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OriFic Hightime Stories Collection

Discussion in 'Fiction' started by high_time, Oct 25, 2012.

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  1. sherlock1524 MODERATOR



    Jan 26, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +22,538 / -150
    tidak, budi :nangis:

    itu MC ama budi org yg sama atau beda? :iii:
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    kalo dibaca lagi mungkin bakal tau kalo orangnya beda :hihi:
  4. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Cerita Sangat Sederhana, Bab 3

    Bab 3 : Cerita Baru?

    1. Author membuat cerita baru.
    2. Awalnya sih lancar...
    3. Tarsok
    4. Cerita langsung di drop
    5. Ulangi langkah pertama
    6. ???
    7. PROFIT!

    Apakah yang tersembunyi di balik tanda tanya itu?

    Hanya toilet lah yang tahu.
  5. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Cerita Sangat Sederhana, Bab 4

    Bab 4 : Inikah Rasanya Cinta?

    Ini Budi.

    Ini ibu Budi.

    Ini bapak Budi.

    Namaku Budi.

    Aku dan dia, sama sama Budi.



    Apa kabar?

    Selamat pagi.

    Selamat siang.

    Selamat sore.

    Selamat malam.

    Selamat bercinta.


    Mari membaca:

    Kehidupan tak pernah berakhir.

    Apakah itu cinta?

    Aku cinta kamu.

    Aku sayang kamu.

    Satu satu, aku sungguh diombak asmara bersamamu.

    Dua dua, peluk tubuhku erat-erat, jangan lepaskan.

    Tiga-tiga, sayang adik kakak.

    Satu dua tiga, marilah kita bercinta.

    Tahukah kamu, bahwa dunia ini diciptakan oleh...Cinta?

    Tidak dengan angka, tidak dengan atom, tidak dengan anti-materi, tidak dengan segala sesuatu yang terlalu rumit untuk dipahami.

    Ya, benar sekali.


    Sesuatu yang seluas alam semesta, mengarungi lautan ketiadaan maha luas.


    Cintaku hanya sebesar lapangan basket.

    Aku sungguh rela.

    Karena setidaknya jidatmu juga sebesar itu.
  6. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Cerita Sangat Sederhana, Bab 5

    Bab 5 : Bagaimana dengan Kebencian?

    Ada cinta, ada benci. Semuanya berbaur menjadi satu - bagaikan yin dan yang. Kontras satu sama lain, saling menguatkan, saling melengkapi. Seringkali, jauh lebih mudah membenci daripada mencintai. Dari kebencian juga dapat lahir sebuah cinta nan membara. Dapatkah ada cinta, tanpa mengetahui kebencian? Dapatkah seorang membenci, tanpa mengenal cinta sama sekali? Aku tidak tahu, sama sekali aku tidak mengerti. Yang kutahu, keduanya adalah bagian dari diriku yang sangat berharga.

    Cinta dan kebencianku membaur menjadi satu, menjadi diriku, menjadikanku sungguh manusia. Aku bukan boneka, hanya dapat merasakan cinta dan kebahagiaan. Aku juga bukan seorang pengumbar kebencian semata tanpa adanya kasih sayang. Aku hanyalah manusia. Semata-mata tak sempurna untuk seumur hidupku. Dari segala hal yang tak sempurna, dapat mulai kutahu keindahan yang sesungguhnya. Keindahan untuk menerima, segala apa yang ada. Meski kadang realita pahit, tapi pada akhirnya membuahkan sesuatu yang manis.

    Manis dan pahit, bertabur pada satu adonan. Entah bagian mana yang dirasa dahulu, aku akan serta-merta sampai pada ujung yang lain. Semuanya kelak akan kurasakan, berbagai asam garam. Adanya canda dan tawa, tangis kesedihan. Kadangkala juga disisipi lamunan, duduk termenung tanpa alasan yang jelas. Aku, hanya manusia biasa. Seumur hidup tetap manusia - tak bisa kudapatkan segala yang kuinginkan.

    Apabila segala yang kuinginkan dapat terwujud begitu saja, mungkin saja segala makna atas pencapaianku akan lenyap begitu saja. Ini bukan keinginanku - ini bukanlah jalan hidup seorang manusia biasa. Tapi yah, sebagai seorang manusia, aku senang menatap langit, melihat bintang bertaburan. Salah satu bintang jatuh, dan serta-merta keinginanku akan terkabul. Keinginan yang kecil juga tak apa.

    Begitu menyenangkan, dan membuat penasaran, segala yang dapat terjadi pada esok hari. Kadang hati ini terasa begitu muram. Kesenangan dan kemuraman bercampur menjadi bagian. Haru biru emosi bercampur deru nafas yang bergaung lirih. Aku melintasi sebuah taman, duduk diatas sebuah bangku, melihat pemandangan sekitar. Berbagai hal yang tak kusadari terbentang luas, sebuah dunia baru. Segala dunia lama telah terpendam lautan emosi.

    Aku tidak tahu mengapa aku disini, mengapa aku dilahirkan di dunia ini. Mungkin ini bukan pilihanku. Tapi tetap kutahu, saat ini aku masih hidup. Mungkin kelak akan tiba saat aku akan mati, meninggalkan dunia ini begitu saja. Meski demikian, kutahu bahwa kematian dan kehidupan adalah sebuah bagian. Kontras menguatkan satu sama lain. Sebuah siklus yang saling memberi makna.

    Dalam kematianku, aku menemukan makna kehidupanku.

    Dalam kehidupanku, kutemukan makna kematianku.

    Kehidupan dan kematian berbaur menjadi satu. Keduanya adalah bagian diriku yang sangat berharga, dari seorang manusia biasa.

    Bila suatu saat aku akan mati, mungkin hal inilah yang aku katakan untuk terakhir kalinya.

    Aku telah hidup.
  7. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Cerita Sangat Sederhana, Bab 6

    Bab 6 : Percakapan Dua Sahabat



    "Aku takut."


    "Kira-kira, hal buruk apa yang akan terjadi pada masa depan. Apa yang akan kulakukan, apabila aku saat ini akan mati? Aku tidak benar-benar hidup selama ini, semua yang kulakukan rasanya sia-sia. Aku ingin suatu hidup yang bermakna...tidak seperti ini."

    "Tenang dulu."


    "Kurasa, apa yang kau khawatirkan nanti, bila saat kau mati benar-benar tiba. Adalah, mengapa kau terus menerus menghabiskan waktu dengan termenung, pada hal-hal yang akan terjadi pada hari esok. Seluruh waktumu dihabiskan untuk merenungi segala yang telah lalu, dan segala kemungkinan masa depan. Kau sungguh tak ingin menunggu, bukankah demikian?"

    "Aku tidak tahu, aku tidak mengerti apa yang harus kulakukan. Kemana aku ingin melangkah, segalanya menjadi tidak jelas. Aku tahu akan suatu hal, rasa sakit yang kuderita berapa waktu lalu – segalanya kerapkali membuatku takut untuk melangkah maju. Takut, mengulangi kesalahan yang sama. Segalanya bisa berakibat fatal."

    "Tidak ada rasa takut yang lebih besar dari penolakan, huh? Apakah hal itu melebihi rasa takutmu akan kematian yang sia-sia?"

    "Kadang aku malah lebih memilih mati saat itu juga, ketimbang mengalami penolakan ini sekali lagi."

    "Meski demikian, sayangnya kau tak mati. Sampai saat ini, kau masih hidup."


    "Hei, katakanlah. Apabila aku mati, apakah surga yang kudambakan akan terbentang segera. Apakah segala penderitaan yang kualami semenjak hidup akan berakhir?"

    "Kau ini selalu mengajukan pertanyaan yang rumit. Jawabnya, yah, aku tidak tahu. Aku 'kan bukan orang mati. Apakah kau menginginkanku mati agar aku dapat memberitahumu kelak?"

    "Aku tak bilang demikian."

    "Ya, maafkan aku. Kalau aku harus menjawab, yah - aku tak tahu. Aku hanya bisa menerka-nerka. Tapi yang jelas, bukankah itu hal yang sungguh tak pantas, untuk orang yang selalu mengeluh, akhirnya mendapatkan surga dengan segala kelimpahan untuk selama-lamanya."

    "Iya, benar juga. Hal itu lebih baik diberikan pada yang telah berjasa begitu besar, dan..."

    "Bukan itu maksudku."

    Sahabatku terdiam.

    Pandangannya menjadi kosong.

    Aku tak tahu bahwa hal yang kukatakan barusan dapat membuatnya berpikir demikian.

    Mungkin, aku telah membuatnya salah paham. Segala hal ini harus kuluruskan.

    "Maksudku, apabila kau menerima surga itu pada saat ini juga, tak terpikir olehmu, kau akan tetap bersungut-sungut dan mengeluh?"

    "....benar juga. Aku sungguh tidak dapat menghargai apa yang ada padaku."

    "Hal itu tidak penting. Segala kata-kata tentang menghargai sesuatu hanya akan terlupakan kelak. Akhirnya menjadi tanpa makna, segalanya omong kosong."

    "Apa aku tidak boleh menghargai sesuatu dengan kata-kata?"

    "Aku tidak berkata demikian. Yang kumaksud..."

    Buktikan kesungguhan kata-katamu
    Bahwa kau menghargai segala sesuatu yang kau dapatkan

    Lakukan yang terbaik untuk hari ini.
    Dengan begitu, kau akan mendapatkan suatu makna.
    Mengapa kau masih hidup?
    Mengapa kau masih bernafas?
    Mengapa kau berada di tempat ini,
    bukan di tempat lain.​

    "Hei, sahabat. Menurutmu, apakah makna hidup bagimu?"


    Aku terlalu sibuk bersenang-senang dengan hidup itu sendiri.

    Segala hal tentang makna menjadi tidak penting.

    Bila bicara tentang kematian, paling aku hanya dapat berkata:

    'Aku telah hidup'​

    Sama sekali tak terduga, bahwa aku akan mengatakan hal seperti ini. Diriku yang dulu, jauh lebih sering mengeluh, jauh lebih sering depresi. Tapi, itu adalah masa lalu.

    Untuk sekarang.

    Apabila aku sempat berpikir mengenai hal itu, aku mengetahui satu hal:

    Aku tak benar-benar hidup seutuhnya.

    Untuk dapat hidup seutuhnya, aku harus melupakan segalanya, dan terus hidup.

    Mungkin saja, hidup ini sama sekali tidak berarti. Hidup ini, hanya sebuah jembatan menuju kematian. Setelah kita mati, kita akan dihadapkan pada awal kehidupan yang serupa - terus mencari makna tiada akhir, mati sia-sia, dan akan terus berlanjut. Terus berlanjut.

    Ini sungguh sia-sia.

    Sebenarnya, jawabanku yang optimis untuk sahabatku, bukanlah jawaban yang sebenarnya. Aku yang terus mencari jawaban, dan akhirnya ingin melarikan diri dari pertanyaan besarku – akhirnya aku kehilangan sesuatu yang benar-benar penting.

    Untuk apa...untuk apa...

    "Hai sahabat. Aku ingin mengatakan suatu hal."

    Sontak ia berbicara, membuyarkanku dari seluruh lamunanku. Setelah aku mengatakan kata-kata palsuku padanya, aku dan ia memasuki keheningan. Pada bangku taman tempat kami berdua duduk bersama. Pemandangan hari itu sungguh indah. Sama sekali tak terduga, segala apa yang ia keluarkan, melalui kata-katanya:

    "Menurutku, segala hal yang sungguh bermakna dalam hidup akan muncul pada ambang kematian. Mungkin, apa yang kau katakan benar – bahwa dalam ranjang kematian, aku akan menyesal bahwa aku tidak hidup sepenuhnya, melakukan segala hal yang terbaik."

    "Benar. Aku memang berkata demikian."

    "Bagaimana kau bisa seyakin itu? Apakah kau pernah berada dalam ambang kematian?"

    "Tidak tepat bila disebut ambang kematian. Lebih tepatnya begitu depresi, tanpa adanya semangat hidup."

    "Kalau begitu, aku tak bisa percaya kata-katamu. Memang itu adalah kata-kata penuh semangat, tapi keluar dari mulutmu, itu sungguh kosong."

    "...kau memang benar."


    Bagaimana kalau kita berdua bunuh diri.

    ...pada saat ini juga?

    Kau ingin mengetahui makna hidup bukan?

    Kau mengatakan bahwa, dalam ambang kematian,
    segalanya akan menjadi jelas, bukan?

    Aku ingin tahu, apakah yang benar-benar menjadi makna.

    Bukan sekedar terkaan belaka.

    Aku sungguh ingin tahu.

    Kalau begitu...tunggu apa lagi?

    Marilah kita berdua mati bersama.

    Saat ini juga.

    Sebagai sahabat sejati.

    Hanya itulah kata-kata yang dapat keluar dari mulutku pada saat itu.

    Aku takut mati.

    Aku sungguh takut akan kematian.

    Ia berlari...meninggalkanku.

    Itu adalah kali terakhir aku bertemu dengannya. Ia sungguh hilang, lenyap tanpa jejak.

    Satu-satunya kenangan terakhir dirinya adalah sepucuk surat, bertuliskan sebuah pesan:

    "Aku telah hidup."

    Kututup surat tersebut.

    Aku menangis semalam suntuk.

    Mungkin, salah satu makna dari hidup ini adalah: menyadari bahwa seberapa jauhnya kematian itu sepertinya berada, ia sungguh sangat dekat dengan kita. Nyawa manusia yang sangat rapuh, dapat pergi begitu saja.

    Tunggu dulu...

    Kau mungkin bertanya-tanya.

    Mengapa aku mengira bahwa dirinya telah mati?





    Karena Author telah membunuhnya.
  8. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Cerita Sangat Sederhana, Bab 7

    Bab 7 : Tali

    "Kamu sudah ingin mati?"


    "Jadinya kapan?"

    "Nanti besok saja."

    "Lah, kenapa mati saja terus diulur-ulur? Kalau bisa mati sekarang, bukannya akan jauh lebih baik? Tidak ada penderitaan yang berarti."

    "Tapi 'kan tapi..."

    Anime Ongoing yang gw tonton 'kan belum tamat.

    Masa gua bunuh diri sebelum series nya selesai?

    Belum lagi kalo ntar ada season 2, season 3

    dan seterusnya...

    Ditambah lagi blom sampe dikasih OVA

    Kalo gini terus bakal jadi immortal sih gua


    "Okelah. Bagus kau masih punya semangat hidup."

    Keesokan harinya, aku mendatangi orang yang berbeda.

    Pertanyaan yang sama kembali dilontarkan.





    "Kamu sudah ingin mati?"

    Tunggu dulu...

    Sepertinya ada yang tidak beres pada orang ini...

    "Aku dari tadi sudah mati."

    Ruangan itu gelap, sehingga aku tidak melihatnya begitu jelas. Tubuh orang tersebut terlihat seperti sedang memperbaiki lampu kamar, berdiri diatas kursi. Tapi, setelah dilihat-lihat kembali. Ia ternyata, yah..

    Ia telah mati. Ia menggantung dirinya....


    Lampu tiba-tiba menyala. Aku melihat ekspresi penuh horror yang ada pada mayatnya. Mata seperti hampir keluar, mulut yang menganga lebar, tangan dan kaki terkulai lemas. Hal yang paling mengerikan adalah, bahwa pandangan matanya yang kosong seperti dengan jelas terbidik kearahku.

    Kamar itu menjadi hening sejenak. Aku mengamati sekeliling kamar hingga...


    Lampu seketika padam.

    Suara tawa sinis membahana, menggunturkan seantero ruangan. Semuanya gelap, sungguh segalanya sama sekali tak dapat terlihat.

    Suara itu muncul lagi.

    Suara orang yang tadi kutanyakan.

    Aku tak tahu, bahwa ia ternyata benar-benar mati.

    ...dan yang tadi berbicara adalah.....

    "Kini saatnya bagimu untuk mati."

    Sesuatu yang menjijikan terciprat dari tubuhku. Aku tak tahu apakah itu. Yang jelas, pandanganku menjadi merah darah. Ekspresi wajahnya sungguh menjijikan, ekspresi wajah sebuah makhluk semi-transparan. Tubuhnya menyala-nyala, tapi...

    Kini ia tak berwajah, mukanya ditumbuhi lubang kecil yang jumlahnya tak terhitung.

    Wajah itu kian mendekat kearahku, dan terus mendekat. Wajah itu terbuka, mengeluarkan sebuah mata besar berlumuran darah.....


    Aku menusuk mata itu dengan pisau besar yang sontak kucabut dari ikat pinggangku.

    Tubuhnya kian menjauh dari padaku. Perlahan-lahan....tapi pasti. Tubuh arwahnya meledak secara dahsyat, melemparkan kepingan tubuh beserta organ dalam yang terlihat begitu absurd juga menjijikan.

    Kini ia telah resmi 'tamat' di tanganku sendiri.

    Yah...ngomong-ngomong. Kalian pasti bertanya-tanya. Dengan sebuah adegan yang terjadi padaku barusan, tentang sebuah pemandangan berlumuran darah padaku, sesuatu yang bercipratan – aku harusnya sudah mati, begitu? Tidak juga sih.

    Aku 'kan Author.

    Apabila aku dibunuh oleh sebuah karakter, aku akan hidup kembali.

    Alasan yang sungguh terlalu dibuat-buat, benar 'kan?


    Apa yang harus kulakukan dengan mayat sial yang menggantung diri?

    Jadi yah, aku turunkan saja mayat ini dari tiang gantungan.

    Akhir kata, tubuh mayat ini lumayan lezat. Cukup untuk mengundang beberapa orang teman dalam pesta barbeque.

    Lebih tepatnya, barbeque daging manusia.

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  9. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Cerita Sangat Sederhana, Bab 8

    Bab 8 : Galau


    Apa kabar?

    Aku baik-baik saja.

    Bagaimana denganmu?

    Apakah sampai suatu saat kelak, kau tetap 'kan ingat padaku? Ku tak ingin, waktu jua terlampau, kau kerap lupakan daku. Sepi ini segunung. Jikalau satu dua pulau terlampau sekali dayung, ingin kugitari gunungmu dengan kayuhanku. Sebuah gunung yang dilingkari oleh dua tali, dan setiap kali meletus, terdapat lelehan air yang lebih manis daripada madu. Bila terlalu banyak diminum, burungku akan menjelma menjadi kakaktua raksasa. Hahahaha hohohoho hehehehe huhuhuhu.

    Aku suka pisang.

    Aku suka nanas.

    Sate kecoak satu tusuk harganya lima ribu. Ayo coba sebelum kehabisan.


    "Halo, namaku adalah ***********. Hobiku menggantung diri."

    "Apakah kamu tidak mati setiap kali menggantung diri?"

    "Tidak apa-apa kok, setiap kali aku mati, Author akan selalu ada untuk menghidupkanku kembali."


    "Ada apa?"

    "Tidak apa-apa."

    "Kamu mau gantung diri bersamaku?"

    "Tidak, aku tidak suka menggantung diri."

    "Ayolah, rasanya hanya seperti digigit semut kok."

    "Kamu pikir ini apa, hah? Disuntik?"

    "....aku sungguh ingin menyuntikmu...."

    "Hei hentikan! Kita ini 'kan sama-sama gadis, apakah kau ini...."

    "Apakah kau bersedia kalau aku ini ternyata seorang bapak tua dengan jenggot super lebat?"

    "B-bukan itu maksudku..."

    "Kalau begitu...marilah kulepas....keperawananmu..."

    "B-baiklah....tapi pelan-pelan ya."

    "Aku akan...memainkanmu dengan lembut....sayang..."


    Hari yang cerah. Dua gadis manis menggantung diri mereka di Puskesmas.

    Tapi yah, kali ini...Author tidak menghidupkan mereka kembali.


    Hanya sekedar sebuah alasan yang dibuat-buat, untuk menjadikan cerita ini resmi tamat. Beginilah akhir dari sebuah cerita yang sangat sederhana. Untuk segala kalimat 'WTF' yang terlontar, salahkan Authornya saja.

    Akhir kata, terima kasih untuk membaca.

    Sampai jumpa pada kesempatan berikutnya.

  10. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Boy Meets Girl

    Genre : Romance / Slice of Life

    Synopsis : A simple story about the boy who meets a girl

    Once upon a time,
    boy meets girl
    They both confessed,
    had ***,
    and finally committed suicide.

  11. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
  12. KingClaire M V U



    Mar 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +12,353 / -0
    makasih gan cerita cerita ny menghibur
  13. abidname M V U


    Lurking Around

    Jul 11, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +49 / -1
    enak di baca gan .. bikin nagih
  14. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +6,024 / -1
    Return of the Dragon

    Genre : I don't know

    Synopsis : something about dragons.

    Somewhere in the eastern part of the world, lies a continent thriving in its agriculture and trades. Cultural heritages, arts, military, philosophy, science and many other things. It boasts a lineage of greatest people known to men; a thriving history older than most, which stands strong until this day and age. A country of bamboo shoots, rice, slave labors, drunken monks, pandas and famously known for mythical snake-like creature--dragons.

    The dragons came at the year of dragons, and revisit the nation once every twelve years, serving as their divine god for the whole year, granting them prosperity corresponding to the elements it bears at current time. Each twelve years, the dragons would change elements from Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water— sequentially, until it goes back at the starting cycle after the last.

    The elements will govern the proceedings of the year, and affects each person in the nation. Their successes and their failures in life.

    There was a contract made by the 12 divine creatures : rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The story begins when the sky god wants to invite various animals to his party and the first twelve will be elected as divine ones. The rat comes first, followed by ox and so forth, listed before in sequence. Each changing years will be followed by the governance of the divine animals in that order.

    The animals, each one has different properties which affects different people in different ways, depending on which animal year that person was born. The animals' way of governing was uniquely different, add that with their diversity of elements, that's why the nation had so much turbulence within each passing year. The changing of government, revolts, war, peace, something flourishing, something dies. It flows like unsettling water; no one's perfectly safe—said one certain philosopher of that nation.

    Regardless of that happening, everything was well out. Things that happen were mainly handiwork of humans, with no direct intervention from the divine animals.

    Until one day came, upon the year of the dragon....


    (Note : the following names will use badly translated english names or something made up as not to offend certain cultures.)

    The village of 'Down Roots'. A place quite thriving in the argiculture. Rice fields and vegetables flourishly growing within the irrigated soils even with ancient technology. It's not one of the favored places by the current emperor, as the village was quite secluded in the far western province, trailed by tough mountainous steps.

    It's mainly there to trade with far eastern traders at a low price barely enough for other necessities while the traders sell them at high praces in the east area, with direct access to ocean trading. Of course, the villagers made their meals by growing their own crops.

    The emperor itself favored more of the east since it's more thriving in other places and it's much easier to go around since it's mostly located on flat ground. Not to mention, that's where the drinks, the women, the arts and other stuff mostly concentrated. It's now the times of peace, and the leaders were elected based on lineage. This story, however, ain't gonna focus on the emperor with his care-free antics.

    Let's go back to the 'Down Roots' village. Everything was peaceful. So peaceful that a certain young man, let's call him Flying Squirrel—he's just out there lazing around with nothing to do. He was the youngest child of twelve brothers and eleven sisters. The sisters helped around the house, sometimes around the farm and stuff that was mostly light in labor but needing lots of energy to do: weaving clothes, crafting things and etc. .The brothers helped the farm, and took some other jobs like mining, woodcutting, or some other hard labors.

    Two of the eldest brothers went towards the capital to become a scholar. They provided themselves by working part time, without the help of their parents, or so what they wrote in the letters sent. After they graduated, though, they rarely sent letters.

    It's supposedly that they probably want to erase their commoner past in order to marry in some royalty with their made-up past, considering they had good education and such and wanting to impress their brides by things they learned in school. That way they could spend their time in wealth lazing around and reading books, or maybe raise some *** slaves and concubines if their wife's not hot enough. Though it's mostly just someone jumping into conclusions, let's just say they're being alright.

    Three of the eldest sisters were married to a rich trader. Again, the family didn't heard of them ever since they went out of honeymoon. Not even money were sent back. The parents just shrugged their shoulders, saying: it's for the sake of their happiness. Well, it's not like they knew if their daughters were divorced midway with three starving children off to live in poverty—in depression they eventually committed suicide together. Well, not implying that this actually did happen though. Let's just hope everything goes alright.

    Their house was quite big, but not big enough to fit the entirety of family, not counting those who left the village for their own good, for their own individuality. In this family, no one seems to care about the youngest son. The parents were all too busy with the farms and stuff, hoping to expand their business by working their children as hard as they can as a payback for raising them in a couple of years, especially for the mother, who had to go through painful childbirth process to give birth multiple times.

    Well what you know, all of the births were pair of twins, triplets and even quadruplets. The youngest son, however, was alone. He was the only one different. With all his brothers having the same pair of faces, and his sisters too. He was probably the one most physically attractive. That too, the reason why nobody in his family actually understands him. His parents too, were originally twins. Their twin halves committed suicide in the embryo. So it goes.

    In this family quite large, the parents were too busy to give their children individuality. It's only work this work that and feeding them accordingly. Though for the youngest son, no matter he worked hard or not, got the smallest portion of meals, slept in the worst, most cramped corner. Got the worst treatment, and often got bullied by his brother and sisters. The situation being even worse when he decides to rebel against them.

    He decided to quit working. Not just simply lazing around. He's really fed up with the mistreatment and decided to pass upon his discontent openly in a certain day at the family dinner.

    That made the whole family enraged. The youngest son was too scared to talk back, but he won't accept his father beating him again and again for the mistakes he didn't make. So he deflected the old man's blows and threw him out to the ground by his blows.

    He took out a large log and start beating on his brothers and sisters that bullied him, few of them, though not all of them. While they were still confused, he swiftly dashed outside. He did not know what kind of thing made him able to do such, and how absentmindedly like lifeless dolls they were, when they saw some insignificant brat roaring wildly and fighting back fiercely.

    He figured, it's time for him to say goodbye. He doesn't belong in the family anymore.

    Time to turn a new page...


    Well, that thing didn't actually happen at the dragon year. The youngest son was born on the dragon year though. That was just the thing about our hero's place and the other places, along with his family and such.

    Now, this is, what actually happened during the year of dragon.

    Just read the next chapter.

    The dragon. A creature of pride. When other divine animals had somehow given themselves to service humanity, the dragon refused. It plays the role of a god over the times. Their solitary nature and general unfriendliness often caused various conflicts with humans in the ancient times. Their numbers declined due to their extreme hardship to reproduce, not to mention the humans, albeit weak, are cunning and grew in numbers extremely fast compared to them.

    At first, I'm supposed to tell a silly story about our hero and the last remaining dragon, but I got so lazy writing it. So let's just say, either the hero killed himself during his journey while he exiled himself from his family, or he became a good adventurer who eventually met the dragon, which gave him riddles to answer, in order to prove his own wisdom. Satisfied with the hero's answer, the dragon bestowed its wisdom, its legacy to the hero and finally passed away after an extremely long period of solitude.

    Even though its race were wronged by humans, it still its own responsibility to give everything he could, so the humans would grow. He wants to pay back for the arrogance his ancestors did in the past, by becoming those who give birth to a new kind of legacy.

    The hero wrote the teachings of the dragon, which later became one of the most important philosophy this nation adopts. From the ancient times until now, will be rooted deep in traditions—the way of the dragon. The animal itself, extinct as for now, will keep watching over the nation with its wisdom shared across the citizens.

    Alas, the dragon has returned, protecting the nation, forever and ever. It doesn't seek revenge, rather, a passion for brighter tomorrow. So even a childish wish like peace and prosperity could come to its realization.

    About protecting the nation. What about the other divine animals?

    Well I don't know really, this is the story 'bout the dragon who has finally returned. The other animals had their own ways of giving their legacy, so yeah.

    Thanks for reading.

    The End​
  15. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 1

    The Scenery of Tranquil Places​

    Certain places and time, combined with eventful moments. All of them create a scenery around us; each of them being interpreted in various ways according to each people. What is your interpretation? What are you to observe, to think, and to contemplate about it? After all, it's just a tranquil scenery.

    Chapter 1 : Water Fountain

    When someone speaks, you listen to them. When someone has something – a message to convey, you will hear their message, rather than just moving on like there's nothing of significance happening in this Earth. For myself, I know of one virtue which made me felt truly alive. It was by giving the things that were left of me, that I managed to fill myself up with joy.

    Maybe, and just maybe, people won't truly notice my presence at all.

    That's okay, it's not like I'm the one to appreciate and to notice the significance of others around me – I'm mostly self-centered, that's all. Double standards didn't actually work, and when you want to force that kind of drudgery around people, you'll only be making your life much harder than what its supposed to be. Yet, I think, no matter which paths should you take, just stick close to these truth you hold dear until the time of your death. In the end, you'd probably felt like there's a juicy pancake on your throat – it tasted like watermelons on a chocolate.

    I had stuck into these truth, and it kept me alive until now when I didn't feel like living at all. Filling my mind with incomprehensible questions, yielding no answers. What was left, these empty places, voices unheard, the songs unsung. The empty space, revealer. Homes and mountains ransacked, all yielding no premises to live within anymore. One must went on a journey to find themselves. Within my heart, I see malice tearing apart my own truth. It was fundamentally indivisible, yet, it could still be swayed, twisted, and corrupted.

    These empty places, purveyor of empty dreams.


    I just kind of sat there in the park bench. Up front, there's a huge water fountain. Actually, it's not that huge, but from my own perspective as an outsider merely looking at this tranquil scenery, with various people able to blend in perfectly - it feels exactly like I was looking at a big, moving picture right up close from my living room.

    The ground was covered in cobblestones around the places people walk by. There was also the box-like formations of meadowy ground in which the trees are placed strategically. Adequate sunlight and the cover from it. Needless to say – it was just like an ordinary park, except with me being here. An outsider, just recently started living in this quiet town.

    I had come very far, a long arduous way, just to get here. With my stern expression and weird getup that doesn't seem to belong within these area, I understand why does people stay away from me. Basically, I've had no friends, belonging in no social circles, having no full-time job. Living in a solemn apartment not so far from here, usually browsing through the books in the library nearby. At times I was forcibly being thrown out by the librarian for being a shady character who scares the peaceful readers.

    There I thought - they must be new here.

    Apart from reading, and remembering to return the books on time always, I also had a part-time job of being a teacher. I may not look like it, but people whom I had taught actually had find me to be a gentle, kind, and humorous person despite my actual appearance. Still, apart from that, I couldn't feel any sort of emotional attachment from them. Deep inside, I felt so empty, no matter how many sort of happiness I've had experienced from these events.

    Yeah. I've been waiting for someone to sat there beside me and listen to my story. Within these scenery of tranquil places, to find my own peace of mind. I just let my mind wander around a bit, maybe let my thoughts drift away by the wind. Would it matter? I had found so many things that didn't matter through experience, and a few things to learn on a regular basis.

    A young lady sat beside me. It was the turning point of my life, and that's also the reason why I decided to write about my own experience. She wore an office blouse, with her blond hair tied back, slightly blown away by the warm breeze – it's the afternoon, and I'm just munching some potato chips with a can of chilled coffee, watching the children play on that sand dunes, and various people – mostly cute girls.

    Their sweaty flesh glistens beautifully in the afternoon sunlight. I saw their white tank-tops exposed with their undergarments visible, drenched in their sweats, after they had been roller-skating around the area for a while – I was watching since moments ago, and it felt good for my young soul. You know, that feel when you just stared at their voluptuous bodies and their peachy-puff bosoms jiggling about.

    Seen that a couple of times already yeah, but as for meeting up with the young woman over there who claims to be one of my colleagues – it's my first time. I don't know what kind of things made such a fair lady to meet up with someone so rough-looking as I am. She just smiled at me like I'm her old friend or something, and we've just met for the first time after been through so many twists and turns in life – somewhat.

    I wasn't that bright of a teacher, and I actually had just dropped out from my higher education during my second year because I've got into a fight with one of the pesky classmates. I gave him a good walloping, and now I got thrown out to jail for about six months prior to it. That one arrogant lad was the son of a rich person, and I've got no proof to show that he actually instigated this incident. No, I think after all, it was wrong for me to let my anger loose at this current occasion.

    Still, it wasn't the fight which made me unable to continue my studies again. I actually was fed up, with the current education system. About the heartless, cold, and competitive atmosphere which turns people like me, who couldn't make friends at all, into a rut. People in there always suck up to each other, even to the professors who couldn't really teach in a way I could understand at all. They made it thoroughly clear and so obvious that no matter how smart you are, and no matter how hard you studied, it's about the grades that counts – only that alone.

    And I'm sick of it, sick of being whittled away by the currents. I just want to find my freedom once more, just like these fun times in high school where I could just freely have fun as i am alone. Maybe it was just a selfish and weak reason to quit, because I didn't feel like doing it, but that's the truth I want to pursue. I've had enough of being in a system where the outcasts got humiliated to no end.

    The rest of my education being spent in a library. The subject I taught? It was science, particularly Chemistry and Biology. Maybe it wasn't my kind of thing, but I actually liked the subject. The major I applied to didn't have that scientific stuffs at all. My parents forced me to take that field of study just because the graduates had the big chance to get a high-paying job. Meanwhile I just kind of applied to it because it gives me my freedom, and I think I could just take it easy since there's no one to pester me around.

    It turns out that I was completely wrong, but that's a whole different story.

    Meanwhile, I just want to take it easy and enjoy the life as I see fit.


    "I haven't seen you in such a long time, how have you been?" so the young lady asked me, and I have no idea who she is. I asked her to tell about it, and it appears that she was one of my old high-school friend.

    I wasn't especially popular though, except for my delinquency. When she mentioned her name and gave me a brief detail about her background, I just remembered – she was the class rep at my senior year of high school.

    Figures. It was her job, or it was just her class-rep personality which made her quite nosy to guys like me. Still, I kind of wondered how on earth, did a person like me ever got a take on becoming a part-time teacher? I teach at a nearby cram school, the students are basically trying to get on various high schools. As for myself, I'm not essentially bright; in fact I'm a bit of a slow learner and mostly self-taught myself since I couldn't understand what the teachers are talking about.

    I know one thing for sure, that I'm able to present the material in a way that even people who had disadvantages at learning could still understand. I didn't know how to write a proper curriculum vitae while I just applied on the job. So I just merely sent my application in some unorthodox way, and write honestly about what I've been experiencing thus far. Few days later, I was called to the cram school for a job interview.

    I nearly jumped. You know, the reason why I applied as a teacher was because I'm desperate for money – like everyone else who wants to apply for a job. Though after being onto it for a brief moment, I realize that money wasn't the most important thing – it's about giving your all and putting your best effort. Money would come by itself.

    After dropping out of my education, I was kicked out of my home, with nothing to rely on but myself on this cruel, harsh society. Luckily I've met quite a few good friends on the way, and they helped me to get where I am. Still I couldn't find any emotional connections since they're mostly just easy come, easy go.

    It wasn't that I like being alone. Nobody likes being alone. It's just, yeah, I wasn't really forcing myself to make any friends. Forcing out something only yields to disappointments. That's what I thought after experiencing the myriads of disappointing things in life. Even though it made myself stronger, I know all too well that all of these disappointments weren't the ones that I should look up to. Except if I'm actually a masochist in denial. Let's just hope that it was not.

    Meanwhile, the conversation continues.

    She said to me, "Well, you've certainly been through a lot, huh? I could see it by the way you taught everyone. It certainly does seem like you're teaching science like telling things from your personal experience, like you're speaking about your hardships. Like, there's something beneath the materials. I just got there after checking out the classes at random, and boy – sure I am impressed." she ended this up with a slight chuckle.

    "If you even had a singular hint of sarcasm, this conversation is over, ma'am." I quickly rose to my feet. My audible hoarse shout attracts the attention of few people around, and honestly, it didn't feel that great being the object of spectation.

    "Now...now.....Mr. Derby, that kind of attitude was the thing which made you unable to make friends since high school, you know." that smile she gave once again sparks my irritation even more.

    "And that nosy attitude was the thing which made many people hate you, Ms. Wannabe Psychologist."

    Her expression simply stood still. Breaking out into an even broader smile, as in acclaiming a triumph, she added, "How so? Many of my students like it when I act like that. It's just you who's an oddball, and that's how I tend to like you, and find you to be a very interesting individual."

    "Tch, whatever." I decided to ignore her for awhile and just downed the entire can of chilled coffee in one gulp.

    She mentioned the name "Derby" while we're talking. It wasn't my actual name, really. I didn't feel that comfortable mentioning my name in this writing, along all of the characters present, so I mostly just refer to them in pseudonyms. Or, if the people didn't really have a significance, I usually just use a simple pronoun or things similar to depict themselves.

    What was the turning point, you ask? This was just the starting point of our conversation, and I things actually escalated much quicker after that.

    It all begins with one ordinary question that kind of slipped outta my mouth nonchalantly:

    "Say, why do you like me? It didn't seem that you will find me interesting just for my rough exterior. I mean, there's many delinquents who were far more helpless, and I just find it odd." I was somehow indifferent to the situation while I asked this, paying attention to the surroundings more.

    Heck, I haven't really stared at her eyes the moment I talked to her. It wasn't really my habit to look at people while I talk, and that's probably the reason I wasn't able to made any friends. That wasn't really much of a problem since I mostly like to keep my own time to myself, basking in this quaint, peaceful scenery.

    With a very curious look on her face, she replied:

    "Because you're the kind of person who have dreams and ideals, a strong one on top of that. It was the thing in you which made me fascinated." that genuine tone of voice in which she spoke while I wasn't really paying attention – it really had caught me off guard. If at that time I was gulping a can of coffee, there's a slight chance that I would spat my drink, making things rather awkward.

    Regardless of that, I'm able to keep my indifferent composure, somewhat. A bit fazed by her charm, but that's it.

    "You sure had your own way of flattering someone." once again, I didn't look at her face, I'm mostly staring at the scenery when two cute girls are kissing each other beside the water fountain. That was pretty normal, I think.

    "Do you like it?"

    "Truth to be told, I'm not the ones who liked flattery."

    "Yeah, I know."

    I even had a part-time job where most of the employees are futanari. Basically girls with both female and male genitalia – they are very cute and I'm really tempted to do perverted things. They were also known for their perversion too. Still, I've managed to escape from these pheromone trap and moved away in a short notice. The biggest paying job I had was at the host club – I didn't really enjoy it though since I kind of dislike alcohol.

    Many middle aged woman in here: lonely housewives and career woman on stress. They all craved for my loldongs. I still rejected the offer. You see, I want my first time to be with someone special. Luckily they seem to be okay with it.

    There was one time where a really cute girl urged me to have *** with her. It turns out that she's really seductive. With a maid outfit, cat ears, and a pink ponytail hair, and adorable expression that beats the charm of most girls, we kind of did a run-in at the dressing room in the host club. You know it's really embarrassing to say, but yeah, we did a french kiss. I stuck my tongue in her face, and hers in mine. I reached to her panties, and found a really huge boner.

    Her chest was also really flat too, when I fondled her chest, she twitched like she's about to spasm at any moment. Though the bottom line is, it's merely just a padding. This is a host club on the first place too, all of the hosts are male. Meanwhile, as I spent few seconds rubbing more and more of her genitalia, I realized that there's also a big sack, and yeah, no that thing which the futanari had. I also realized...

    My first kiss was with a guy.

    "Are you thinking about perverted things again?"

    "I don't know." that's all I could say.

    After nearly got raped by several crossdressing guys at my own host club, I simply quit the job and traveled away with the sum of money I've got. As I mostly stayed in a hotel and spent a lot of things during my travels, the money ran out faster than I had previously imagined. In the end, I ended up in this place. A peaceful town where I could be myself, and also a town where I could find the new me that I've been looking for since the day I've decided to settle for the better things in life.

    Now it's just two grown-ups, man and woman, sitting on a park bench, gazing at the water fountain.



    It wasn't like myself to start up a conversation, but I just felt like I had something I must say to her no matter what. She quickly turned her face in a bit of surprise, knowing it was me, the one person unlikely to do that.

    I simply continued before she could even reply:

    "You said before that, it was due to my idealism, that you found me interesting. Yeah, you weren't completely wrong about that. In fact, I used to be a kind of idealist in the past. Living solely for me and myself alone. Now, I find that what I truly wanted, and what I needed were mostly polar opposites. I found out, that the company of an understanding friend was the thing which made me truly alive. It's just me that's mostly unable to be honest. You see – I still find it hard to find someone whom I can trust my genuine feelings to."

    She simply chuckled.

    "Just what I thought. You simply had the eyes of a lonely puppy from the first moment I met you. In the end, you haven't changed a bit. It's just you know, every person, each of them had the light which shines even brighter when they had found themselves, and able to express their feelings in the most genuine way possible. At first, you had that kind of bright light, but your light at that time during high school wasn't that bright and interesting enough."

    "Judging from your personality, you probably want to give me a hand, probably."

    "Derby, I'm not that kind of a person you know. In a way, I'm just very similar to you, I would only open myself to whoever person that's worthy of my secrets. Different from you, I'm unable to be honest with myself from the start – I have to put on a friendly mask, while you could just freely bare your fangs to someone you find unsettling. I kind of envy that kind of rebellious attitude. Still, as much as I had seen a spark of my reflection inside you. It's still not strong enough to break me free out of my own pretentious shell."

    "I couldn't really picture you as a delinquent girl, honestly. So you must had strong reasons why you must put on a mask to pretend. Either way, me from the way back would probably refuse your approach and hurt you. Even for me back then, that cold exterior was also a mask, just like the ones you put, a mask to protect myself from the truth – that I'm unable to act honest."

    "it's just as you say – family politics. I had come from some family of good upbringing, but they were completely filled with the personalities that were rotten on the inside. You know, I've been losing myself in despair a few times – even wanting to try committing suicide."

    That was the first time a statement in which I heard up close and personal actually sends shivers across my spine. We talked in a low voice, and there's nobody nearby to hear us. Her expression was as straight as ever, it made me realize about how painful it might be, to make herself able to say such things with a straight face like that.

    "Carol..." simply feeling guilty by her sudden outburst of feelings, I muttered her name for the first time in ages.

    "Don't worry." so she said, turning her eyes away from me. At times before, she always tried to stare directly at my eyes while I was just turning my face away from her.

    Tears begun to well up from the corner of her eyes, but she tried her best to make it like she's wiping off the dust from her face.

    Cold as I am, I'm still unable to let a woman cry in front of me, on public places on top of that. Don't get me wrong, but I didn't like for the nearby bypassers to get the wrong idea. So yeah, the words came out almost too naturally from my mouth:

    "My apartment is near here. Go there and take a shelter, seems the sky would be raining. Don't worry, I'm not someone to take advantage of girls like that."

    She simply nodded. It was also a coincidence – the sky started raining by the moment we decided to go back to my place.

    I still didn't really understand what's going on really.

    But this might be the first time in ages, that I began to feel an actual warmth seeping through me.
  16. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
    Trophy Points:
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 : Serious

    We've been treading upon this path for awhile now, without stopping at all. Our hands tired, our brains weary – with our feet unable to walk any further. Still, it's your stubbornness which ultimately made us go this far. At least take a glass of water, will ya? We sometimes need to rest and laze around and slack off from the path we've been taking on, in order to follow it through perfectly until completion.

    Beware of all the shadow of distraught from monotonous and strenuous travel. We need to take a rest, right now, no need to be so serious – our luck won't be leaving anytime soon – at least not for this moment we held hands together and tread upon the same path. The value of time hath left you still, been filled with regret of taking a different choice. Now you find yourself alone, without any shoulder to rely on. You must man up and go alone, to the place where nobody's waiting, nobody's coming. The prize will be yours only to take.

    Within this solitary shell, you find yourself being utterly weak – yet it's your adversaries which made you a lot stronger than anyone else you'd ever met. Journey to the depths of hell with your mind, taking on the horrors of the world head on. Difficult questions yielding difficult answers – all of them will be simplified once you've been through this turbulence in one way or another. A very uncomfortable feeling it was – you didn't even want to experience it again – yet, after all of this happened, these theories had all been reduced into practical principles, nothing worth confusing about.

    You walked again, taking on another stage of pain. No pain no gain, it was. With every pain you've experienced, you've created another leverage for yourself to leap forward. Using a dead end as a way, and using a relatively narrow path as the entranceway towards a very broad area. The kind of personality who finds himself on utterly difficult situations, yet only sees opportunity even in the most hopeless of situations. The kind of confidence so boisterous, it didn't even need solid proof to back it out.*

    You might want to call it as some cumbersome, bothersome faith whatsoever – it didn't even matter how you call it. This kind of confidence brought up the utmost weirdness upon the illogical recourse to our main problems. Was it the curse of time which made your will to rush forward so indomitable? No, I think that's not exactly it. You just want to take away all this pain and reach out for the ultimate pleasure you always desired. It's that one wish to escape things unpleasant, just like that one quote – we're addicted to something which takes the pain away.

    Maybe you'll find that after beating through all these pain and adversaries single-handedly, and easily, you've already took everything you ever wanted for the rest of your lives. Will it be meaningless? I think not, there's still the infinity of time to finally start enjoying the infinity of things you have and always will have. Nobody has the right to stop yoo from treading upon your very truth. That time still hasn't come yet. It will come later, but for now you kept on pondering about many things – some of them pretty much unnecessary.

    When will be tomorrow, if we're not here today? How can we live for tomorrow, if we can't just live for this day? This moment skipped by so meaninglessly, upon your relentless treading. The steps felt awkward and strenuous. You're not enjoying life in the slightest, are you? Within this momentary lapse of time, we really need to take a rest, and enjoy the view. No need to worry about anything else, not even your past failures. Just take it out as some leverage to propel yourself forward – just like what you've always done from yesterday and the day before that.

    It's easy to lose your ground just like that, but you can always go back up from the very bottom, and become an even stronger person each time you fell down the drain. As long as you're still alive, it will suffice. Opportunities doesn't matter, since you're the one who makes your own opportunity. It was you, who determines your own fate, and which paths shall you tread. I only serve as your mere companion, assisting you whether you're feeling weary with all the troubles swirling inside your head. So please, listen to me, before you finally wear yourself out to death.

    It's no good to tread upon the path of excess. The excessive thing which ultimately made you hate all the things you like. Given the amount, you need a correct amount, too little made you go crazy, and too much would also made you insane nonetheless. Regardless of that, once in a while you need to slack around from your path as you strive for your dreams. I believe that, within each one of us, the desire to walk a crooked path and fool around, even when the path is right there – straight ahead towards your dreams – it's always been omnipresent.

    The need and craving to stray from the path, doing something stupid just for the sake of blowing some steam outta the way – of course. One time or another, you'd probably just want to say.

    "Why so serious?"

    When we can have both fun and seriousness while at the same time being lax enough to make room for us to breathe, trust me, it will be the best endeavor ever to be taken by the human race. This maybe an exaggeration, but in this case between you and me – there can never be something exaggerated.


    Yeah, I think I have come towards an understanding that no matter what happens, you just want to get what you want, with any means necessary. Within your abilities and motivation, you will strive in a way many others can't even see. Still, beneath the thick layers of your own ambition, there lies this kind of immaturity, and to some extent, a degree of illogical insanity. Something that can't be understood started creeping out from your heart, and reaches out to your consciousness, taking over you.

    That's why in one times or another, you had begun neglecting everything else, because that kind of insanity was too much to bear. You want to fight so much, but the desire to run away grew even stronger – you peculiarly did not want anything more to be taken away from. You grew lost in thought, of all the feelings of regret which tore you apart within each and every Sunday morning. It isn't as easy as the regular Sunday morning for most people. In your case, it's a blue Sunday. Where you felt the blues and the stressful feeling being pent up into the Monday morning where things had started out yet again.

    It was the kind of insanity which made things really unbearable. You thought that it would be much better if you could go visit a mental hospital instead, in order for you to attain the tranquilty you've always desired. The insanity had become a part of you, and always will be. It's the thing which made yourself willing to live, but at the same time, it's also the same thing which made you truly hate life.

    As ambiguous as it seems, you seem okay with it. I will live with all of my insanity without ever looking back – even if you might misconstrue your words and actually look back towards that painful past again. The guitar songs keep playing on the background, and you just want to pick up your guitar in order to prepare for the judgment day. You hoped the day would never come, because you'd never actually get the things that you deem to be the most important. Even though all that you need is a little bravery, there's nothing even more enchanting and tempting than a sense of definiteness.

    You just want things that is definite, because you've already been fed up with all of these disappointments – it made you lose faith in everything. The hope has just been given away, what left was this illogical delusion that all the things will be alright. It's just serves as the emergency system to protect oneself from completely breaking apart from this world which knows no understanding. Sometimes you've thought that it's better if the painful life could end right here and now, still you can't do it, because the reason to live is still there.

    Deep down, you know that the hope is still there, waiting forever for you to come. The rest of the time will best be spent on waiting, and waiting, for the best that's yet to come. Probably you just want every unpleasant things to perish, but fear not, all of it will perish the moment you finally decide to calm down. So just take it easy, don't be weary, just take it slow, and take it even slower – be patient, whether the things you want will come or not.

    Don't be so serious.

    Either or not you will reach that goal, you could still enjoy life as it is.
  17. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 3

    Chapter 3 : Visitation

    One certain day, a man dressed in a shirt and jacket came into an office building to pay his psychiatrist a visit. His posture was tall and athletic. He took off from a good education, having a good paying job, a beautiful wife and promising kids – they sure had their share of potential.

    The building was – well, to put it simply, it was really run-down. The psychiatrist office was located on the 3rd floor. The lobby was pretty quiet, with only a few people around. The reason being, this peculiar office tenement mostly houses the offices that had long been abandoned. Most of the people in this peculiar floor, for example, couldn't even afford to pay their own bills and committed suicide on top of that – so it goes.

    Anyhow, the tall and athletic man came down to the office, staring at the dilapidated wall decorations and the squeaky floor that made quite a rickety sound when someone steps upon it. It was normal enough for someone to worry that the floor collapse at any given moment.

    Someone might want to question the kind of logic this man has, being a wealthy man he is, to come into a run-down place just for some mental issues. Common sense told him to just keep his head high and walk into a better place instead. Yes, in fact, he had already been to various places – mostly expensive – still nobody could even manage to fix his problems right.

    Nobody knows what kind of mental problems he actually had, he just said that – his life lacks something - a gaping hole with nothing to fill in – a void that would stay for all of his lifetime. Everyone else told him that he's fine, no problems, it's just him being utterly paranoid. Come on, you know. You're smart, have a beautiful wife and promising kids – why are you still unhappy and stressful? That's what they said.

    Yet there's one man who had seem to found his peculiar problem. Both of them met on the street.The man he met was a certain psychiatrist dressed like a hobo – he was out to the Free Market in the nearest hippie district, looking for some free grub to eat, while he himself mostly wandered around, being downright stressful after being told the same thing by the psychiatrists about eleven times. He was really thinking about suing them for his money, and that all of their sessions proved to be fraudulent.

    After seemingly convincing this bourgeois person, the hobo told him to come to this peculiar office anytime during the weekend – and there he was. Finding himself with no real alternatives to boot in addition of him being desperate, he accepted the invitation.

    In front of him, there lies the ebony door, modestly polished but still elegant compared to the other dilapidated ones. There was a wooden plank nameplate hung on the peculiar rusty nail etched on the door with the name 'Twelve Dildos Sizzling' engraved on that plank. The writing was pretty gibberish, like it was spray painted - bits of miswriting there and there. Nonetheless, the overall text was still readable.

    He turned on the doorknob; it made a squeaky sound. A bit hard to open, but after the man had exerted quite a bit of his power, the door finally sprang out, revealing the same hobo man – only that he's actually not a hobo right now. He's dressed in a suit like a businessman. Except he's not a businessman either – he's a psychiatrist, at least that's what he said. His face had a thick beard, and he's wearing a thick-framed glasses with a dark brown rim. Beneath the measureless vision goggle, his blue eyes shone upon the man, with looks piercing him up from all directions.*

    Like the rest of the office floor, it was also a bit rickety, but Mr. Twelve Dildos Sizzling – or so the man was named – told him to calm down and take a seat. Nothing will happen, at least not for now. The windows were open, bellowing plenty of fresh air from the morning scenery. Twelve Dildos Sizzling took a sip on his morning coffee in the office, while the man who came to see him took off his jacket, placing it on the hem of the chair he's sitting, and sat his own arse down the hard surface. He told himself a few times 'I'd be accustomed to it quickly, I hope' so he thought.

    The atmosphere was pretty awkward, with both parties averting their eyes to one another. A moment of silence again, and the bathroom ambient hums across the place along with the faint sound of birds chirping, leaves swirling – not to forget, the rickety floor sound made from the man rhythmically tapping his feet down the floor. He wore his old beloved running shoes for the visit, neglecting his own formal shoes at home. He didn't even wore his tuxedo suit, only a common shirt with the sports jacket.*

    Within his surge of mistrust, the man does not want to appear to the common masses as someone with mental problems, only a simple person who's out for running in weird places – which ironically, was even weirder than all the previous alternative he had.

    The office was, well, undescribable with common words, common sentences, and common paragraphs. To put things simply, imagine a room that seems to be abandoned, only to be visited by a really tardy men with absolute zero knowledge on hygiene. Yeah, just like that. It was a scenery that came through the vision like a flick from a low-budget splatter horror movie featuring a serial killer and his boyfriend – that's not the case for this one though.

    Anyway, the man-----


    The story was cut off because the Author was too lazy to continue the story. He decided to put this peculiar remake of his old work this way, and this way alone. Giving out the conclusion : this sort of story was too complex to be developed within due time. Remaking the stories completely seems to be too much of a hassle with no rewarding results. It would be better we use the interesting elements only to develop a revamp chapter for this story - it made things easier for a writeup.

    By other word, it was also a way for the Author to compensate for all of his past failures. Maybe, this one's also a failure too, but at least he had learned something, so things will finally be much easier in the long run.
  18. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 4

    Chapter 4 : Solitary Walk

    The road traveled alone; it was a road with so many intersections. Where the river flows, and the branches shook by the faint gust of wind blowing. Where the clouds wafted by freely in the sky; the birds sang along as they fly. A spectacle, simplistic, minimal, unlike no other. A certain walk, seclusion, alienation, the feet went away from the crowds of people. The hands, they waved carelessly at nothingness unfolding beyond. Where the road traveled by divided into exact two intersections, this will be the place I'm currently at.

    Places I went by, there were people. Still I wish there was the company and the hospitality of one seemingly silent. This mind needs to quiet down, to quiet down and wallow in tranquility. Was there a certain place without intrusion, without the eyes seeing all, without ears hearing all? A certain place within the timeline, places down in history, where all of us could be free. Another part within me cries for that place. They say, humans couldn't live alone; company's always needed to act as a rear view mirror. Was it a journey of self-discovery? We could only hope for the best, it was.

    Nothing much to do, no one to talk to. A new stage of life which all of us had lived in. Thrown the dices away; waiting for them to roll by until the numbers shown. Regardless of the number, there's no reason to just follow it accordingly. Life is not a game, nothing sort of the spectacle for the bird to laugh as they settled down at some point to stare at me. For am I just a mere existence constantly being kicked away like the speckles of dust; flown away throughout every corner. Nevertheless, I am always here, I am always there. Pondering in mid air, stretching through the bounds of nothingness.

    Was there a some sort of enmity beyond the walks? It was the ritual to calm myself down, to relax my muscles out, to improve my blood circulation and regulate my breathing. Let the short fuse be elongated; nothing impossible for the humanity. When all hope seemingly was lost, just take a walk, take a breather. Stretch yourself out while standing yourself tall down the ground. Let your sight being completely fixated on the figures of your own shadow. It's always there; it's always obscured. Now it's the time for the shadow to finally found his own spotlight down your eyes.

    I stood myself tall and looked at the direction traced by my shadow. It pointed down at the direction where the sun beams out; where the sun sets. The lengthy sigh of breath, augmented inhalations as the air I swallow condensed into a form of pure bliss. As I exhale, I let out all the enmity, all the confrontational grudges, all the pain and the agony of all the faith placed in something too ethereal. A surge of disappointment bellows me. The hate was always been there, somewhat. It was the original emotion, the desire for vengeance. A certain thing, when someone wronged you, and you want to get back at them ten times over.

    Oh boy, what kind of goodness this life could bring when actually, you gave them a single goodness and they will return the goodness one hundred times over. Though the reverse always worked – that's why we can't have all the nice things. There's one moment, where someone's lucky enough to receive absolution. You know, it was like, the person who's been wronged got through their human, or perhaps, inhuman nature to always yearn for revenge, and wallowing through the infinite chains of hatred.

    Realizing this, they've already began their own walk towards the path of Heaven. It was one of those places with a tranquil scenery. Yet, I knew full well that I've only been treading around the same path over and over again, walking in circles. This pain so hatred won't just go away. Yet, somehow, I managed to keep from completely destroying myself. I've done so once and many times before, though, it's by some unforeseen miracle that drags me back onto this path. A certain path where I walked in circles, yet, it's better be a complete, infinite circle, rather than a mere dead end. At the very least, I won't be tired enjoying the same view over and over again.

    Maybe once or twice, it was, but well, at least there's the birds from all over. Coming to see and laugh and me as they descend from heavens above.


    It was another walk down, where the voices will be unheard. No dark sarcasms and whispers of mockery. No one nearby the truth that will purvey. It was, a naked truth. Something naked and obscene was drifting throughout the air. Nothing sort of indecent or perverse, but you see, it was something else which brought about an embarrassment onto much larger extent than being completely naked in the open. The true self, something which reaches out towards the open road, baring its fangs upon. It reeks of insecurity, wanting to hide beneath the shallows.

    Without walk, in-between the sunsets, I rested my head down the brook of a tree. My body was fluid, and my hands I couldn't feel. My feet being stingly sore, and my shoes need some patchup after the series of long walks. It was weary; it was quite damp, and it reeks of humidity. There was one time where it rains the liquid downpour, drenching the ground. That was one certain day where a walk has not been taken. I left my shoes off the land, down the meadowy grounds, thinking that it needs sunshine to spice up the life, not once again being stomped upon like always.

    The shoes was not there any more. It simply drifted down freely upon the rain, with its final wish of freedom finally been cast away onto its own supreme goal. There's no need to be upset; frozen lawnmowers flew into the sky, with naked gorilla watching you smile. When the feet will be torn apart? I'd like the way you look at the things one day. In one way or another, things probably won't be the same again. With this walk completely cast upon the ground, there will be the need to sober up and hunker down.

    Now I'm at my house, drinking beer, and finally letting myself out within this sense of drunkenness. Was it there? It was always there, and will always be here. At least, there will come the time where the days we've spent will be a pristine solace our memory will take away.

  19. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 5

    Chapter 5 : Moments of Fear

    Man trembles facing the universe. There was another garden where all the roses bloom, and within my garden, it's only the place where moss grows. I trembled facing the ground; trembling down my feet. I scurried downstairs, afraid of facing the stairwell. Trembled, the blood pours by as I walked.

    There wasn't any bleeding within sight, it was just, a hint of paranoia on the singular tomato sauce bottle. Was it the time during the breakfast when you choked blood, as you drink on the tomato juice? I am scared stiff, and I can't move, lifting a finger. My prejudices crossed, and I often second-guess what's going to happen. Much towards the need of predicting the future, shifting it as I go.

    With the gusts of wind blowing forth, I sat there entrenched down the basement, down below ground. Whenever times needing me to set myself still, I sat still, afraid of crawling down the little hole I made. It was the home sweet home, it was my turtle case , the bottleneck turtle case, and my own precious turtle shell.

    Not sure if I could go on, not sure if I could somehow swallow down my parts of adversary. I mostly wonder, am I really cut out for this thing? I don't know enough about it, and I don't know even, if I could somehow walk through it.

    Maybe it's just a miracle that I could lived this far, the seemingly fleeting life that's about to go off at any moment. Whenever there's a miracle waiting down the open door, it escapes my grasp; only to come out of the doorways with a bang. What on earth? I'd like to live my life with peace, and positivity. Yet, this mind would only think about the negative things out there. I don't know, I just don't know what was like to be out there. Smiling, cherishing every patch of beautiful sceneries far beyond.

    Maybe, I'm just demented.

    The garden blew its very roses down the porch, signalling the thunderstorms which might went by. It was one way turtleneck circus, down the bottle, when it rasped agape with lightning strikes. I fell down, because you shoot me up. The heart and soul thin like fiber glass. One plus side of it being flexible enough. You'd try to rasp my heart, and to touch, so scramble the surface. There wasn't any surface, just a blanket odor. No need to cry anymore, no need to cry. There's already the boredom of crying too much, there's no need to be upset, because the downset was always down there.

    What should we do? What are the fruits of our destiny? There was a completely dark area I will walk into. It wasn't the open door, it was a cold, dark, damp one. Reeking of unsightly, timely death. There will be the moment where all of us will break towards the other side. Nothing really fancy, because it was very natural. The nature of mankind, to eventually disappear completely from within the shadows. Down to dust, with bits by bits of it struggling to make ends meet. Together, we scurried down the rat race for the protruding cheese. Where will my cheese be? The cheese will eventually be a lie anyway.

    So does the values of heart so love. Everything will be reduced towards pure meaninglessness. I've heard the blood on the rooftops, where everything reduced to a putrid glaze. The sightings of another skeleton down, and upwards. Was it the skeleton of calamity, was it out of fortune? Nobody knows, nobody really knows. Those up there were resentful about telling it to us. Our pleas uncalled, unheard, and eventually ignored. We've come here to spend the rest of our entire lifetimes in utmost ruin, waiting for the very savior that won't come, and won't ever come.

    We've probably just been relying on others too much to take over our lives, making it much better. Because all we can do was to ruin it, so we've eventually decided not to do anything for the rest of our lives. Nothing will turn out right, the way we wanted it to be. It was decided from the very first note, that we will never amount to anything. It was the cruelty of fate, or thus all the things we came to put a blame. When the entirety of our life values dissipated to nothingness, we shall eventually become the part of a big void – finally without consciousness. There's no need to suffer anymore, there's no need to be upset.

    "Are you sure you wanted to live the rest of your lives this way? Without hope, seemingly without any faith of things to come." so the voice inside me spoke.

    I replied, "Yeah, it might not be so bad. After all, uncertainty is our greatest enemy."*

    "You sure don't know something much worse than that. What if, you will undergo the most perilous paths over there, and there's nothing you can do to change it, no matter how hard you tried to beg, and no matter how powerless you'd be, and on top of that, completely unprepared?"

    I said again, I don't know. Yes, I don't have any clue to what should I be doing if in any case, that kind of thing will happen, things unchanging, and its the worst thing I myself won't be able to imagine.

    "Don't you care about what will happen in your life?"

    "I don't care. I don't give a damn. Like I said before, all that I can do to my life is just ruin it."*

    "But now you're at the rock bottom, so even more ruin won't hurt..."

    "Of course it does. One more ruin, and I'll...probably will break up completely."

    "You're pathetic."

    "Feel free to think and say what you want, just leave me alone."


    "Leave the **** out of this alone, or did you not hear me?"

    There was the sound of the pouring rain again. Rapidly drenching the rapids. I laid there sprawled within my own basement upon hearing it. Trickling rain, albeit faint, could still be heard from further inside. There's no way to escape. It was my moments of fear. A kind of paranoia seemingly will never end.


    When was the last time I said, I had bravery? Yes, the last time, everyone's keeping their hopes high on me, even if I'm the one always disappointing me so much. Want to laid my eyes open, and face the day with a smile. Want to view the world as it was made out of soft pillows and fluffy cushions. Where the air was nice, and the sceneries so beautiful. There will always be the air of morning, so fresh and poignant. A place without the time of darkness, all of those glimmering with gently shimmering light. Where the flowers bloom beautifully, and the scent of the ground drenched in freshly poured rain.

    Was that the place, where dreams and hopes were made of? Was there such place ever existing? Maybe that kind of place will be pleasant to live for a while, but it might soon enough becomes boring. There's probably one peculiar part of me which longs for suffering and darkness, also of sorrow, pain, torture, and many other kinds of malicious things. It wasn't exactly the thing which ignites joy, it's just something I probably have been looking forward to. Instilling needless conflict within my head, because within the innermost thoughts of mine, there can never be anything worse than boredom.

    It was the boredom that eventually kills the majority of mine, even the depths of despair might be much better off than wallowing in an eternity of boredom. I'm not sure yet, but I kind of wished for a balanced life, where I could somehow bear and survive things happening without any problems whatsoever.

    There was the hills, and there was me, walking inside a thin circle, seemingly going to burst itself open. I'd like to order a frozen coconut and ice creams, using it to make a pogo stick. There was enough conflict going on, possibly for entertainment, and wallow in laugh watching the suffering of others, and also yourself as they laughed at you.

    Something was damp, and it was nonchalantly nonchalant. I'd like to purvey my own feelings by acting depressed without any reason. That's probably what I wanted it to be, to walk by as I watched myself bleed, and a part of me being taken away; approximately dying, and keep on dying as it drifted backwards, and even more back, into the further backest of the timely waters. You'd like to be cool or something, a pleasant shade of grey.*

    It wasn't really bad after all, but what truly gets to me was the tendency for myself to rely on others, where it should be me who bleed, and myself alone who'd suffer. Yet, I think, I am far too weak to shoulder it all, to shoulder it down, even for my own wishes and doings. There's a part of me who dreamed about endless suffering, yet there's also another part, wanting for me to break free towards a place of tranquil scenery. It all becomes a surge of conflict, thus the reason to keep going, to progress even further, will be strengthened once more, again and again.

    Perhaps the whole world will eventually think of me as a coward, a pathetic living person. Not really bothers me, but still, deep inside, there's one thing really bothering me in one way or another. Like a switch about to go off at any moment, there's something deep inside me which wishes for solace, the kind of pleasant bliss wallowing in nothingness.

    Need for myself to be stable, perfectly able to stand still and carry out my daily tasks so necessities. There was a surge of conflict going on my head, and deep within my heart, still, it wasn't that bad. At least, things will be fun, and things will also be told within one's own very moment of quiet notice – that I'm possibly alive, and half dead.

    Once again, the bullet was shot, and it eventually etched deep within my soul.

    I am dead, so utmostly dead, but deep inside, there's another part of me which sprung to its life. Another part of me, I so want to deliriously forget.

    You probably want to refer to it, as the devil within.
  20. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 6

    Chapter 6 : Moving On

    It was another day; another walk in my life. Another way to go on and on until the day ends and we have to start over again. A full circle, indeed it was a full cycle. Because where we begin is where we end. Nothing of value was lost – all of it was carried over by the weight of our own memory.

    Nonetheless, the days carried on and we lived as we are – we all as we are – the times we lived through – none of them were futile. I could still feel the frozen glaze as the heat escapes the thermostat. Frozen cold a walk down the sidewalk, the boots trampling over the snowy grounds, the cold wind blew afront as we trailed.

    My times of solace dawning near; still I can't feel the warmth from the heat carried on. What was afront, was just my own fears shading, calling out to me relentlessly. I want to shelter my doubts and step out into the light of certainty and hope, where the shades of things I held dear will be illuminated in such invigorating light.

    It was some kind of light which alleviates each kind of my self-doubts, that I'm finally able to take the utmost step forward, towards the new dimension, across the valley of the unknown. Still, am I finally able to take such brave move, regardless of things happening as they are?

    I don't know, and I don't want to think about it either. I just want to live as I am, living the days peacefully as I see fit. For me, the days came by with the resolve to accept everything as it were, no need to strive for utmost perfection within every single moment.

    My days fluttered and floundered; time flows by so fast, such fleeting motion it eventually escaped my notice. Am I really enjoying the times went by? Or was it just another excuse for me to live on, to spend the lonely days, wallowing in my own depression and fruitless labor? Will it be altogether fruitless once again, the day I decided to make a change, to step outside and claim my own right?

    There was no sound out there, brimming silence rummages across the empty street as the snowy grounds etched the mark of my footsteps. It traced the shape of my boots as I walked down the empty roads – it was a quaint milestone to be seen as I traced back the footsteps from whence I came from.

    A long road beyond, sure I walked, and the count of time had reached a significant point, where it's appropriate to reminisce about the good old days. Times where it's a commonwealth to laugh alongside friends so comrades, with the warming hand of family members on my lap so my shoulders put. All was right, and all was adorned in warmth as I sat down nearby the hearth.

    We drank together; we sang; we danced; everything was alright. It was by then I decided that I should be up for something much more, that I began to distance myself away from them. Bridging up the cold distance across, diverging out between countries, cities and places.

    I ventured towards a certain place where nobody knows the old me. That way, I can start anew, discovering another me I haven't known of, and I would like to know very much. The me that's been shrouded by the presence of other people, the me that's waiting to break out, the me that's always been all alone, wanting to break free from the mask I had always been wearing.

    So yeah, I just tried this walk, moving from one lonely place to another – finding my own solace. It was, my times of solace. I kept walking, but eventually stopped at certain places to rest my body, and to redeem myself from all the burden I've been going through. To re-energize my mental health, and to keep myself sane with the hospitality the places brought me – it was heavenly at times – most of times. You know, that kind of times where your feet flutter and flounder as the hot water from the bathtub revitalizes your energy.

    I still remember that time as I revitalized myself down the indoor hot springs, it was magical. Yeah, it was during winter time, but it was warm enough inside, just like being in another world. So comfy, so enticing. Guess it's such a shame I only stayed for one week straight. Next time I'll think about staying at that place until the spring comes. To spend the times of Christmas and New Years, going through the shrine visit nearby, receiving the cards and envelopes from all over.

    Staring at the first bloom of flower petals from cherry blossom trees, waking up early to feel the scent of morning sun, and as I send my eyes toward the sky, the sun will meet my glance and its bright, luminescent smile will raise me up every time I'm down. Guess that's how you name it – heavenly blossom.

    Was there any apparent reason why was I so spellbound to this scenery? Certain places so certain times. Who are you to interpet it accordingly? After all, it's just a tranquil scenery. It was a scenery of tranquil places.

    This time, I made up my mind and stayed over at that place, preferably until the spring comes. Somewhere along the way, I helped out much to cover up for my staying expenses. Nah, no fancy food for me, I'm just happy if there's something healthy and edible with rice and such to satisfy my palate.

    Truthfully, I'd prefer something simple, even though they've got plentiful of fishes and lobsters and crabs, well something like that. I'd prefer those with ham fillets and sliced vegetables, also soups or those western dishes mainly salads, they've got varied kinds of stuff so I'm really glad.
  21. high_time Veteran



    Feb 27, 2010
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    The Scenery of Tranquil Places (Lite), Chapter 7

    Chapter 7 : Mundane

    Relenting streams of daily life. Unforgiving currents casting your body into the fray. The ticking of tubular clocks, and the raging bloodstreams capturing your anxiety, it all showcased the beginning of a new day. You grabbed your bag, rushed towards the stairs, never once turned back. The haphazard time rolls back again and sure it's hard to keep up even just for a bit. Want to escape, want to gasp the breath away. Needless to say, the currents of daily life finally has taken its toll away.*

    Myriads of disaster may shook the entire hull and rudder of your sanity, still you kept your resolve and paced forward, taking prideful strides, with noises all around, inconveniences all over. Whenever the day starts, you just want it to end, just for yourself to start all over again. The tedious routine from dusk to night, and until the break of dawn you'll entrust your soul to dreams, only to end up disappointed. These hand reaches forward, and it reaches onward but the soul cannot be free.*

    A quietly beating hand, weakly tapping on the glassful windows. Another pallete of distraught, melancholic colors bristled the currents. Just since when the air around would become so stale? Since when the company of others will be so unpleasant? You were stuck in endless monotony, not knowing how and when to break away, break off from the mask woefully embalmed to your face.*

    Brief current of passing moments came by and free, yet we're still and always be stuck into a certain cycle of death, of false hope and false deliverance. Everything becomes a quaint lie. As much as the number of shooting stars you believe had lost its meaning, all you can do is respond in silence. In your silent way, in your silent place. A kind of quaint walk down the gallows. You began to search, for what truly means to be alive. It's not just merely following orders or getting through set amount of goals at certain point of time. Something much more than that lies beyond, I'm sure of it.

    It was something valuable, and it's not even exaggerating to say, it's the most important thing the life has to offer. A kind of secret place where we could just relax from the daily currents. In here, we all would become an outcast towards every kind of stupidity happening out there, because in here, nothing else matters anymore. It was the kind of place where you could take off your mask and shatter it all down without leaving a single remnant therein.*

    Neither does the desire of possessing things, because we already had everything we wanted to have. Not even the necessity of time and schedules. For the greatest curse in the flow of time was the schedules itself. Within this place, one would learn to toss their alarm clock away and burn their calendars without a trace. It's not even a slightest bit superfluous, to think, we all would forget and let go of our regrets and history. We would soon forgot the entire history of the world.*

    Forget all the warmongers, forget all the tyrants, and forget about all the corruptions happening throughout the times. It all would probably be repeated again without fail. We certainly never learned from it. How could we learn something from it, anyhow? It's not even our experience, and considering our own state of indifference, we could safely say that we're not causing trouble for the others.

    All of ourselves, mainly within the world of our own, are in desperate need to escape this cruel reality. Sure it's hard, and sure it's disappointing. No doubt at all, that it was also filled with endless suffering. The kind of events turning, and you soon enough got caught by the whirlwind of circumstances. What was once a blissful place, now every single thing seem to conspire against your daily bliss.*

    Once again, it was another search for something to clutch upon. In order to keep our sanity alive, we've always been searching for the sanctuary. To keep us whole, because any more changes away would result in the complete destruction of our identity. Who am I? Who are you? Where are we going? What are we doing? When the time comes, and we have to start all over again. How? Are we gonna jump the gun or not? All of our resolve was clattered down your trembling hand, waiting for you to firmly pull the trigger – ending it all.

    In the end, we're all dead.

    We've always been dead anyway.

    Maybe, it's just the rupture of the gunshots serving as a wake-up call. Reminding us that reality is not what it meant to be. There's a thing far beneath the recess, waiting for us to dig in. Far beneath it all, you will finally come across something.

    It was the scenery of tranquil places.



    A white place. It was a bit of cold going on, but nothing sort of unbearable. The voice of this little girl brought me towards my senses. Her black hair completely hid the features of her face. I could still see her pale creamy skin, and the thick overalls she wore amidst the gentle snowfall going on.

    "Are you awake?" again she called me.*

    I was quite perplexed to my surroundings, even more, that I eventually found myself lying there, my back against the snowy grounds. My brownish short hair ruffles with the bristling wind, with my leather jacket and jeans all messed up by the snow. The weather was cold alright, and it's kind of a pain to move my body around with it feeling sore and all that, but it's still possible.

    "I'm alright." brushing the bits of snow from my body and feet, I slowly stood and patted the girl in her head. She got her hood up, and it looks cute, not to mention it suits her.

    "Don't slack off."*

    I wasn't expecting her to reply like that as I pat her head.


    I quickly pulled my hand and let her lead the way because I'm totally lost to where I'm going.*

    She continued on walking and I was merely following behind her. In midst of nowhere, during a quaint snowfall, I placed my trust on this adorable creature to guide me through.*

    It wasn't that long of time until we finally came towards a housing building. The way she walked, it's just like, she's following an invisible trail to a place she called home. Might just be my superstition, though yeah, the entrance door opened forth and there came out an elderly woman in apron. Must be her grandma. Still, the old woman paid no attention to the girl and just continue observing me, leaving the girl running freely into the living room – she already took off her shoes and brushed the remainder of snow right up front.

    "You don't recognize your grandma anymore, Derby?"

    With the door still open and the gentle snow falling on my hair and coat, we continue staring at each other. She seems to be completely on disbelief as she said her words.*

    As for myself, I do not really remember her, but there's a figment of unrelenting memory of it. It's definitely not my first meeting with her, so I thought, but for someone like my grandma, the memory was really faint. Come to think of it, did I actually remember my grandma after all?

    "It was a faint recollection, but I remember you, and grandfather. Both of you were already dead during my earliest childhood. Since I'm here, it appears that I'm dead. Not in a honorable way, of course."*

    I still remember the ringing sound of gunshot. The trigger was pulled and everything was white soon after. My trembling fingertips as I grabbed the gun and placed it against my head. Countless bodies laid there across the floor. Blood of my friends, family, and relatives. What was I doing? Why am I doing this? Am I just trying to escape the reality, until I finally end up in this place? Ah, must be the spur of thought of this moment why I finally ended up like this.

    The snow fell down. I still stood as someone who had run away from a certain battlefield, which is reality. Despite all that, my grandma stares at me with the same gentle look she always had when I was in my childhood.*

    "This has nothing to do about being honorable or not. Even the case of being dead or alive. What matters, is that you're here, all joined up and gathered with us. The girl has brought you here, safe and sound – isn't that enough?"

    To my grandma's inquiry, I replied:

    "Yeah, now that I thought about it. By the way, who was that girl? I just kind of followed her because I'm feeling hazy and I'm totally lost and fearful. Hers was my only lead so I have no choice but to comply. If you're here, and I'm actually dead, where are my friends? Where are my relatives? The one who died alongside me—no--I killed them all and killed myself."

    I cannot feel the snow anymore, neither the cold. Flurry of questions bellowed me and I have no choice but to spit it all out to cease my uneasy feelings.*

    "Derby, please – one question at a time."


    "All that I know is, the girl is a messanger. She came by to deliver lost people, we will take care of them. I haven't seen the rest of them, maybe they were astray—maybe they haven't found their own salvation."

    "I see."*

    Now things started to be cleared away little by little. I brushed off the remainder of the snow on my jacket and on my head, walking inside the building right away without excusing myself. It's just freezing cold out there and I couldn't stand it any further. Got no choice but to walk through.

    "Feel free to make yourself home." grandma gently said to me this, even though I haven't been minding my manners. She added these words later on as we were inside:

    "....it's not anybody's fault that all of this happened, the strings of fate merely brought us all."

    Her words distubed me in a way that I can't really put my finger on. Strings of fate? I've abandoned the idea of fate a long time ago where I had so many things taken away from me.*

    Alas, here we go, there's some things to observe ahead.

    The interior was Japanese-styled. There goes the shoe rack beside the entrance, filled with assorted style of shoes, some even got traditional ones. Some of these look like they came from various eras before mine, and some others got brand names I recognized right away - the rest looked futuristic and unreal.*

    I began to doubt all of this absurdity. Still, the design of this place totally looks nice and homely, I'll gladly make this building my home. I probably won't stay here for long because of my thirst for adventure, but I think this house would keep me in longer than many others.

    My grandma followed behind me. She firmly closed the door – now the sound of breezy winter wind was somehow faded.

    "Thanks." the least I can say to her welcome – after taking my shoes off and firmly walked on my two feet into the living room, where I was joined by everyone – most of them I didn't know even slightest.*

    I fully opened the sliding doors and walked right in, where everyone sat on the floor. The room was quite large, and quite the number of tables lined up with people sitting at it. . I recognized the oriental decorations, like the medieval-era painting of some one-eyed samurai wielding two blades at the same time, and the picture of cherry blossom trees at one corner, hanging gracefully at the wall.*

    Up front, there's a large-sized television, I think you could see the shows clearly from the farthest back. There's also the other sliding doors all across the room. Probably leading towards the areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and one at the furthest one, maybe it leads to the side entrance. Just my guess, but I may ask some of the more knowledgeable ones later. Most likely my grandma.*

    Various sitting styles right here and there. People coming from vastly different cultures, traditions, and probably even from different ages and times. They all look mostly alien to me.*

    Even though I've had met a lot of people, they totally look like straight up from the fictional world, a strange fiction indeed. Some wore extremely ridiculous clothing I could not describe with words even the slightest bit, and some others were truly surreal to my eyes.

    Only the girl that I have some recollection of. We'd just met – still she sat there completely silent, ignoring my presence. From the short distance away between me and her as we sat, she completely looks like a doll.

    "......." a blank look she gave me. Both of us sat there, seemingly without a sound, lost in multitude of different languages people within here spoke. Yet, how could they seem to understand one another?

    I really don't understand what's going on, ended up alking to no one. The only thing that matters is the girl. Grandma led all of the people, speaking in each respective languages, uniting them all in one single unison. Myriads of different spoken dialects swirling inside my head, all of it left me drifting into confusion.*

    We're supposed to have a feast together, as grandma put, but since I couldn't fit in with the rest and could not understand the languages due to me 'not being in tune with them' I was left upstairs, in a quaint bedroom with the girl. Even though she's just a child, it just doesn't feel right – she strikes me as someone more mature than myself, and it kinda made my heart beating fast.

    The bedroom has the same interior with my own. There's a desk up front, just beside the snow-covered window – can't see what's outside. It was supposed to be freezing cold, but it seems the insulation device this house has, in addition of the heater at one corner of the room - it somehow works wonders. Several bookcases at one side, covered in seemingly thick glasses, though it has different collection of books. Most of these doesn't seem to be an interesting read.*

    At one secluded side beside the heater, there lies my bed. It's a single bed made of mahogany. The soft feel of the cushion and pillows totally brought me back, giving me the remainder of what's left on my everyday life. Unlike the first floor interiors, my room was covered in what seems to be stone walls of grey-ish colors, giving the relaxing feel. More of western styled, rather than the oriental ones.*

    Meanwhile, me and the girl sat on the bed together, both of us holding the tray of food we've carried from the first floor. Different sets of food. I got chicken cutlets with various vegetables and a fruit juice with pudding as the desert. She basically ate Salisbury steak, salad meals, sandwich with bacon and eggs, not including some lasagna and garlic bread as the appetizer, with fruit cocktails and might be a red wine as the drink? It was quite a lavish meal for her and I'm surprised she's able to wolf it all down.

    There's also the mineral water dispenser at my room, with assorted glasses made of plastic, ready for use. The sink to wash things and the bathroom entrance just right beside.


    It appears that as the time goes, I paid less and less attention to the girl, and more towards my environment. I noticed something about her. Regardless of her attractive and adorable appearance, her presence seems to be faint, seemingly nonexistence, if I say so. She's a mysterious girl, and I kinda got the feeling, that my entire existence here was brought upon by her powers alone. What kind of power? I don't know, maybe it's just my imagination, but...

    "Why did you brought me here?" I can't help but ask as we've already finished with our meals. As mine wasn't quite much for a feast, I could finish it quickly. The remainder of the moments spent observing her. I've seen her presence fading by the minute, but when I totally fixed my gaze – she was there again, completely vivid before my eyes.

    "....no reason."

    "Please answer me."

    "I don't want to."


    "If I do, you will leave right away."

    "Huh? Wait a second, you can't just decide on that. I have the right to know what's truly happening. Once again, I said, please...."

    "....I don't want to be alone. If I tell you the truth, I would be alone, even if eternity passes, I'm not sure if I will be with another person."

    This girl...

    It's strange really, the kind of things she spoke. It seems like she's hiding something, but I could never know if it's something great or just some trivial stuff. So I asked again:

    "Who are you then?"

    "That, I couldn't answer. If I ever answered it, I would also leave this world. I probably won't be alone, but I also won't be able to achieve peace like I do when I'm here, and always be there for eternities to come."

    These words....

    I knew it.

    Both of us are the same.

    We're the ones who strived so hard to run away from reality, and by chance, we were entwined in this certain sanctuary, where various people gather, but even so, we can't understand them. I don't know really about what this girl felt about the others, but if she's just like me, then...

    "I understand."


    I am just assuming things. Actually, I do not know anything about her, and even she would told me everything, I probably would still have my doubts about what's truly real and what's fantasy.*

    "Don't worry, I'm thinking the same things as you do."

    "Are you sure about that? I mean, I never actually disclosed anything to you, right?"

    "It's not important. What's important is, believing what I want to believe, and live to the fullest based on my own belief. Isn't that the same with you?"

    "No....I don't know about that anymore."

    I was left in confusion. My head begins to hurt like no other, to the point I began holding it with both of my hands. I started to squirm uncontrollably, and when I couldn't seem to bear it anymore, the girl embraces me, and said to me these words:


    "Actually, you're not dead – yet."

    "When will I truly die, then?"




    "The moment you decided to give upon your hopes to live."

    "Ugh, that's probably happened a lot of times to a depressed person like me. How about you?"

    "I will keep on living forever, even if I would be stricken with inevitable death."

    Such bold and philosophical thing coming from a little girl. Actually I'm not sure if she's actually a little girl on the inside.

    "So, what will you do, Derby?"

    I guess, after all, the answer right now is clear.

    "Err...yeah, I think, it won't hurt to clear off my head a bit, hanging out with you here. I think, I will be here a little longer."

    The girl simply nod, and break forth into a bright smile.

    I guess, it now marks the start of my new life, in this new world, with this girl. Would it be long or just a momentary lapse, I don't know. I just think, she's an interesting character, and even though I probably won't get to know her mystery, I reckon the days spent with her would be magical as fantasy.

    Thus, my new venture has just begun. There are many questions left to be answered, but not all questions have to be solved right away. I want to calm myself down, and think back, on what's truly important.

    Wallowing within my own place of tranquil scenery.

    The Scenery of Tranquil Places - End​
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IDWS, dari kami yang terbaik-untuk kamu-kamu (the best from us to you) yang lebih dikenal dengan IDWS adalah sebuah forum komunitas lokal yang berdiri sejak 15 April 2007. Dibangun sebagai sarana mediasi dengan rekan-rekan pengguna IDWS dan memberikan terbaik untuk para penduduk internet Indonesia menyajikan berbagai macam topik diskusi.