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Physics and Chemistry Dimensi ke 10?? eh..??

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by kacefuTM, Nov 18, 2012.

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  1. kacefuTM M V U



    Dec 25, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +202 / -0
    pasti pada tau kan nonton film 3d rasanya apaan? pasti kaget2 gt gara2 ada yang keluar dari layarnya kan? :lol: nah uda pada tau belom sih kalo ada teori yang menyatakan dimensi itu ada 10?:bloon: kita mungkin masi pada tau kalo
    dimensi 1 = titik

    dimensi 2 = garis

    dimensi 3 = ruang

    tapi dimensi 4 tuh apaan yah?5 apa? trus kok judul tritnya ngmg ada 10 dimensi?? bingung dahh...:ogohno:

    biar gak pusing langsung nonton aja nih vidio..

    jujur, ane masi bingung nonton tu vidio..jadi kalo ada yang kira2 paham ama teori ini, mari kita bahas dibawah..:top: jadi jangan lupa komennya yaa! :toa:

    mohon maaf kalo repost :maaf: tapi keknya enggak de soalnya tadi uda cek ke index gak ada yang nampilin vidio ini..:hoho:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Ramasinta Tukang Iklan

  3. kacefuTM M V U



    Dec 25, 2010
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    +202 / -0
    beberapa penjelasan dari yang paham
    wah ada yang pake contohnya flash nih..:oghoho:
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  4. Silver_surfer M V U


    Lurking Around

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Ini Superstring theory kan yah, alias teori adidawai :bloon:
    Perasaan malah dimensi itu ga cm sepuluh, tapi ada 26 :???:
    10 dimensi untuk fermion, 26 untuk boson :hmm:
    Ato kebalikannya, agak-agak lupa saya :hoho:
    Kl dunia kita kan dunia 4 dimensi :unyil:
  5. kacefuTM M V U



    Dec 25, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +202 / -0
    kalo ane si rada ngerti sampe vidio pertama..uda vidio kedua uda pusing..:ohno:
  6. mynameishiroko M V U


    Lurking Around

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Dimensi ke-4 adalah 3 dimensi ruang + 1 dimensi waktu.

    Menurut M-theory, kemungkinan dunia kita terdiri dari 11 dimensi, 3 dimensi ruang, 1 dimensi waktu dan 7 dimensi mikroskopis.

  7. kacefuTM M V U



    Dec 25, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +202 / -0
    hmm jadi yang fermion ama boson itu dunia lain gt gan? :bloon: uda beda teori ama yang vidionya yah? jadi tambah bingung..:lol:

    iya, kalo yang dimensi 4 itu +dimensi waktu..paham sampe situ tuh..hmm kalo yang M-theory itu sama gak kayak yang vidionya?atau vidio ini ngebahas teori lain gt? perna denger jg si ada 11 dimensi..tp teori lain de kayaknya..:hmm:
  8. nano_nano M V U


    Lurking Around

    Feb 11, 2010
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    yang paling make sense sampai saat ini sih cuman 4 dimensi kek nya________________ :belajar:
  9. bighendz Veteran


    Post Hunter

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Dimensi yang dimaksud itu teori mengenai percabangan waktu ya :pusing:
    bener - bener bahasan Fisika berat nih.

    apakah pembahasan ini mengarah ke multidimensional dan berfokus kepada time machine :blink:
    saya cuma nebak - nebak , ngga ngarti deh suruh nerjemahin apa maksud pidionya :lol:
  10. Iya_an Veteran



    Jan 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
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    Dosen.. mana dosen.. :voodoo:
    ada rang butuh penjelasan ini,,,, 10 dimensi, :cambuk2:

    udeh ada yg baca bukunya rob bryanton belum yg judulnya Imagining 10th dimension....
    wuihh bagus banget walaupun gw akui bikin otak gw mau meledak saking njilemetnya penjelasan beliau

    jadi menurut beliau, alam semesta ini berdasarkan teori super string harus terdiri atas 10 dimensi agar hukum hukum mekanika kuantum dan relativitas einstein bisa klop n make sense

    kita mulai dari dimensi 0 : yaitu titik...yang kalian semua sudah pada tahu. titik gak punya ukuran. dia hanya penanda posisi dalam suatu sistem

    dimensi 1 : adalah garis. kita bs membuat dimensi 1 dengan membuat garis antar 2 titik. hanya punya satu dimensi, yaitu panjang

    dimensi 2: adalah bidang. dibuat dengan membuat 2 garis berpotongan. jadi punya panjang dan lebar.

    dimensi 3: ada;lah dimensi yg kita tempati sekarang ini. punya panjang, lebar dan tinggi atau ketebalan (depth)

    nah mulai masuk dimensi 4 nih yag mulai susah....gw gak bs deh nerjemahinnya ke indonesia. mending googling aja deh 10th dimensioan. ada videonya kok

    kalo gak salah dimensi 4 itu ditambahkan oleh waktu. jd variabel waktu adalah dimensi keempat. di dimensi 4 ini, adalah dimensi yg menghubungkan alam semesta dati satu titik waktu ke arah titik waktu berikutnya. jd arahnya maju dari masa lalu ke masa depan.

    di dimensi 4, anda akan melihat diri anda secara kontinue dari lahir, balita, dewasa, sampe mati dalam satu garis. seperti ular lah.yg kita alami di dimensi 3 adalah cross section dari dimensi 4 pada tiap waktu tertentu

    dimensi 5,6,7,8,9...10....liat aja di situs originalnya
    Welcome to the Tenth Dimension (text-based version)

    In string theory, physicists tell us that the subatomic particles that make up our universe are created within ten spatial dimensions (plus an eleventh dimension of "time") by the vibrations of exquisitely small "superstrings". The average person has barely gotten used to the idea of there being four dimensions: how can we possibly imagine the tenth?
    Imagining the Ten Dimensions

    The flash version of this website (www.tenthdimension.com) provides an interactive set of animations with narration and sound effects which explain the basic concepts from chapter one of the book. The media-rich nature of these animations is not recommended for viewing with a dialup connection because of long load times. Below is a transcript of the narration from those animations. The ideas presented here come from chapter one of a new book called "Imagining the Tenth Dimension: a new way of thinking about time and space", written by Rob Bryanton.

    0. A point (no dimension)

    We start with a point. Like the “point” we know from geometry, it has no size, no dimension. It’s just an imaginary idea that indicates a position in a system.

    1. The first dimension – a line

    A second point, then, can be used to indicate a different position, but it, too, is of indeterminate size. To create the first dimension, all we need is a line joining any two points. A first dimensional object has length only, no width or depth.

    2. The Second Dimension – A Split

    If we now take our first dimensional line and draw a second line crossing the first, we’ve entered the second dimension. The object we’re representing now has a length and a width, but no depth. To help us with imagining the higher dimensions, we’re going to represent our second dimensional object as being created using a second line which branches off from the first.

    Now, let’s imagine a race of two-dimensional creatures called “Flatlanders”. What would it be like to be a Flatlander living in their two-dimensional world? A two-dimensional creature would have only length and width, as if they were the royalty on an impossibly flat playing card. Picture this: a Flatlander couldn’t possibly have a digestive tract, because the pipe from their mouth to their bottom would divide them into two pieces! And a Flatlander trying to view our three-dimensional world would only be able to perceive shapes in two-dimensional cross-sections. A balloon passing through the Flatlander’s world, for instance, would start as a tiny dot, become a hollow circle which inexplicably grows to a certain size, then shrinks back to a dot before popping out of existence. And we three-dimensional human beings would seem very strange indeed to a Flatlander.

    3. The Third Dimension – A Fold

    Imagining the third dimension is the easiest for us because every moment of our lives that is what we’re in. A three dimensional object has length, width, and height. But here’s another way to describe the third dimension: if we imagine an ant walking across a newspaper which is lying on a table, we can pretend that the ant is a Flatlander, walking along on a flat two-dimensional newspaper world. If that paper is now folded in the middle, we create a way for our Flatlander Ant to “magically” disappear from one position in his two-dimensional world and be instantly transported to another. We can imagine that we did this by taking a two-dimensional object and folding it through the dimension above, which is our third dimension. Once again, it’ll be more convenient for us as we imagine the higher dimensions if we can think of the third dimension in this way: the third dimension is what you “fold through” to jump from one point to another in the dimension below.

    4. The Fourth Dimension – A Line

    Okay. The first three dimensions can be described with these words: “length, width, and depth”. What word can we assign to the fourth dimension? One answer would be, “duration”. If we think of ourselves as we were one minute ago, and then imagine ourselves as we are at this moment, the line we could draw from the “one-minute-ago version” to the “right now” version would be a line in the fourth dimension. If you were to see your body in the fourth dimension, you would be like a long undulating snake, with your embryonic self at one end and your deceased self at the other. But because we live from moment to moment in the third dimension, we are like our second dimensional Flatlanders. Just like that Flatlander who could only see two-dimensional cross-sections of objects from the dimension above, we as three-dimensional creatures can only see three-dimensional cross-sections of our fourth-dimensional self.

    5. The Fifth Dimension – A Split

    One of the most intriguing aspects of there being one dimension stacked on another is that down here in the dimensions below we can be unaware of our motion in the dimensions above. Here’s a simple example: if we make a Möbius strip (take a long strip of paper, add one twist to it and tape the ends together) and draw a line down the length of it, our line will eventually be on both sides of the paper before it meets back with itself. It appears, somewhat amazingly, that the strip has only one side, so it must be a representation of a two-dimensional object. And this means that a two-dimensional Flatlander traveling down the line we just drew would end up back where they started without ever feeling like they had left the second dimension. In reality, they would be looping and twisting in the third dimension, even though to them it felt like they were traveling in a straight line.

    The fourth dimension, time, feels like a straight line to us, moving from the past to the future. But that straight line in the fourth dimension is, like the Möbius strip, actually twisting and turning in the dimension above. So, the long undulating snake that is us at any particular moment will feel like it is moving in a straight line in time, the fourth dimension, but there will actually be, in the fifth dimension, a multitude of paths that we could branch to at any given moment. Those branches will be influenced by our own choice, chance, and the actions of others.

    Quantum physics tells us that the subatomic particles that make up our world are collapsed from waves of probability simply by the act of observation. In the picture we are drawing for ourselves here, we can now start to see how each of us are collapsing the indeterminate wave of probable futures contained in the fifth dimension into the fourth dimensional line that we are experiencing as “time”.

    6. The Sixth Dimension – A Fold

    What if you wanted to go back into your own childhood and visit yourself? We can imagine folding the fourth dimension through the fifth, jumping back through time and space to get there. But what if you wanted to get to the world where, for example, you had created a great invention as a child that by now had made you famous and rich? We can imagine our fourth-dimensional selves branching out from our current moment into the fifth dimension, but no matter where you go from here the “great child inventor” timeline is not one of the available options in your current version of time -- “you can’t get there from here” -- no matter how much choice, chance, and the actions of others become involved.

    There are only two ways you could get to that world – one would be to travel back in time, somehow trigger the key events that caused you to come up with your invention, then travel forward in the fifth dimension to see one of the possible new worlds that might have resulted. But that would be taking the long way. The shortcut we could take would involve us folding the fifth dimension through the sixth dimension, which allows us to instantly jump from our current position to a different fifth dimensional line.

    7. The Seventh Dimension – A Line

    In our description of the fourth dimension, we imagined taking the dimension below and conceiving of it as a single point. The fourth dimension is a line which can join the universe as it was one minute ago to the universe as it is right now. Or in the biggest picture possible, we could say that the fourth dimension is a line which joins the big bang to one of the possible endings of our universe.

    Now, as we enter the seventh dimension, we are about to imagine a line which treats the entire sixth dimension as if it were a single point. To do that, we have to imagine all of the possible timelines which could have started from our big bang joined to all of the possible endings for our universe (a concept which we often refer to as infinity), and treat them all as a single point. So, for us, a point in the seventh dimension would be infinity – all possible timelines which could have or will have occurred from our big bang.

    8. The Eighth Dimension – A Split

    When we describe infinity as being a “point” in the seventh dimension, we are only imagining part of the picture. If we’re drawing a seventh dimensional line, we need to be able to imagine what a different “point” in the seventh dimension is going to be, because that’s what our line is going to be joined to. But how can there be anything more than infinity? The answer is, there can be other completely different infinities created through initial conditions which are different from our own big bang. Different initial conditions will create different universes where the basic physical laws such as gravity or the speed of light are not the same as ours, and the resulting branching timelines from that universe’s beginning to all of its possible endings will create an infinity which is completely separate from the one which is associated with our own universe. So the line we draw in the seventh dimension will join one of these infinities to another. And, as boggling as the magnitude of what we are exploring here might be, if we were to branch off from that seventh dimensional line to draw a line to yet another infinity, we would then be entering the eighth dimension.

    9. The Ninth Dimension – A Fold

    As we’ve explored already, we can jump from one point in any dimension to another simply by folding it through the dimension above. If our ant on the newspaper were a two-dimensional Flatlander, then folding his two-dimensional world through the third dimension would allow him to magically disappear from one location and appear in a different one. As we’re now imagining the ninth dimension, the same rules would apply – if we were to be able to instantaneously jump from one eighth dimensional line to another, it would be because we were able to fold through the ninth dimension.

    10. The Tenth Dimension – A Point?

    Before we discussed the first dimension, we could say that we first started out with dimension zero, which is the geometrical concept of the “point”. A point indicates a location in a system, and each point is of indeterminate size. The first dimension then, takes two of these “points” and joins them with a line.

    When we imagined the fourth dimension, it was as if we were treating the entirety of three-dimensional space in a particular state as a single point, and drawing a fourth-dimensional line to another point representing space as it is in a different state. We often refer to the line we have just drawn as “time”.

    Then in the seventh dimension, we treated all of the possible timelines which could be generated from our big bang as if this were a single point, and imagined drawing a line to a point representing all of the possible timelines for a completely different universe.

    Now, as we enter the tenth dimension, we have to imagine all of the possible branches for all the possible timelines of all the possible universes and treat that as a single point in the tenth dimension. Whew! So far, so good. But this is where we hit a roadblock: if we’re going to imagine the tenth dimension as continuing the cycle, and being a line, then we’re going to have to imagine a different point that we can draw that line to. But there’s no place left to go! By the time we have imagined all possible timelines for all possible universes as being a single point in the tenth dimension, it appears that our journey is done.

    In String theory, physicists tell us that Superstrings vibrating in the tenth dimension are what create the subatomic particles which make up our universe, and all of the other possible universes as well. In other words, all possibilities are contained within the tenth dimension, which would appear to be the concept we have just built for ourselves as we imagined the ten dimensions, built one upon another.

    ; Sumber buku ;
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2012
  11. afahmi13 Members


    Silent Reader

    Dec 23, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +158 / -0
    gan menurut ane garis itu dimensi 1, bangun datar dimensi 2, dan bangun ruang baru dimensi 3. titik gak bisa dianggap dimensi

    dimensi itu gak cuma terdiri dari dimensi ruang aja. ada juga yang namanya dimensi waktu. di dunia yang kita tempatin ini, ada 3 dimensi raung dan 1 dimensi waktu

    thanks :)
  12. kacefuTM M V U



    Dec 25, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +202 / -0
    nah iya nih bener banget yang itu pembahasannya..:top: kalau pun ada dosen yang ngasih kuliah ini jg ane si bakal ngantuk jg kali gara2 abstrak..:lol: tp tergantung dosennya jg sih..kalo ini mah uda bahasan fisika quantum jadi ya? jd ini cm biar teori2 kuantum dll bisa klop toh...hmm2 :iii:

    iya sob tau kok kalo kita ada 3 dimensi ruang dan 1 waktu..tp kalo menurut teori diatas kan ada 10 dimensi..kalo yang itu gimana pendapatnya bro? :hmm:
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2012
  13. Iya_an Veteran



    Jan 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    +38,106 / -89
    udah g mau ngbahas lagi, puyeng... :dead:

    salam aja ya :peace:
  14. warna M V U



    Aug 17, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +14 / -0
    puyeng~ dah nonton ber kali2 tetap ga ngerti~ wkwkwkkw.... ada yg bisa jelasin ga?
  15. nano_nano M V U


    Lurking Around

    Feb 11, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +761 / -0
    :kaget:______dimensi ke 10 balik lagi ketitik?__________:pusing:

    kosong adalah isi__isi adalah kosong______:doa:
  16. kr4ddr0l Members


    Silent Reader

    Sep 3, 2009
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    kata gw sih, untuk ngebayangin dimensi yang cuma 4 aja manusia udah kewalahan, apalagi dimensi yang ke 10, tambah rumit kan.. jadi sepertinya impossible lah..
  17. valarze M V U


    Lurking Around

    May 5, 2009
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    Kalo menurut ane video ini meletakkan dimensi sebagai sebuah konsep yang disusun oleh kemungkinan dan alternate dari setiap aspek dalam alam semesta, bukan sebagai sebuah bentuk... Kalo 0D - 4D mau dibikin dalam bentuk cerita dan kemungkinan2nya bisa juga kok...

    Anggap aja ada titik, T1 (0D) bergerak ke sebuah lokasi dan kitas sebut itu T2, maka dapat dihubungkan dengan sebuah garis yang merupakan perjalanan dari T1 ke T2 (1D). Bilang saja T1 punya kemungkinan untuk pergi ke sebuah lokasi lain, dengan demikian, ada alternate dari T2, misalnya sebuah cabang dari garis perjalanan itu dan kita sebut T3, sehingga dapat terbentuk 2D, yaitu sebuah permukaan di mana terkandung semua kemungkinan pergerakan titik T1. Dalam 3D, T1 dan T2/T3 dapat dipertemukan dengan cara melipat permukaan melalui sebuah satuan baru (dalam matematika "tinggi/kedalaman" bahasa inggrisnya "depth"). Semua kemungkinan percabangan dalam 2D dapat disatukan menjadi sebuah titik baru dalam 3D dan bisa dianggap sebagai sebuah posisi. Posisi di 3D itu dihubungkan secara linear dengan posisi lainnya oleh waktu (4D). Selanjutnya yah gitu dah... Hahaha...

    Konsep alternate future dan juga multiverse kelihatannya bisa diterapkan dalam konsep ini...

    Yang ane tangkep...

    Dimensi 0 - Titik

    Dimensi 1 - Dua titik disambungin dengan sebuah garis

    Dimensi 2 - Diambil cabang dari garis dimensi 1, dan membentuk permukaan/luas... (Sampai di sini garis dan titik tidak memiliki arti yang dalam, hanya sekedar garis dan titik di atas kertas secara matematis)

    Dimensi 3 - Dimensi ruang, percabangan dari dimensi 2, cukup jelas... di mana, dimensi 2 bisa kita main2kan, misalnya dilipat dan dua titik yang tadinya secara luas berseberangan (ujung ke ujung) bisa kita tekuk dan ketemukan sehingga perjalanan dalam dimensi 2 bisa dipersingkat (di mata dimensi 2, terlihat seperti teleport).

    Dimensi 4 - Dari sudut pandang dimensi 4, jalur hidup kita linear, dan di sini sebuah garis yang menhubungkan kita dengan kita yang sebelumnya berarti "waktu", tapi kalau misalnya ada sesuatu yang di dimensi 4 yang 'melipat' atau 'menekuk' bidang dimensi 3 kita, maka kita bisa meloncat2 antara ruang dan waktu karena jalurnya sudah di'dekatkan'...

    Dimensi 5 - Semua kemungkinan yang dapat bercabang (tarik 'garis' dari dimensi 4) dari jalur hidup kita... misalnya, kita yang sekarang jadi guru bisa aja jadi dokter di timeline lain... dan dengan me'nekuk' dimensi 4, kita bisa kembali ke masa lalu, lalu mengatur2 diri kita di masa lalu untuk tumbuh dalam 'alternate future' kita... Karena di dimensi 4, jalur hidup kita sudah ditentukan, maka kita hanya bisa bolak balik di jalur hidup kita, dan ga bisa ke 'alternate future' secara langsung...

    Dimensi 6 - Kembali dengan me'nekuk' dimensi 5 dari sudut pandang dimensi 6, maka kita tidak perlu repot2 kembali ke masa lalu lalu untuk mengatur hidup kita dari awal untuk masuk 'alternate future'... Kita bisa dengan langsung meloncat ke alternate future kita dengan kondisi kita sekarang...

    Memasuki dimensi ke 7, skala yang kita gunakan sudah berubah... Dalam skala kosmik, 'garis' dari dimensi 4 yang kita gunakan merupakan durasi waktu dari awal pembentukan semesta sampai akhir zaman. Di sini, percabangan dan kemungkinan kita sudah termasuk sebagian kecil di antara awal dan akhir. Dalam analogi, antara big bang sampai akhir zaman, semua kemungkinan bisa terjadi (dimensi 5)... Jadi, kita menarik cabang dari asal mula big bang ke bermacam2 kemungkinan akhir zaman dan kita satukan saat memasuki dimensi tujuh, semuanya kita satukan, dan kita mulai ulang sebagai sebuah titik (yang disebut infiniti).

    Dimensi 7 - Bagaimana jika ternyata di alam semesta ini, garis yang digunakan memiliki arti yang lebih besar daripada waktu? Bagaimana seandainya ada dimensi di mana big bang tidak terjadi tapi ada terjadi proses lain pembentukan alam semesta hingga akhir zamannya? Jika ada dua kemungkinan proses seperti itu, maka dapat kita hubungkan dengan sebuah garis. Apa yang menjadi 'garis' ini saya tidak tahu, dan kelihatannya tidak disebutkan dalam video. Di sini, kelihatannya kedua titik infiniti terhubung oleh sesuatu yang lebih besar daripada waktu karena masing2 infiniti memiliki 'garis' waktu sendiri2. Semua kemungkinan alam semesta kita dan semua kemungkinan semesta versi lainnya dihubungkan tapi sudah termasuk awal dan akhir zaman, sehingga waktu sudah menjadi tidak signifikan...

    Dimensi 8 - Semua kemungkinan dengan percabangan 'garis' dari dua titik di dimensi 7... Sampai sini, sudah sulit dijelaskan dengan kata2...

    Dimensi 9 - Untuk lebih simple, kita balik ke kondisi 2D dan 3D di mana percabangan dapat kita 'tekuk' untuk mempertemukan dua titik dalam suatu sistem. Tujuannnya untuk apa sudah mulai ga mudeng...

    Dimensi 10 - Semua kemungkinan di dimensi 8 dijadikan satu titik. Di sini, segala kemungkinan alam semesta dan juga alternatenya sudah terkandung di dalamnya. Sudah tidak ada lagi hal/kemungkinan yang bisa kita tarik garis (atau yang bisa kita pikirkan) untuk melanjutkan ke dimensi 11. Mungkin juga di sini batas pemikiran manusia, dan untuk sementara sudah mentok...

    CMIIW... soalnya pake bahasa sendiri... hehee... mungkin kapan2 ane bisa coba pelajari lagi dan bikin ringkasannya yang lebih mudah dimengerti... hahaa...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  18. aksa123 M V U


    Post Hunter

    Jul 6, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    +343 / -0
    Dimensi ga mesti berupa ruang. Dimensi besaran (quantity) jg ada :massa, panjang, suhu, waktu, intensitas cahaya, arus, mol.
    Ruang adl dimensi panjang pangkat 3 [L]^3, luas [L]^2 etc.

    OOT dikit ya :lol:
  19. eantz M V U



    Mar 18, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +8 / -0
    Pengetahuan baru ni..
    selama ini saya menganggap dimensi itu berupa ruang (tergantung ruang itu punya kedalaman atau tidak)
    di sini yang saya masih nangkep itu cuma sampai 4 dimensi (ditambah waktu) yang berarti mengubah cara pandang saya kalau dimensi itu bukan cuma berupa ruang..

    kalau yang dimensi 5 dan seterusnya kok saya masih gak mudeng..harus banyak2 baca lagi ni ternyata..
  20. bambu_men Members


    Silent Reader

    Mar 11, 2009
    Trophy Points:
    +448 / -0
    yang saya tangkap dari kedua video itu adalah semua berawal dari sebuah titik dan kemudian pada dimensi ke 4 ditambahkan waktu dan kemudian terjadilah semua kemungkinan yang bisa manusia pikirkan hingga mencapai batasnya yaitu dimensi ke 10.
  21. mafran Members


    Silent Reader

    Sep 24, 2010
    Trophy Points:
    +1 / -0
    mkirin 3d aja udh pusing gan,apalagi ampe 11 bahkan 26 dimensi :|
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IDWS, dari kami yang terbaik-untuk kamu-kamu (the best from us to you) yang lebih dikenal dengan IDWS adalah sebuah forum komunitas lokal yang berdiri sejak 15 April 2007. Dibangun sebagai sarana mediasi dengan rekan-rekan pengguna IDWS dan memberikan terbaik untuk para penduduk internet Indonesia menyajikan berbagai macam topik diskusi.