan, banyaknya pemunculan ikan paus minke di kawasan muara St Lawrence memungkinkan penelitian ini dilakukan. “Padahal sebelumnya, menempelnya lintah di tubuh spesies ikan paus ini tidak banyak diketahui,” ucap Tscherter.

    Peneliti kemudian mengambil foto saat tubuh ikan paus terlihat, sebelum dan sesudah ditempeli lintah tersebut.

    Dari foto-foto yang didapat, terlihat bahwa di tempat yang pernah ditempeli oleh belut itu terdapat luka dan mengeluarkan darah. “Ini merupakan bukti pertama bahwa parasit itu makan dari darah ikan paus,” ucap Tscherter.

    Petromyzon marinus, atau sering kali disebut juga sebagai ikan vampir pertamakali ditemukan secara tidak sengaja di kawasan danau Great Lake di tahun 1800-an. Sama seperti ikan salmon, sea lamprey lahir di perairan darat, migrasi ke laut saat dewasa dan kembali ke perairan darat untuk beranak dan mati.

    Di sejumlah danau di kawasan utara Amerika, belut atau lintah ini juga telah dianggap sebagai hama. Pada tahun 1930 sampai 1940-an, Petromyzon marinus bertanggungjawab sebagai faktor pemicu anjloknya populasi ikan.

    Meski tidak menyerang manusia, akan tetapi pernah terjadi kasus bahwa seorang perenang digigit dan dihisap darahnya oleh petromyzon marinus. Walau tidak sampai mematikan, namun belut ini baru bisa dilepas setelah perenang itu dibawa naik ke darat.

    Kini peneliti terus mengamati kehidupan sea lamprey untuk memahami lebih lanjut seputar spesies itu agar dapat mengontrol populasinya yang terus melonjak dan mengancam kelangsungan hidup sejumlah spesies ikan.

    note: "ikan" ya bukan belut, klo mau lbh tepat'a ikan berbentuk eel (belut)
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  5. Nisa_K1 M V U



    May 13, 2012
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    Lamprey Facts

    Sekarang kita balik ke topik utama :hoho:

    lamprey name for several primitive marine and freshwater fishes of the order Cyclostomata, or jawless fishes (see cyclostome). As in the other member of the order, the hagfish, the adult lamprey retains the notochord, the supporting structure that in higher vertebrates is found only in the embryo. An ancient fish that still resembles fossils that are 360 million years old, the lamprey lacks a sympathetic nervous system, a spleen, and scales. Most adult lampreys are parasitic, sucking the blood of other fishes. The horny teeth, set in the circular, jawless mouth, attach to the prey and the lamprey feeds as it is carried along. Lampreys have an anticoagulant in the saliva that keeps the blood of the victim fluid. Some freshwater lampreys eat flesh as well as blood.

    Lampreys resemble eels in external appearance and, although not related to the true eels, are sometimes called lamprey eels. When not attached to prey, they swim with undulating movements. The marine lampreys normally migrate into freshwater to spawn, and some populations have become landlocked in freshwater.

    The sexes are separate in lampreys and fertilization is external. The parents die shortly after the eggs are deposited in a nest. The larvae, called ammocoetes, are about 1/4 in. (6 mm) long. They are transparent, eyeless filter-feeders and live in muddy river bottoms, eating particles of organic matter. Ammocoetes are used in zoology courses to demonstrate a theoretically primitive vertebrate construction. At about five years of age they metamorphose into the adult, parasitic form. In some species the adult does not feed and remains the size of the larva.

    There are 7 genera and about 25 species of lampreys, with 13 species in the United States. The Atlantic lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, found on both sides of the Atlantic, has become well established in the Great Lakes, where it is considered a serious pest by the fishing industry. Lampreys are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Agnatha, order Cyclostomata, family Petromyzontidae.

  6. Nisa_K1 M V U



    May 13, 2012
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    Ikan Lamprey sedang makan!!!
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  7. Nisa_K1 M V U



    May 13, 2012
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    New Artikel about Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)

    Dapet artikel baru :yahoo:

    Description & Behavior

    Sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus (Linnaeus, 1758), aka great sea lampreys, lake lampreys, lampreys, or lamprey eels, have a distinctive eel-like body, but unlike the eel their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. Sea lampreys grow up to 1.2 m in length, weighing up to 2.5 kg. They are easily identified by the wide or*l disc ('sucker') in place of their mouth, which is filled with many small teeth arranged in circular rows. Their color varies from gray to blue black, graduating to a silver-white shade underneath. They have no paired fins, but possess single dorsal and ventral finfolds. The sea lamprey is scaleless and possesses a pair of functional eyes and seven gill openings.

    World Range & Habitat

    OBIS Distribution map

    Sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, are found only in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic, in the coastal seas off the North East USA, Nova Scotia, southern Greenland, the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia. They are also found in the Great Lakes and enters inland freshwater rivers and streams to breed. In their natural habitat, sea lampreys lives in the open ocean, migrating into freshwater to spawn. The larvae live in soft stream sediments.

    Feeding Behavior (Ecology)

    Sea lampreys are parasites in their adult stage. They attack a wide range of salt- and freshwater fish, including herring, mackerel, salmon, trout and even some sharks, using its 'sucker' to attach to its host and rasp out a whole with its rough tongue. An anticoagulant in their saliva prevents the wounds from clotting. The host fish is often killed or seriously wounded. Under certain conditions, only one in every seven host fish will survive. The larval stage feeds using a mucus-secreting groove called an endostyle.

    Life History

    The sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, breeds in freshwater. During spawning, the lampreys stop eating, conserving all their energy for reproduction. The males and females align so that the cloacal openings are close together, but fertilization is external. Between 35,000 and 100,000 eggs are laid. The lampreys work in pairs, sometimes having the assistance of a second female, to dig out a nest (or 'redd') in the stony riverbed, usually about a meter in diameter and about 15 cm deep, where the eggs are deposited. After spawning, the adults die, as their intestines deteriorate and their bodies are attacked by fungus. The larvae have no teeth and are blind. They bare little resemblance to the adult stage, with mouths and fins of different appearance. This stage lasts for three to four years, before they undergo transformation into adults.

    Conservation Status & Comments

    Check the Conservation Status of Sea Lampreys Note: if there are no entries found, it only means that this species has not yet been evaluated.

    The sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, was introduced as an alien species to the North American Great Lakes in 1929 with the opening of the Welland Canal. It spread throughout the lakes, having a devastating effect on the populations of many fish, including lake trout. Since then, the invasive lamprey population has been brought under control. 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) is added to water to kill larval lampreys, though it also causes localized fish and amphibian kills. The use of electrical barriers has in the past prevented sea lampreys from reaching spawning areas, though this method has since been abandoned in favor of chemical treatments. In 1986, barriers were developed and put in place that prevented lampreys from reaching spawning areas, but allowed other fish to pass through safely. Recently, there has been concern amongst amongst biologists that sea lampreys might develop a resistance to TFM or an ability to spawn at stream mouths, presenting further challenges for their management. Currently, the sea lamprey is not vulnerable or threatened in its natural habitat.
  8. Lycoris M V U



    Nov 19, 2008
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    ini kyknya yang jadi inspirasinya The Thing ya
    bentuk mulutnya mirip
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  9. ryantomo Members


    Silent Reader

    Apr 29, 2013
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    mulut nya ini ikan kok mirip ikan tokek punya mulut ya
  10. Mycodeis007 M V U


    Post Hunter

    Feb 22, 2011
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    ah, ngeri liat dia makannya...
    Korbannya mengalami kesakitan yang amat sangat sebelum meninggal... @.@
  11. auau Members


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    Jan 23, 2011
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    ikan yang lucu ...:ogtakut:
  12. darkScience Members


    Silent Reader

    Apr 20, 2011
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    weeee....ngeriiii..gigi nyaaaaaa......
  13. Luckberries Members


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    Aug 18, 2013
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    ini kayak monsternya di film dead rising ya? persis banget mulutnya ama tipe badannya, cuma ga berduri aja
  14. pathfinder Members


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    Nov 1, 2011
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    ane jijik gan liat mulutnya. penuh gigi gigi halus gitu
  15. tsotsi Members


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    Mar 20, 2012
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    no comment liat mulutnya, serem...
  16. vaann Members


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    Mar 29, 2012
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    bentuknya aneh, apalagi pas liat mulutnya serem bener
  17. amurokok M V U



    Jul 1, 2013
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    mulutnya itu kaya lintah menghisap
  18. kiwildudul Members


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    Jul 17, 2013
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    "bibir" nya woderfull, kayak litah aja
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